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joined May 27, 2015


Was this named after Genghis Khan? /historynerd

And... that wasn't just some sissy indirect kiss, or an accidental peck. That was a "I dug a candy right out of your mouth with my tongue" kind of kiss. Wew.

That part with the photo at the end reminded me of HakuAi, with Nao's insane fangirling over her Onee-chan.

joined May 27, 2015

At first, I thought Maki still seemed too much like a third wheel, but 3p with Rin in the middle is too rare and too good to ignore.

joined May 27, 2015

Because no women are stupid and barbaric enough to actually enjoy, let alone produce, garbage like plotless sex-only works. If you do, you can't even be considered a woman at all.

I mean, I understand that women aren't usually into stuff like this, but there are some out there, and to say they shouldn't be considered a woman is pretty harsh. Yes, most women usually prefer romance, and if they do like smut, they usually like it on the side with the romance, but there are also some who like raw porn, and even extreme things like this. Personally I stopped reading once that older girl slapped the younger girl when she told her to stop.

I'm sorry. I put an "/s" at the end indicating I was being highly sarcastic. I know sarcasm is hard to convey through text, so I tried to indicate it in an obvious way.

joined May 27, 2015

I was most disappointed the loli's thighhighs got taken off. I like those. The rape was eeehhhhh, but I thought it would get much worse than it did after the slap. The ending was almost too happy!

Lesbian loli is nice, but loli x loli is great too. See my profile picture.

May I ask what makes a pussy "vertical-striped"? If there are vertical stripes, does that also mean there are horizontal stripes?

I would look it up but then again I also wouldn't so

I was going to ask about this too. I wonder if it was a fourth-wall-breaking joke about censorship. You know, those white-out/black-out strips.

I found it weird that whenever there is some yuri manga/anime that people don't like, there is always someone who will claim that "because it made for males" or "because it's from a male author".

when a plotless sex-only doujin/manga pops around
"lesbian porn for guys"



Because no women are stupid and barbaric enough to actually enjoy, let alone produce, garbage like plotless sex-only works. If you do, you can't even be considered a woman at all. You're probably just a horny teenage boy. /s

last edited at Jan 16, 2017 10:34PM

YuruZero discussion 14 Jan 05:39
joined May 27, 2015

Just rereading some of this, and I realized Lancer's magic beauty mark charm isn't working on any of the girls, despite them having no magic powers... probably because they're all gay.

last edited at Jan 14, 2017 5:40AM

joined May 27, 2015

I saw this on the recent releases belt when it was new, but got cold feet and left it until now, now that I've caught up with Bloom Into You. It was this blog post that got me off my ass to catch up

They also mentioned Eclair as well, so I'm glad to have found some great stories from Eclair here. The complaints that it was too short can't be helped, as they only had 16 pages for a one-shot to put into an anthology. Sure, if a one-shot is received well, they're going to want to decompress the story, but sometimes it's nice to just grab a quick bite-sized yuri story after realizing something like Bloom Into You is at least half a year away from finishing ;_;

The scene with the car "took me for a ride". I thought it was just another one of Torii's fantasies. They reminded me of Kyouko's comment to Sayaka (from Madoka Magica) to just break Kyousuke's whole body so he'll never play violin again and just depend on her forever.

last edited at Jan 5, 2017 4:47PM

joined May 27, 2015

Hey, Tachi yuri, nice.

The most "proper" translation of the name would be "Love Twingle", which sounds stupid, so let's just stick with "Futakaku".

Can't disagree with this, tbh.

Love Siesta discussion 30 Dec 23:59
joined May 27, 2015

I remember years ago, back during the days of Flatopia (RIP), this guy made a nice vanilla het doujin that was a big hit on FAKKU, IIRC. Unfortunately, it was taken down due to the big Wani crackdown on scanlations a few years ago.

It would be quite nice if this guy can get more on board with yuri.

last edited at Dec 31, 2016 8:39PM

joined May 27, 2015


I used to like this guy. See my profile picture. Same artist. I haven't watched Hibike, and I have no interest in doing so, but I've heard about the bait and the het, but when I saw the number of comments as I was reading the doujin I still wondered "why so many comments?" Then I got to the afterward. I feel kinda sick now.

joined May 27, 2015

Wow, just last doujin I said "Negom's heart is really only set for MakoRitsu" and then I see this.

joined May 27, 2015

Now I want to see this Mana x Regina dating. It will have to be from someone else though, as Negom's heart is really only set for MakoRitsu.

last edited at Dec 24, 2016 6:10AM

joined May 27, 2015

I don't usually read doujins involving pregnancy, but hey, science babies yuri. Tasty art too. I was going to say the art reminded me of these two nice PriPara doujins, then I realized it's the same artist.

joined May 27, 2015

Well, if your partner pulled out the "だめ!" and "痛い!" every time you looked at them funny, you'd have to stop and go "I'm sorry! Did that hurt?" every time as well.

And I guess this is recognition failure/personal taste by me, because just going by the art style, I didn't think it looked particularly bad or old. The story is... not there, but it's what I expect out of Mira oneshots, among others.

last edited at Dec 20, 2016 5:05AM

joined May 27, 2015

I thought "as long as one of them drop the magic word 'Onee-chan', I'll be happy"

Got it at the 4th page. And then some. I'm happy. Thanks!

last edited at Dec 17, 2016 3:36PM

joined May 27, 2015

Rogue One is out this weekend!

And that costume did make me fire up Cutie Panther.

joined May 27, 2015

How have I never heard the phrase "bee tee dubs" before?

... and why does it even exist when "by the way" is in fact shorter? >_>

Same reason people say "oh em gee" or "el oh el" out loud.

joined May 27, 2015


Made my day. Not very often you see the mythical Ojou-sama nowadays. Good guy BunnyScans.

last edited at Dec 15, 2016 12:30AM

joined May 27, 2015

Actual normal...that isn't aged-up

I have this issue with Precure the most. I won't name names, but yeah.

joined May 27, 2015

On the bottom of page 27 Ishikawa mentions that he's working on the Kuttsukiboshi anime promotion? Is this gonna be made an actual anime instead of two episodes?

This came out 3 years after the first 2 OVAs, so it would seem he's trying to get new anime content done. Hopefully if he does get something new done there won't be any stupid het/cheating drama.

I saw that Kataribe Shoujo Honoka OVA back in the summer. Nobody translated it, and yes, the yuri really was lacking in that one. My Japanese was much worse than it is now so I understood next to nothing.

joined May 27, 2015

I've also thought up of a terrible bilingual pun for Hanayo: she is Captain A-mai-rice. 米 (mai) is Japanese for rice, and it's on her costume.

I'll see myself out.

joined May 27, 2015

Also disappointed at the lack of thwwp/thp/thwp and fap, but the original never had the SFX for when Makiverine whipped the claws out or when Cap'n would grab the shield after boomeranging it around. ( ;∀;)

Did they actually use "fap" as a sound effect in the real comics??


Just sayin', is all.


joined May 27, 2015

This is pretty hilarious.

Toei Supaidaman opening:

I also got a good laugh out of the Comic LO/loli reference with "Yes, Nico-chan! No touch!" The original line is "YES LOLITA! NO TOUCH!"

Also disappointed at the lack of thwwp/thp/thwp and fap, but the original never had the SFX for when Makiverine whipped the claws out or when Cap'n would grab the shield after boomeranging it around. ( ;∀;)

Did they actually use "fap" as a sound effect in the real comics??

last edited at Nov 27, 2016 12:49PM

joined May 27, 2015

I'm surprised a confession was dropped so early tbh. I know it may be just "like" rather than "love" but still. I'm still loving this manga, alright...

joined May 27, 2015

Ah Nanoha and Fate. Is there any other ship that ever was shipped in existence that is more universally accepted but not technically canon? I mean the way they are portrayed in official media and art and still not outright confirmed to be together is rather ridiculous. At this point word-of-god could come down proclaiming Nanoha marrying Yuuno in the end or something and it would be summarily dismissed by most of the fandom.

All that aside, this was a cute one :3

Worldwide riots would happen if Nanoha got married to anybody else than Fate.

I'm in full support of NanoFate, but I have a feeling that even if Nanoha married Fate for real the fanbase would break in half anyway. Just playing devil's advocate.

joined May 27, 2015

New. NanoFate. Loli. Sex. Kohagura. Full color. ALL OF MY YES.