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joined Jul 26, 2016

Blastaar posted:

Maybe one could imagine a story that sets up a situation where a whole complex of internal and external circumstances are keeping the main couple apart, and the story reaches a point where no solution seems even remotely possible, and then suddenly whoosh, all the seemingly intractable obstacles are overcome, perhaps even in just a single page of silent panels so that readers aren’t even told how they’re overcome, and then there’s a glorious wedding scene of the main couple, in color, and there’s not even the slightest inkling of, for example, who’s going to take over the Aihara school.

I feel if someone had told that story, it would become incredibly popular and held as yuri masterpiece by many.

My, whatever might you be referring to? Sounds like a story I need to get acquainted with !!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm hoping this turns into actual Yuri and aki gets stronger than goblin and saves her from something.

I think the author is into somewhat more nuanced and complex storytelling, given the precedent of Granite v. Candlehead...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Forget it, folks—this is the implacable Grand Inquisitor of Yuri Manga:

“Truly I say unto you that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a story to earn the title of ‘yuri.’ And if it even contains a male character?—fuggedaboutit.”

Only the Inquisition (or more properly Inquisitions; one was set up to cover a specified region as needed and was quite separate from others of its kind elsewhere) actually had, and mostly stuck to, pretty stringent rules about proof and evidence. Which is incidentally why they tended to take a very dim view of witch-hunts as mere superstitious hysteria.

Meh I don't care, judge me what you want, I have my favorites works here, anyway this story I did only read it 7 chapters and I got bored after with this happened I'm choosing very carefully what I read, etc.
My rule: Yuri must be Yuri, het must be het, Yaoi must be Yaoi, any of those can't get mixed because they're very different...
That count even the brother is trolling his sister
Besides, with more of 30 chapters and no noticeable advance, I suggest a reconsider of tag
Yuri Crush Subtext

Your bizarre genre-apartheid dogmatism aside you're literally and glaringly contradicting yourself here. If you dropped this - deliberately slow-burn, one might add - series after mere 7 chapters (emphasis added to quote above) then what can you possibly even KNOW about where the narrative stands at over five times that number, and why exactly do you think you're still at all qualified to pass judgement on what tags it should/n't have?
Or for that matter, that you're at all relevant to the discussion in the first place?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm also still annoyed at this. I thought I will get a story about trying to forget about your love/learning to deal with it. Instead we are clearly building for yuri ending

What's the problem with yuri ending? If you want unrequited loves that never become requited, check real life lol

Mostly that as things stand with this series it's rather looking like that ending would be rather contrived, forced and artificial rather than something developing "organically" from the narrative. Pandering to audience wish-fulfillment (*poignant stare*) and good storytelling are quite separate matters and only too readily and often in direct conflict.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Are you people sure about this work is Yuri? Is more like a common subtext. I suggest the tag if in 2 chapters more it doesn't appear any noticeable advance

That's a bizarrely specific number for a series that's at 38 chapters and counting.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Troll nii-san trolls again lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Edit: Maki best girl.


Image Comments 27 Feb 14:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

More specifically Asuka is generally referred to as the "class mom" by Tomoko, being the resident friendly onee-sama type who gets along with pretty much everybody.

joined Jul 26, 2016

What I took away from this is that japanese summers are hot as hell.

i would guess so too, since apparently tokyo doesnt get much snow-- which means theyre closer to the equator then i thought...

Quick look at map puts Hokkaido at about the height of the southern parts of Germany and Canada while Kyushu roughly shares latitude with Morocco and the southern US; having most of its coastlines washed by a major warm ocean current (the Kuroshio) doesn't hurt. Most of the place classifies as humid subtropical - can confirm, having been to Osaka in summer.

Image Comments 27 Feb 10:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^Quite a bit of the populace disagreed, or came to, as likely did her various enemies among the upper crust (though that'd have been a minor detail to them as the aristocracy was very international).

Image Comments 27 Feb 09:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

Marie was Austrian tho. Then again, the Germans and beer...

Image Comments 27 Feb 09:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

Vivio accidentally a new technique, "Clam Jam"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey y'all what if this all but a story being drawn by Tadokoro and she never actually met Nikaidou-sama in the first place? Think about it ...

What if we all are just a story drawn by Tadokoro?

This is some Zhuangzi level mindbending yo

last edited at Feb 26, 2019 4:38PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I just caught up on this and Kazami's disgust.jpg face lmfaooooooooo

joined Jul 26, 2016

RAISE A SUILEN!!!! Waiting for CHU2 headbang! Roselia is still my favorite, but I just fell in love with this band since R・I・O・T and man, the 2nd Single is lit!

I must be getting old, this youth slang is waaaaaay over my head.
brb kids on lawn

Image Comments 26 Feb 11:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

^*bites pipe* It's machine code

last edited at Feb 26, 2019 11:41AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how Kodama's works here tend to be free double-shot entertainement; the manga itself and the shocking but inevitable MORAL PANIC REEEEEE in the comments. :3

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's like there's two comic. One is Yuri Natsu, another one is Stan Miller.

Two for the price of one! A steal!

joined Jul 26, 2016

As shown here, the Power of Lazy Plot Devices trumps the laws of physics.

FTFY. I'm slightly surprised they haven't had a "colliding-in-corner-with-bread-in-mouth" scene yet tbh...

Citrus + discussion 26 Feb 07:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

In my opinion the love triangle with Yuzu is not going to happen, as in, Yuzu is never going to hear about this. But Harumin most certainly has feelings for her. The purpose of this in the story is because for it to have SOME drama but not CRAZY drama, Matsuri getting Harumin must come with an obstacle. Otherwise it would be too boring.

About whether Harumin will acknowledge her feelings or not, I think she must, if she is to then move on from it and fall in love with Matsuri instead. Basically she needs to have some moment of vulnerability or "breaking point" like the few times that Mei did, or there's no way they are gonna be together (I suppose the same can be said for Matsuri, how can Harumin date her if she behaves like a troll 24/7? lol).

That's roughly my guess too, if the plot's going to go that way. Harumin is one of the people best aware of the kind of bullshit Yuzu and Mei have been through up to this point and from everything we've seen of her mindset if she's realized she holds more-than-friends affection for the former she'd bloody well rather have teeth pulled than admit it to the persons concerned and create a new conflict.
'Less she snaps under the stress ofc, but even then I reckon she'd be more likely to confide the matter to just about anyone else for the same reasons.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^How is the title "Secret Crash on My Sister" related to every character? Mangaka is just stretching this story coz she don't know what to tell anymore. Isn't this their first serialization?

Maybe the side characters will actually play an important role in the end. You know, like helping Uta rescue Kaoru from Reiichi, Power Ranger squad-style. I've seen that somewhere...

So you're saying they'll be going from The Three Stooges to the Ginyu Force?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think all the cool kidsmost of us can agree that as narrative devices/character traits go the "Yamada the Helpless Ingénue" one is rather starting to overstay both its utility and its welcome.

last edited at Feb 26, 2019 6:58AM

Image Comments 26 Feb 06:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

What even are tendons and ligaments? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ojou-sama reading perverted stuff while looking blissful and in heaven, when others think she's just reading normal stuff... I can totally relate to that.

"They're looking elegant as ever today..."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Anyone else paranoid as f### over Sakurako sneezing twice over inconsequential things???

Probably cancer. The series will end with her death. RIP.

Well it's not lupus at least.