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joined Sep 27, 2017

Jerkface finds self-sanctification in both controlling girls and images of a specific masculinity he aspires to. He says as much himself. Even if not sexual, it's still a matter of self-fulfillment and control at the expense of others. He's not used to girls telling him no, so when they do he's emotionally harmed as the dominant party. However, if the rejection meets his view of masculinity then he's fulfilled as the submissive party. He was first scared of Mitsuki, but then gets all blushed and starry eyed by her aggressive approach to him.

I suppose I'm simply not getting all of that from his character.

Wrapping someone around one's finger is controlling them to perform what one wants out of them. Jerkface says he's used to getting his way with girls in this manner. When Mitsuki can not fulfill what he's after, he mocks her. Aya in response calls him Jerkface, which slowly eats at him the rest of the day. He's wounded.

He then gives Mistuki, "pure and manly praise" for her appearance. He's not hitting on her, just praising her for a "male" image he's partial to. And when she acts strongly to him, he shows fear but also stars come to his eyes and he blushes. Mitsuki looks and acts, in Jerkface's opinion, in a "manly" way that appeals to Jerkface, but also scares him.

Whether he meant by the way or not, it doesn't much matter. Because he's still looking for an in into a relationship he's otherwise not part of. What fun is he referring to?

When pushed he's not that bad. But otherwise how he treats people initially is not nice at all. Guy can learn.

I guess I just view him as a cocky young guy that is trying too hard to act cool.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Jerkface finds self-sanctification in both controlling girls and images of a specific masculinity he aspires to. He says as much himself. Even if not sexual, it's still a matter of self-fulfillment and control at the expense of others. He's not used to girls telling him no, so when they do he's emotionally harmed as the dominant party. However, if the rejection meets his view of masculinity then he's fulfilled as the submissive party. He was first scared of Mitsuki, but then gets all blushed and starry eyed by her aggressive approach to him.

I suppose I'm simply not getting all of that from his character.

joined Sep 27, 2017

So many people are willing to give Jerkface another chance one he said he'd keep his mouth shut, but he confirmed his jerkface status when he realized that Aya was into Mitsuki/Shop Clerk and his first inclination was to suggest that he could join in with them in their relations. I understand that impulse to want to watch/join/admire two (or more) attractive women enjoy each other's company, but to suggest that, out loud, to her face, in public (since she was at work), was a true jerkface move. It totally cemented his status as sleaze in my mind.

Yep I'm worried about this as well. I try and give people the benefit of doubt and give others a second chance but the first thing I thought of is he's gonna attempt to blackmail her eventually. Hoping he's not as much of a jerkface as it's lead onto believe though. But I def foresee some kind of blackmail in the future.

Riiiiiight bc Boys and Girls cant be friends or that a boy cant be friends with 2 girls without having "threesome" reasons in mind right? Thats bs

No, guys and girls (of any age group/gap) CAN be friends without any of the physical aspects. It wasn't my intention to say that can't happen. My reading of that character and his intentions, based on his behavior and introduction, gives me reason to doubt his sincerity for any kind of friendship that doesn't involve the physical aspects. It's been my own experience that anyone who would try to manipulate people based on their own outer attractiveness (his introduction), isn't too far away from taking that next step down 'that' path. (Not trying to be mysterious or obtuse, I'm trying to not be crass or straight up obscene).

I think he's just a bit of a narcissist. I don't think there's anything romantic or malicious involved, he just thinks each of them is individually super cool and subconsciously thinks he can raise his status by hanging out with these two really cool girls.

At least that's how it reads to me. He needs a humbling, but at the moment at least he's not actively bad.

It's a bit of both.

In lieu of a name, Jerkface makes clear in Chapter 13 that he approaches girls as a manipulator and is used to, "wrap a girl around my finger" (Chapter 12 pg 1 and 4). Even if the approach is non-sexual, he still expects girls to fulfill some personal service to him at their expense.

In his request to be "part of the fun" in a female only relationship, he prefaces his interest in Mitsuki's physical appearance as "hot" and masculine. Though his compliment offends, his attempt was to manipulate through flattery and a sense of "comrades among men" to get Mitsuki to "allow" him access to a close relationship between girls he is otherwise not privy to (Chapter 15 page 2)

His expectation may not be sexual per say (it's also best not to confuse romantic with sexual), but he is still using manipulation to use a relationship between girls for his own self-fulfillment. What he wasn't expecting was girls telling him no nor confronting him.

However, even in the confrontation he still manages to find self-fulfillment. There is nothing explicit sexual, but sexual isn't the only form of bodily and or psychological self-fulfillment. It's most often about having control. Otherwise, it's not friendship he's after and his actions remain in line with the sexual "lesbians are hot, let me join in" even if sex isn't the desire fulfillment looked for.

Is he irredeemable? No, not in general. But he's a jerk for sure and he may be irredeemable to others he may have hurt before.


joined Sep 27, 2017

This felt like a strange chapter...just a "well all that effort for nothing, and now everyone is gaining weight lol". I don't know what to think...I still love the art and character designs at least haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

That tail holding is cute

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Does this include yourself?

joined Sep 27, 2017

No matter how clean you wipe or wash, the moment you fart, all those fecal particles travelling in the aerosol dirties everything again.

Also a hose is disgusting, you'll be spreading all the fecal matter more widely and think about how shitty the hose (and the toilet) is going to be in the first place.

They do sell special alcohol wipes if you really need it to be extremely clean, but remember you'll also be rubbing away the natural oils that protect your anus from drying out and becoming inflamed, sore, broken and itchy.

PS: for those who don't wipe, keep in mind that people around you can actually smell your shit just by standing and know you don't clean up after a dump just by standing nearby, but they are perhaps too polite to break it to you that you smell shitty...

I can't help but laugh because this quickly turned into a conversation about blasting one's asshole with a hose, and spraying shit everywhere. Disgusting, but humorous heh

last edited at Jul 30, 2022 3:50AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

A fox-bat is a thing at least :P

Very cute tho!

joined Sep 27, 2017


Also I'm glad we're getting more of these two, definitely hope it keeps up!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Those lipstick marks and mess down there are both real hot

joined Sep 27, 2017

I always love extreme size difference

joined Sep 27, 2017

Mmm cat buns

joined Sep 27, 2017

^It's a very nice usage of pink and blue I think

joined Sep 27, 2017

Hope I don't surprise you when I say that some people are clean enough that they don't have literal shit on their ass all the time. Mate.

Apparently some men just, don’t wipe? Because it’s “too feminine” or something?

This comment came directly from the 80's

Funnily I've heard at least a couple of times in the last year or so that some men don't wipe because they're "worried about it being too gay". Hopefully you heard how hard I rolled my eyes as I typed that haha

Also concerning is that a lot of people don't wash their hands...

Basically I'm not letting people near me if I can help it >.>

joined Sep 27, 2017

Love their art, this was a very cute little story.

joined Sep 27, 2017

^They've got a good dynamic in my opinion, and I just dig the ship, so all I can say is "shrug" haha

joined Sep 27, 2017


joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm definitely looking forward to more, thanks for the translation!

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm still loving the fluffy coziness of this series.

joined Sep 27, 2017

^ I dm'ed Sumiko a while back. Apparently she grew up outside of Japan, hence why she's fluent in English and probably why she has a facination with Rock music.

I think that's helpful to know, thanks.

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Lmao I can definitely see it

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Oh nice to know, thank you!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Note from the artist in the source thread: "On a serious note now: I'll be taking a break from making these comics. I honestly feel like my content is gradually getting worse (IMO) and I can do better, so It'll take a while for me to post again. Idk when."

I hope they enjoy their break, and I definitely look forward to the artist's return as these 1 page comics have been really fun.

joined Sep 27, 2017

These two have probably quickly become my favorite ship in the Zelda franchise.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Lumine enjoying her best life