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joined Mar 23, 2013

Even the lamest of friend is better than no friends unless he backstabs you and/or is extremely harmful, he's not quite there yet.

Yeah, I can see that. Though, if I'm using me as the prick point of reference, I can definitely say anyone who ever came close to befriending me is better of that they didn't, but then I'm generally based against people who I see too much of myself in. Which I do with this guy.

I think the author wanted to show us is a douche but Over here in the west and in the webz, the whole victim blaming thing is big no-no because of rape culture and other things.

Maybe for the korean audience he's just a rude asshole but for many around these parts he's persona non grata and an example of all that is wrong. I don't think Ssamba would know this though.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Aside from that incredibly victim blamy thing he said, I saw a lot of that discussion as a friend who likes to tease to get a rise out of Seol-a.

One thing that's positive in this, is the fact it's the first time we see Seol-a's having real emotions and speaking without her "Queen" filter, she's almost equally rude as him. This is the first time we see any semblance of friend for her in which she can act more true to herself. I understand he's not the best right now, or maybe never.

What you see as a positive, that she has a friend she can be herself around, I see a negative in that her closest friend seems to be a total prick. And I'm quite good at recognising them, being one myself.

Even the lamest of friend is better than no friends unless he backstabs you and/or is extremely harmful, he's not quite there yet.

Stretch discussion 10 May 15:22
joined Mar 23, 2013

Its amusing how you mention France like their legalizing of same sex marriage is somehow a permanent thing. Currently there is still heavy opposition to the idea from the far right and the Muslim communities and former President Sarkozy plans to take advantage of this to get reelected in 2017 by promising to nullify all existing gay marriages, something that seems more and more likely as people, even long time left wing supporters, abandon current President Hollande due to several controversial policies. Amusingly, polls show that most people in France do support equal rights for same sex couples but it seems people are more concerned with getting rid of Hollande and replacing him with any else at this point, even if same sex marriage has to be sacrificed to do so. Let's just hope they elect someone other than Sarkozy.

I saw that last bit pre-edit! I know it's not the best place to say this but I don't think voting for XYZ for a single social issue is the best thing. I view it as an extremely poor decision, governance is so much more impactful than that.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Aside from that incredibly victim blamy thing he said, I saw a lot of that discussion as a friend who likes to tease to get a rise out of Seol-a.

One thing that's positive in this, is the fact it's the first time we see Seol-a's having real emotions and speaking without her "Queen" filter, she's almost equally rude as him. This is the first time we see any semblance of friend for her in which she can act more true to herself. I understand he's not the best right now, or maybe never.

last edited at May 10, 2015 3:15PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

What happened to "I don't to go out wit anyone"? This girl is trouble...

joined Mar 23, 2013

I want splatoon too!! I love all the desings, the idea and everything, but I don't have a wiiU... This is the first time I've feel obligated to buy a console. That game will make history


joined Mar 23, 2013

I love sketchy art styles as well, plus that doesn't mean the drawings can't be complex ( ie. Samura Hiroaki.)

joined Mar 23, 2013

(Doesn't say it's from ssamba, but pretty sure Comico asked the different webtoon authors to draw their respective manhwa characters to make up that promotional banner.)

Nice, what series is that with the silver haired fight heroine?

joined Mar 23, 2013

I never said she doesn't understand losses via her leg and mother. Just that her "if you have feels and act upon them, shit will fix itself" is not real.

Just Imagine a more realistic scenario in which her Father is the owner and dean and etc... If he would not support her and cast her away, she would not be singing the same song.
People spend their entire life attaining her status and influence with many sacrifices along the way. She gets a relatively free card.

I guess it's just the realist in me who sees her absolutism a bit too idealistic, chances are in a real world most often than not massive failures are going to happen with devastating consequences.
She also speaks and says the same thing without knowing the person's situation or problem. That's extremely short-sighted.

Although that's not just entirely me ranting at her character but rather at a well established manga thing of "power of feelings,friendship, etc..." will fix all your problems.

What of the homeless kids, of the slavery, of the victims of war and of cruel regimes? Does she say, "You just didn't try enough and you didn't have fun?".

Again, it's not entirely her character I comment on here but rather how manga dramas of absurd proportions fix themselves and there's a happily after, that doesn't work like that. That's mostly me unable to suspend my disbelief and accept fiction as very much so different than reality.

Don't mind me really Something just clicked and I'm ranting about it.

last edited at May 9, 2015 3:09AM

Stretch discussion 08 May 23:51
joined Mar 23, 2013

Oh, sweet summer child. It's been 46 years since Stonewall, and we still have civilized countries like Canada who hesitate on considering trans people fully human based on the idea they might be dangerous in public washrooms. Advanced countries like the US are just barely getting marriage rights in place for gays and lesbians, and even now it's a roll of the die whether the Supreme Court's going to go for it or not. We've got one municipality in Japan with a piece of paper that's not legally binding in any way, surrounded by a deeply conservative country.

These issues would of been adressed if not for Harper and his party being there for who knows how long atthis point, all I know is that it's been a while now.

Good ol' bathroom issue. I never got the idea of that for transgender. Gay men can access my bathrooms and since they are into dicks and all, surely they're a danger to me!
Then you go a step further with unisex bathroom and you unlock the biggest can of worms ever.

Stretch discussion 08 May 21:22
joined Mar 23, 2013

But on the flip side, Keiko does not seem to be the person who would necessarily need the kid to be her own...she could adopt just any cute child and she'd be happy.

Yeah adopting...

I know there used to be the whole "the gays r bad 4 chldrn" mentality right now but same-sex partnerships is legal in a municipality in Tokyo now.

So there's definitely a LOT of loopholes one could use.

"Not legally binding" Meaning it's a feel good piece of paper at the moment.

I'm fairly certain there is no reliable, sure and safe way for lesbian couples to have children in Japan at the moment. They can only look for the future and hope it won't be too late for them.

Shoujo-Ai vs. Yuri 08 May 18:28
joined Mar 23, 2013

no girls = loli not lolicon=pedo

Oh boy

joined Mar 23, 2013

She's just telling Akira that she's living to just please someone else, and calls her a stupid moron for it. That's really the difference between her and Hitsugi. Hitsugi is definitely well off, but if she were of Akira's mentality, she'd be super worried about losing, or losing the student's respect, losing her school, etc. As it is she's just having fun and doesn't care, but got angry when she found out Akira wasn't as much of an 'individual' as she had hoped for.

She doesn't worry about losing anything because it's not possible for her to. She's too stronk.

I don't remember if she's the hard worker or the genius archetype but the fact she can do anything means that the feeling of worry is alien to her.

Give a man/woman a chess board and tell him each piece is his friend, his father and so on... Watch them lose it all one by one. But for Hitsugi the game rigged. Pieces, the rules, the board, she can change it all to her liking. She never loses.

She isn't angry that Akira isn't as much as an individual. She's angry because she thought the girl was stronger. The powerful can snap their fingers and the problems are dealt with, very few people, especially her age have that power. Hitsugi does not understand the weak and helpless.

last edited at May 8, 2015 6:30PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

So, in this instance, had sexual relation occured between the duder and the girl. What would we call it?
The girl clearly doesn't consent, but we all know that people under the influence drugs/alcohol to a level where you have no idea what's happening cannot give consent. Considering the crazy substance he was given he fits the bill.

It has to be 2 people commiting rape against eachother.

last edited at May 8, 2015 5:18PM

Image Comments 08 May 15:41
joined Mar 23, 2013

Maybe it depends on a person's trashing habbits ? I know someone that hates cleaning up so most often then not he trashes things that are not suppose to get trashed. He's even trashed work related stuff plenty of time, even more lazy than I am! Pretty much everything to him is trash even the important stuff.

Anime season 08 May 15:12
joined Mar 23, 2013

Good behaviour, so you're fucked man. Quit while you're still ahead.

Image Comments 08 May 15:08
joined Mar 23, 2013

Well Trafi, if you don't like something you throw it in the garbage bin do you not? Literally trash! Same principle applies here, but I think the word trash in the internet has taken a more harsh meaning and that's why people flip their shit. But "trash" only means something that is broken, not interesting or useful to the person in question.

Shoujo-Ai vs. Yuri 08 May 14:57
joined Mar 23, 2013

Het and gay male porn have some pretty big visual explosions too, just sayin'.

Please Nez... You've just made me do a big visual explosion, big spill of water coming right from my mouth unto my bed. It's all your fault!

Shoujo-Ai vs. Yuri 08 May 14:46
joined Mar 23, 2013

As to porn, since it's a very visual medium it follows that the most visual positions will be given priority.

Wow, I had never thought of it that way.
Porn has big visual positions and Michael Bay has big visual explosions. It all makes sense!

Shoujo-Ai vs. Yuri 08 May 13:59
joined Mar 23, 2013

Don't quote me on that but I was under the impression that both shoujo-ai and shonen-ai means loli/shotas ( boys and girls mean young ). This distinction between the graphic and non-graphic is purely western fanbase, probably cause murica' is sex averse. Again if I'm wrong bout the first part someone can correct me.

We only use the tag Yuri here.

I'm not a lesbian so I can't speak for them but certain positions can be uncomfortable for people, that goes for straight people as well and I'm not surprised that some lesbian do not do it.

A lot of yuri hentai is targeted towards males, especially mangas that are published in actual H-manga magazines.

last edited at May 8, 2015 1:59PM

Image Comments 08 May 13:47
joined Mar 23, 2013

Homare sure has sex art!

joined Mar 23, 2013

Badass Hitsugi is badass. This fight is awesome.

As for the stupid moron thing, the way I understand it, it's because both Sae and Akira lack the glorious "I do what I want and if you don't like it, you're no fun!" that pretty much define Hitsugi. :p

Yeah, that's about right. Hitsugi is privilieged enough to do anything and everything because of wealth and being allowed to do anything by virtue of literally the boss and owning everything in the setting.

I've always considered her to be the "stupid" because she most probably won't understsnd why and how people do things. It's not that regular folks can't do anything they want, they sure can, but sacrifices will be made in some way for that to happen. That's not the case for her. Consequences don't exist for her actions ( within reasonable boundaries ) and that skews her views on things.

That is not to say I dislike her or that she isn't a hard worker but It's an aspect of her that is a flaw. Which actually makes the character a tad more believable.

Who's this man btw in the chapter? Is this a fiancé, an annoying uncle and/or family member?

last edited at May 8, 2015 1:48PM

Stretch discussion 08 May 12:54
joined Mar 23, 2013

From what I understand, Ran started drinking after her father died. That alone could be the reason. It might still have a huge effect on her. But I guess you can count the fact that she's a med student. That can be stressful too.

(Might I dare add that her unrequited love/crush on Keiko is eating at her as well).

Most probably father and romance, Ran said she's always been a good student. I can relate, I have awesome memory, I can safely say that if not for my memory I would be in a very different situation today. I played vidja games way too much in High school and college, if I was anywhere near average It would of been flunk galore.

Stretch discussion 08 May 12:27
joined Mar 23, 2013

Come on guys, I know she has her moments, but she is an adult, Ran should know this

Exactly. Ran was simply worried that Keiko might fall into despair again. And perhaps the reason Ran suggested they drink some alcohol is because she just loves drinking? Maybe later in the chapter it's something Ran has to work on and resolve for herself.

I've always wondered about Ran. People who drink a lot usually drink for a reason, what's hers? I mean aside the father thing, she drank before that.

Stretch discussion 08 May 12:16
joined Mar 23, 2013

Come on guys, I know she has her moments, but she is an adult, Ran should know this.

But in the story she cries about it multiple times in the story and has nightmares. Who knows how regular these episodes are, we don't see everyday of their lives afterall. Is it so strange that Ran might be concerned?