I never said she doesn't understand losses via her leg and mother. Just that her "if you have feels and act upon them, shit will fix itself" is not real.
Just Imagine a more realistic scenario in which her Father is the owner and dean and etc... If he would not support her and cast her away, she would not be singing the same song.
People spend their entire life attaining her status and influence with many sacrifices along the way. She gets a relatively free card.
I guess it's just the realist in me who sees her absolutism a bit too idealistic, chances are in a real world most often than not massive failures are going to happen with devastating consequences.
She also speaks and says the same thing without knowing the person's situation or problem. That's extremely short-sighted.
Although that's not just entirely me ranting at her character but rather at a well established manga thing of "power of feelings,friendship, etc..." will fix all your problems.
What of the homeless kids, of the slavery, of the victims of war and of cruel regimes? Does she say, "You just didn't try enough and you didn't have fun?".
Again, it's not entirely her character I comment on here but rather how manga dramas of absurd proportions fix themselves and there's a happily after, that doesn't work like that. That's mostly me unable to suspend my disbelief and accept fiction as very much so different than reality.
Don't mind me really Something just clicked and I'm ranting about it.
last edited at May 9, 2015 3:09AM