Pretty fun chapters this time.
The interlude with Matsuri and Sayaka is setting up a fun dynamic with those two and certainly, it looks like those three will be hanging out together more in the future. Speaking of Sayaka, I recently got the second volume of Citrus+ and I found it hilarious that Sayaka legit has blue hair. In a series where everyone has normal hair colors (bar Matsuri but she's specifically stated to dye her hair) I found it deliciously ironic that the Miss Stuck-up for the rules is the one to have an unrealistic hair color. At least she has never given shit to Matsuri for her pink hair.
Also, something that has been bugging me since I saw the raws was why there are two versions of the first page?
The second chapter is a classic breather episode, setting up the next arc of the series and while light on developments still gives us some interesting details to chew on. First, while is true HaruMatsu is taking a backseat, I disagree with being completely put on hold. Matsuri is acting a lot happier compared to previous chapters, and she's being pretty blunt with her flirting with Harumin. The Matsuri from Citrus would only tease Yuzu like this, she's clearly feeling pretty giddy about what happened in the previous chapter.
Yuzu acting jealous is adorable and Sabu has to make an extra effort to draw her incredibly expressive as late, pretty much all of her faces would make for great reaction images. And the not so subtle acknowledgment that Yuzu wants to get into Mei's pants was freaking hilarious. All in all, a great way to end the year.
Thanks for the translations Chaosteam.