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joined Jul 26, 2016

Agree with the above about the mischievous Yuu, probably for the same reason I have a soft spot for Aoba’s mildly-sadistic-senpai streak in New Game. A form of gap moe, I guess.

Well aside from well-done snark and mischief simply being entertaining to watch that adds depth and variety to a character. "Nice guy/girl" characters without some quirks and sharp corners are bland and boring.
Such also only too readily come across as wet-noodle pushovers; case in point and to exaggerate only slightly, if Yuu didn't whimsically push back a bit against Nanami every now and then she'd mostly just look like one of those cliche shoujo-manga heroines whose about only attributes tend to be Mary-Sue pureness and severe lack of initiative and agency...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ohhh. Is this the rumored "on again, off again" relationship? Does this mean that the fairy couple breaks up and gets back together a lot? At least that's what I take from Kushu's pinpointed prediction.

True cosmic horror story: apocalyptic power in the hands of a soap opera couple D:

joined Jul 26, 2016

It’s me who has a bit of thing for Yuu. ‘Cuz she’s so cute and sweet.

TBH personally I'm a bigger fan of her mischievous streak. Nakatani drawing some pretty awesome impish grins may be related... >_>

Citrus + discussion 02 Mar 09:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

No, but they are the MCs so...I just find MeiYuzu boring at this point because the dynamic is too repetitive. It would be better if Mei changes.

It would have been even better if Mei had changed about 15 chapters before the end of the main series. . .

15 chapters into the main series would arguably have been better; would have saved an awful lot of repetition at least.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Doujima certainly isn't the classiest dude around and definitely acts pretty boorish at times, but OTOH for all his shameless ogling of the hot sempais I can't remember him ever being anything but well-behaved and friendly in his actual interactions with the girls and we have every reason to believe he's handling his SC duties with due diligence and competence. (Can't really picture Touko and Sayaka keeping him around if he didn't, anyway...)

In short a basically decent chap with some mildly irritating quirks. P sure we've all met those at some point.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Look at random way up there, goin’ for the gold! Lol

All true, but I believe the technical process could more precisely be described as, “Yadda yadda yadda, same world as ours except no fucking men. Yuri ensues.”

Well, yeah. But that's just stating the obvious and missing all the fun of - in all likelihood - putting way more thought into the whole thing than the author did. :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

So... Is this manga focused on the schoolkids or the fairies?


joined Jul 26, 2016

It is clear she has a jaded view but at the same time we have to remember Yuki was treated really shitty herself even by her own parents and is why she is so neurotic.

Excuse me but what? Pretty sure her parents have never even been mentioned.

On another note I knew Yuki was tiny but holy shit she really needs to start eating some animal protein...

Image Comments 02 Mar 06:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Well top left at least has a clear case of the headbands...

Image Comments 02 Mar 06:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

Maya Stole The Precious Thing?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Lily confirmed hueg nerd; I approve.

Image Comments 01 Mar 20:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

Image Comments 01 Mar 16:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

^That was really just the top "princely" layer, who between considerations of dynastic strategy and the need to marry someone of roughly equal rank tended to have pretty sharply curtailed pool of potential spouses. The middle and lower aristocracy were numerous enough - and regularly got enough "new blood" from elevated commoners - to mostly dodge the consanguinity problem. (Ancien regime France actually had one of the most porous barriers between the lower aristocracy and upper commoners of its day; to caricature only slightly any schmuck with the wealth and property to back it up could just declare himself a minor noble and get accepted as such, albeit with the usual social snubbing of arrivistes ofc.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

House wife neighbor lady is beyond adorable. You can tell she loves taking care of the disheveled mangaka girl living next door.

To be fair Shirokuma is a dangerously huggable little critter.

it's funny you should say that. I was thinking the same thing about Nanako...

Fair enough, though unlike Shiro Nanako cannot in good conscience be described as "small"... in, uh, more than one sense too. 3_3 ( . )( . )

edit: also this chapter was surprisingly not depressing considering the chapter's title. It was really cool seeing people supporting her more than "hey, be less sad!" I mean, Nanako *sort *of did, but if someone told me that by cooking whatever I wanted I'd be fine with it.

A hot meal and good company can certainly work wonders to improve someone's mood; and whereas "snap out of it" is an useless (and often downright insulting) zero-effort platitude something like cooking a meal is a concrete and unmistakable display of sympathy and personal investement.

last edited at Mar 1, 2019 12:16PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Or maybe it is Love Triangle, Cheating, and NTR. But I think not.

Oh right, this isn't a Kodama Naoko work. My bad.

joined Jul 26, 2016


Stongly agree

is this NTR?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I was hoping to see where that cliff hanger was leading, but I suppose we will have to wait another month for that. One thing is for certain, that epic look of shock and incredulous disgust on Chiaki's face says she's about to kill a bitch.

Yeah, this feels more like an extra chapter rather than something that actually adds onto the story

Seriously. What's this chapter supposed to be? A side story outside continuity?

I mean, 'cause I can't believe the author decided to leave the festival cliffhanger unresolved...

It certainly looks more like an omake chapter than anything. Might actually be the traditional end-of-volume omake too, looking at the chapter-count patterns.

...though in my books much is in any case forgiven due to smugly confident Harumi spouting cheesy HOT BLOODED shounen tripe lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's also the minor matter that putting your opinion out on a public forum comes with the automatic disclaimer that it may be read by people who disagree with it and have equal right to say as much - and if they find it ball-punchingly stupid some are likely say mean things about it too.

Also people tend to get annoyed if you try to insist your particular crank interpretation should form the baseline for evaluation already due to the sheer towering hubris of it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, am I the only one who ships Ellie with Hinata?


joined Jul 26, 2016

House wife neighbor lady is beyond adorable. You can tell she loves taking care of the disheveled mangaka girl living next door.

To be fair Shirokuma is a dangerously huggable little critter.

joined Jul 26, 2016

[visible confusion]
Not that I blame her, it's pretty lolwut even if you do know the context...

joined Jul 26, 2016

“Genre-apartheid dogmatism”

That’s good. That’s very good.

I mean their stance just about boils down to "any Yuri work that includes positive interaction between the sexes will be investigated for genre Mischblut, ja!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

This is some quality Kaede content


Can't fault his taste in girls. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Image Comments 28 Feb 18:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

^TBF any halfway normal person dies inside a little whenever they run afoul of That Which Is The Sonic Fandom.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hm. You make a really good point. I do disagree in that I don't really feel that 100 years is necessarily a long time, but for most of the population, it's almost ancient history. I was picturing grandmothers a few decades ago remembering their fathers/uncles/grandfathers/etc. But I guess, at least for young women, it's truly not applicable considering I doubt people really passed on tales of masculine expression lol.

Damn d00d. I wasn't thinking I'd get a response and forgot to check, so I'm sorry about the late reply! This stuff is really cool to think about.

Recall that as per the history class conveniently covering the topic the same day Marika isekai'd the male sex was completely extinct by 1920; in circa 2019 someone who was a newborn baby at that point would be hitting a full hundred - and anyone who actually witnessed a still-living, breathing male while old enough to actually remember it with any clarity will be about a decade older.
Not gonna find too many 110-odd year olds whose recollection of their childhood is still worth a shit, that's for sure...

Moreover since the virus just screwed over birth-sex distribution rather than killing off those with XY chromosomes (ie. male extinction happened through total inability to replace deaths rather than massive "die-offs" a la the Black Death) that timeframe means that for the last males to have perished of natural causes by 1920 the virus had to have achieved global coverage by the early 1800s, ie. around the Napoleonic Wars or shortly after.

This also means that Lily's summary of the worldline histories being "mostly the same, but with many minute differences" is utter nonsense.

The demographic impact would have been very noticeable by the mid-1800s at the latest and entire world history would be dramatically different; by the turn of the century global population would have been well under half of what it was in our world - not only were several generations of men simply never born in the first place, but there was an terribly acute and rapidly worsening shortage of males to sire any children at all. (It's unclear when exactly the technological breakthrough allowing female-female procreation was achieved but it probably wasn't a "mature" science before the Thirties or Forties; IRL serious study of genetics was still taking its first baby steps around that time.)
The societal and economical effects of this staggering demographic deficit are difficult to overstate, but one important spin-off divergence is that the great "Wars To End All Wars" of the early 20th century, and the demons they let loose, could not have happened for the simple enough reason nobody had the necessary resource and population bases to wage them. Hell, it's rather unlikely the vertiginous expansion of the colonial empires in the second half of the "Long Nineteenth Century" happened either since the would-be imperial powers had rather more pressing problems at home. (On the upside despite the hit the economy would've taken from shortages of labour and consumers there would've been far fewer people consuming resources so objective scarcity was likely rather less.)
Plus I reckon staring species extinction in the face rather distracted folks from such pursuits.
OTOH that's also the sort of stressor that pushes individual people and entire societies alike into raving lunacy - ought to be a safe bet that some truly bizarre and disturbing doomsday cultism and related was only too common around the turn of the century. And with wholesale extinction breathing down their necks I doubt the scientists desperately searching for some, any solution much cared for the niceties of medical ethics...
Probably a period of history those who lived through it would really rather not reminiscence too much about, all things considered.

Anyway the summa summarum is that some of the most important dynamics, processes and events after about 1800 that created the world as we know it cannot have happened in this timeline. The divergences are too dramatic and go too far back for it to be anything but radically different from ours - though admittedly much of that will be on a scale and scope entirely irrelevant to Marika's immediate and very personal problem of being stranded in the wrong reality.

Oh, and random food for thought: if the virus that excised male H. sapiens sapiens from this timeline is still around - endemic but harmless in the population for ex - then there's a very real possibility Marika is now a carrier, or will be by the time she might find the means to return... and the other Marika she swapped places with probably already introduced it to her timeline.
...this is the work of that one fucking Yuri Fairy again isn't it? >:C

And this concludes tonight's installment of Overthinking Fiction With random-sensei.

last edited at Feb 28, 2019 6:02PM