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Anime season 15 Apr 18:31
joined Jul 28, 2016

Depends what you mean by "actual yuri", first episode already has one character announcing her love and loyalty to another complete with nipple sucking and a reach around. That's "actual yuri" in my book.

Levi, Mina and Asmo seem very much appreciative of the female body
It's totally fanservice, but you can't deny the homoerotic nature of the fanservice

So, it's just fanservice-y actual yuri? Can't say I was expecting much more from this thing, but, well, who knows, maybe I'll like it if I actually watch it. I'm hardly going to die just 'cause of some overtly sexual things (if i never comment here again, i'm probably dead).

Attack on Titan has had one YumiKuri scene so far. Don't know about episode 3 yet, gonna watch it now.

Personally, I'm watching the anime and I've read the manga up until the most recent chapter and I think it's worth watching, although I find it sad how some people ruined the hype for others by being overy annoying about the entire series.

Also: YumiKuri is going to have way way more scenes in this season than they had in season 1, promise.

This may or may not be an unpopular opinion, but I didn't really like the first season of AOT. Well, I liked it at first, but as it went on... I felt that it became kind of stupid. I don't even remember what my qualms with it were, but I think it was something along the lines of: poorly developed characters, poorly developed characters dying by the handful and the show expecting some emotional response from us (Petra's death comes to mind), and WAY TOO MUCH POINTLESS SCREAMING. I liked some of the characters enough (namely Mikasa and Levi as well as Ymir and Krista solely 'cause of Yumikuri) that I didn't care about them being poorly developed, so it may be worth watching if all these characters get more focus later on.

Also, I just finished Kuzu no Honkai, so here are some of my thoughts on it... I doubt anyone will really care, but, yeah, still, I want to leave my thoughts on it somewhere... I thought that Akane's sudden transformation was waaaaaay too sudden... I felt that she really deserved some comeuppance for all the emotional pain she dealt to Hanabi and others, but, well, no one in this series really did receive a cruel fate or whatnot. I did not like that they spent two entire episodes devoted to Akane in which the main character showed up for less than a minute, but I did like her final resolution to stay away from Mugi. It would have been nicer if it hadn't been crammed into 22 minutes along with the resolution of all the other characters, but I still thought it was a fitting ending for her. As for the other characters... Mugi must've shown up for like 2 minutes in the finale so I don't really know where his story's going now. I didn't really hate him THAT much until after Episode 8 after he completely abandoned Hanabi and realized he had a savior complex, but now I do. He finally got over Akane, but it seems to me that his story ended a bit abruptly... but, in the end, who really cares about him. I do have to give KnH some credit for actually making me like the gothic lolita character. Moca annoyed me from the second I heard her freaking annoying voice, but she had the most well-adjusted ending out of all the scumbags in this show which I thought was fitting. Narumi... I don't even know how to feel about him since his motivations were barely revealed, but it appears that he has an Electra complex? More than a bit creepy, but, well, good thing he's happy, I guess. Definitely looks much sexier withut the glasses.

And now for the main reason I watched this anime in the first place... Ecchan! In the end, she didn't get the girl. I didn't really expect her to either so it didn't really faze me... where it does annoy me is when the writers tease yuri romance for the entire series and don't follow through it, but it was very clear from the start that their relationship was definitely not going to work out. I liked that she actually acknowledged that she was a lesbian as opposed to pretty much every other anime lesbian outside of yuri and even sometimes in yuri and I liked her distinctly non stereotypical characteristics. I think her only stereotypical trait was her distaste of men, but, really, I didn't really see that that much... though she did only interact with 2 men in the entire series, one of which (Mugi) anyone would be pissed at and the other of which is her incestuous cousin. Speaking of him, TV Tropes seems to indicate that the series hints that Ecchan might be considering dating him, but I didn't really see it. That scene at the end of 9 seemed more like confirmation that she would be leaning on him as a friend but certainly not as a romantic interest. Even that campfire scene in 12 was hardly an indication that she was starting to view him in that way and the hair flashback scene makes it clear that she still has lingering feelings for Hanabi even if she decided to give up on her. That hair scene was a nice touch, I thought. While she finally let go of Hanabi by getting rid of the hairstyle which Hanabi always liked, she is definitely still attached to her based on the fact that Hanabi also liked her new hairstyle. So, I have to give the show credit for NOT MAKING THE LESBIAN STRAIGHT IN THE END! WOW, WHAT A FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY IDEA.

So, in the end, I guess the main theme of the show was first love never works out and you shouldn't feel beholden to your first love... except when it does in the case of the teachers... yeah, I really did not like their arc, but I liked the rest of the series enough that their involvement in it hardly detracts from my love of the series. It felt like a more realistic, raw portrayal of romance than most anime would be willing to portray, although I admit that I would hardly know a thing about "realistic romance." I'm not really interested in romance, but if I ever do get involved in one, I sure as hell am not going to allow it to get this insane and disturbed. I guess that's a lesson I learned from KnH... though, yeah, nothing like this is ever going to happen in my life and, well, I'm completely fine with that.

last edited at Apr 15, 2017 10:18PM

Anime season 15 Apr 00:25
joined Jul 28, 2016

I suppose it depends on what you disliked about VD. This is more silly and has less sadomasochism but is also way lower on romance

It's just that the softcore porn scenes were way too much for me. When I first heard of "Soul Eater with lesbians by the creators of Sengoku Basura...? (Senran Kagura, I always confuse the two for some reason)," I was expecting SOME ecchi, but NOT FULL-ON FIVE MINUTE SEX SCENES. I did hear that it got rather serious later on, though I can't imagine that it stays serious for all that long with random sex scenes thrown everywhere. The sadomasochism though... well, I'll stay silent about that.

Lots of gropping & censoring, but nowhere as bad as VD in terms of porno level

There's an uncensored version out there. Which is about as porny as Valkyrie Drive

So, it's just as porny as VD but without actual yuri... hmmm... yeah, I guess I'll be skipping this then. You know what they say though, don't knock it 'til you try it... maybe I'll go ahead and give it a shot sometime. Maybe. Probably not... but maybe.

Anime season 14 Apr 22:39
joined Jul 28, 2016

So, did anyone watch Sin Nanatsu no Taizai and is it any good? I've heard tell that it's pretty much Valkyrie Drive: Demon Edition and I could barely make it through the first episode of VD, so I doubt that I'll like this demon thing, but... I mean, IT'S YURI FOR GOD'S SAKE. Soooo, is it worth watching if I detested VD? Honestly, I'd probably buy the game if I had a Vita since I'm more willing to overlook fanservice in a good game than in a good anime, but that's beside the point...

Also, did the Yumikuri stuff happen yet in AOT? I'm seriously considering watching just the Yumikuri episodes of Season 2 and skipping everything else just like I did with the Usotsuki Lily manga (and which I did not do with Kuzu no Honaki, oddly enough)... though if S2 is an improvement over S1, I might be willing to watch the whole thing.

Speaking of Kuzu no Honkai, well, I finally got around to watching it months after it first caught my eye. Finished Episode 9 last night, and I gotta wonder... (spoilers for everything up to Ep 9) when did Hanabi ever look at Ecchan with a lustful gaze or regard sex with her as being any better than sex with Mugi or that random douchebag dude? I mean, she even said she was a virgin even after the events that transpired in Episode 4, so... yeah... I never expected the show to end yuri, far from it, but I thought that Hanabi seriously considering Ecchan as an option would have been pretty neat... gotta say though, I did like how they handled Ecchan and all that. Even though it was very clear that Hanabi was as straight as a... line (?), it was also very clear that she took Ecchan's feelings seriously throughout the whole thing. Ecchan acted like a despicable asshat in Episode 6, that's for sure, but she got some nice closure in 9. It sure is nice to have an anime character who openly acknowledges that they're gay as opposed to "well, i'm usually not gay, BUT I'M GAY FOR YOU, YOU KNOW?" I can only hope that they don't fuck it all up at the end by pairing Ecchan with the cousin... but, I don't know, she seemed to regard him as more of an annoying friend than anything, so I have confidence in them. The whole point of the series is unrequited love, so... LET'S KEEP YOUR LOVE UNREQUITED, SLIGHTLY CREEPY COUSIN, ALRIGHT?

last edited at Apr 14, 2017 10:39PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Transgender meaning You is biologically a male I'm​ sure some(most) yuri fan wouldn't like this kind of story but I understand if some transgender reader want to tag it trans.

I think the problem lies here since people, most especially yuri fans, really shouldn't have a problem with this. Giving it the Transgender and Yuri tags as some readers have already suggested would, I think, be the best way of dealing with this since I believe that it would both respect transgender readers and allow any douchebags to ignore the story if they would like it (yeah, calling people names is really the whole reason this thing started, but how can I resist...)

Also it's rare to see trans work in Japanese dooujins(except crossdressing if it count), yeah I know pito is not Japanese.

It is rare to see transgender characters in Japanese doujins, let alone Japanese anything, but just because they're rare doesn't mean that they don't exist at all. Wandering Son comes to mind. I don't really care much about Korean things (I probably should 'cause I'm Korean but whatever) unless they pertain to my interests (so anything with LGBTQ characters, basically), but I can't imagine that they're all that common over in that shithole and they certainly aren't in America either. Anyhow, my point is that just because they're rare doesn't mean that You isn't transgender. Lesbians certainly aren't all that common either, but that doesn't stop us from recognizing that lesbians are in some works of fiction, now does it?

last edited at Apr 14, 2017 7:19PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

"but, you know, since she's sleeping around with some random girls instead, it's all good."
Nice double standards. If you think faceless generic female is good, then by the same logic a faceless generic male is also good, unless of course you have some weird bias going on, like the "females are more pure" bullshit...

I agree that the "females are more pure" argument is pure bullshit, and I also agree that my weird bias is a pretty bad double standard. I'm still not really sure why I'm okay with certain things like these (and more innocent things such as kabedons) when it ain't a male that's involved/"taking the lead" or whatnot, but I'd say it's more because I hate male characters than because I view women as being all pure and innocent. Well, I could get into this more, but I don't want this thread to be any more clogged up than it already is...

I guess it's time to bring all the doujins with faceless males raping girls from yuri series to Dynasty then.
Because the concept of quality of derivative works doesn't actually exist right?

As much as I love this place, I must say that plenty of the doujins on here are completely horrible. By completely horrible, I mean they range from, well, just not good but, admittedly, with good intentions at heart to just ridiculously disturbing and awful. I haven't been brave enough to read any of SOFTCHARM's or John K Peta's "works of art" yet, but, well, the point is that I don't think the people in charge of uploading stuff to Dynasty ever really cared about this concept anyway. They just upload whatever they want, which is why we have some het stuff here too like 14-sai no Koi (that's probably not the best example, but there are definitely some others that I forgot about). Not saying that's bad, of course... it's their site, after all, so they can do what they will with it. That kind of stuff... I'd presume that the staff would not want that kind of stuff on this site, so they simply don't upload it onto this site. Of course, my assumptions might be and probably am completely wrong or at least really poorly worded, so I apologize in advance if they are wrong and offend anyone in the staff.

Addressing this piece in particular, I'd say that this at least has more "artistic merit" than any of those kinds of doujins. I mean, let's just take a look at the facts: 1 - none of the characters are sexualized at all. You barely even see anything during the sex scene and it's handled fairly tamely, at least in my opinion. 2 - Well, it actually has a story with a well-defined conflict and some fairly philosophical things (of course, that's subjective). Personally, I thought You's thoughts on the lack of afterglow after her first time, so to speak, were fairly well done. Yeah, whether something has artistic merit is all subjective in the end, but I can state with confidence that this work definitely has more artistic merit than any of those pieces of trash.

last edited at Apr 14, 2017 3:18AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Disgusting. Not only does this insult You's character by portraying her as a cheap person who sleeps with some random girls, it also insults Love Live as a series by using a non-existent characters in a supposedly derivative work.
If this had a random boy instead, you'd all be screaming that it was "hetshit" and whatnot...

Heh, I can't deny that I would see this as hetshit or whatnot if she actually was sleeping around with some random dudes... but, you know, since she's sleeping around with some random girls instead, it's all good. I think calling it an insult to You as a character and the entire series is going a bit too far though. People can interpret characters however they want; even if their interpretation really makes zero sense, it's their own interpretation and there's hardly a need to be so outraged over it. Pito clearly loves Love Live, and she (I believe?) is by no means insulting the series by portraying You in this manner. Honestly, I never watched Love Live myself, so I don't really know how outlandish this interpretation of You is, but, well, it makes for an interesting read and that's really all that matters to me.

Sorry if this doesn't really make any sense, it's 2 AM here and I really should be going to sleep right about now... oh well...

(Italics mine.) One example of trans yuri. Mermaid Line chs. 6 and 7. I, at least, think it's really good. (And oh yeah, I kind of liked the chapter under discussion too.)

Thanks for recommending that series! Ch 6 and 7 (plus the others) were all fantastic; it's a shame that there ain't more yuri out there from this author, but, oh well, what can you do...

joined Jul 28, 2016

Wow, I had no idea that Love Live got a worldwide release and that there are some game-original characters... maybe they'll make an anime with all those new people some time. Still not really interested in it, especially since I'm already hopelessly addicted to one admittedly trite mobile game, but i suppose that it's nice that it's out there in case I ever want to give it a go.

Image Comments 05 Apr 23:55
joined Jul 28, 2016

This image just goes to show how much better Persona 4 and 5 would have been with a female protagonist option. And also that I really should get around to playing a Persona game...

joined Jul 28, 2016

So, it actually did take that route, huh? Certainly not opposed to it... I don't know how long I've been waiting for a harem yuri thing that's not porn, but, well, I guess this'll have to do for now.

Also, that credit image is so appropriate for the... events... of this chapter. Yuri-ism always chooses the best credit pics.

last edited at Apr 4, 2017 9:46PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Damn, I forgot this wasn't an all-girls' school. Well, at least the only guy who showed up in the entire manga (except Haruka's dad, now that I think about it) is leaving right after his introduction woooo.

Anyhow, nice to see more Yuzu x Kaede for a change! I always loved this pairing, and it's sure nice to see it getting some more attention.

Ayame 14 discussion 04 Apr 01:50
joined Jul 28, 2016

Ah, so that's where that pic of that girl with the weird face came from... (the one where young Ayame is riding the panda and you-know-what happens). I forget who had that profile pic, but, well, I know that it was definitely someone on this site, at least.

Also, why is Sango's(?) hair suddenly white on Page 17? Is it just to show her shock or something like that?

Anyhow, it's been so long that I don't remember anything (I didn't realize that it's been more than a year since the last non-extras chapter, jeez), and it's also been so long that I've forgotten how much I missed this wonderful little thing. Thanks for bringing it back! I'm gonna have to reread the earlier chapters at some point, but "INDIRECTLY STROKING" and "MARMALADE" were enough to satiate my desire for more unconventional yuri.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I suppose it's time for Nobara to gallantly rescue Yukino from drowning and give her the classic resuscitation kiss! Make it happen, Harushion! Anyhow, these were some very nice chapters in my opinion. Ookami and Alice are absolutely riotous and learning more about them was great.

Image Comments 03 Apr 22:39
joined Jul 28, 2016

It looked all nice and sweet at first and then I saw the blood and then I was like "what the hell is going on here?" Still a nice picture though.

joined Jul 28, 2016

A manga that's literally called "She Gets Girls Everyday" is just subtext?? Japan, you've gone too far this time!

Beloved L discussion 02 Apr 20:41
joined Jul 28, 2016

I was scared that they would end up plummeting off that cliff to their deaths as soon as she mentioned the bad road conditions... good thing that didn't happen. Another disaster happened, but, well, at least they didn't die horrifically.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Natsuko is taming Haruko. Evidence: Whenever Haruko is in her "good" mode, Natsuko praises her and pats her head and Haruko all but wiggles her tail. There is definitely a romantic element and it's similar to Inugami (Haruko) and Nekoyama (Natsuko). As the song "Declaration of Total Submission" has Nekoyama saying - "see ONLY me." The goal for Natsuko is to have Haruko commit to her, not just see her as a pretty face and a set of tits. Once that's accomplished, she wants them to be girlfriends. And Haruko had nothing before Natsuko came into her life, so she's a little grateful. Natsuko will, however, have to accept that her GF looks at other women all the time, the way Nekoyama has to.

Woah, I never knew that was the title of the ending song (there's some abbreviation for this, isn't there?) of InuNeko. Thanks for reminding me of it though; it's a pretty nice song and a nice title too in my opinion.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Wow, I'm an idiot. I didn't realize this was supposed to be a joke even after I clicked the link. I was like, "Eh, I guess I just can't find the information anywhere, but good thing it's being translated!" But, nope, it's not... ):

last edited at Apr 1, 2017 6:43PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

First of all, this ship can hardly be called dead. I have no idea where you're getting that from. Secondly, while I'd say that most shippers would want their favorite ships to advance, most would also still support them if they don't. I don't see what's wrong with supporting a ship even if it is completely dead. Just look at RWBY's White Rose and Bumblebee. They're not COMPLETELY dead yet, but, yeah, they're probably a long shot at this point. Still, people (such as me) still support 'em and there's nothing wrong with that.

last edited at Mar 21, 2017 8:40PM

Anime season 20 Mar 01:03
joined Jul 28, 2016

Based on the Madokami thing, it appears that koneko means "plot" as in "YURIIIIIII!!!!" If so, am I glad to hear that it's finally embracing its yuri potential and blooming into the beautiful lily it could have become sooner if only its growth hadn't been stunted by a bevy of dumbasses. I don't know how and why I went all poetic and sappy all of a sudden. Probably my cue to go sleep though.

Image Comments 19 Mar 11:51
joined Jul 28, 2016

I would definitely read Robinson Crusoe if it had yuri in it... I probably should read it anyway but, eh... I had no idea that there was even anyone else on the island with him (assuming that's not something added to this pic), so that should tell you how little I know about this thing.

Image Comments 19 Mar 00:23
joined Jul 28, 2016

What is Kill la Kill being, uh... crossed over with? Satsuki's "armor" or whatever it is looks vaguely familiar, but I can't remember where it comes from.

joined Jul 28, 2016

It's a game that came out on steam recently - Nights of Azure - It has yuri or at least heavy subtext I heard - but It is only the first half of the story? So I want to wait till part 2 comes out - it probably ends on a cliffhanger.

I think it came out years ago in Japan - not sure what platform/s but only now in English.

It's not vn but an action rpg I think?

If I remember correctly, it came out on PS3 and PS4 in Japan but only on the PS4 (and the PC now) in the US and Europe.

Image Comments 18 Mar 23:14
joined Jul 28, 2016

Now, here's a pairing that I never expected to see... especially since I don't even know this Hime person is. I really need to finish Suguri one day, but... I just suck too much at it.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Ah, the classic someone walking in (or passing by in this case) on people kissing and misunderstanding it. Some forced drama scene was bound to happen at some point, I guess.

Also, do Japanese kids really change in their classrooms or is that just an anime thing? So, there aren't any locker rooms or anything like that? I suppose it'd be a good way to save some money, but, still, as an American high schooler, it seems weird to me.

Syrupy Love discussion 15 Mar 19:46
joined Jul 28, 2016

As I understand it, it was 'just' a prostitution scam. I don't think she ever actually had sex with any of their clients or whatever they're called... scam victims? Well, asshole scam victims, I guess. I suppose assholes can fall victim to scams too.

Anyhow, I was going off on a tangent there. Soooo, what exactly happened with that abusive dad? They're just gonna completely ignore all that crap now? Why even put it in if it doesn't get resolved properly?