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Citrus + discussion 23 Nov 10:19
joined Dec 18, 2013

Is not entirely wrong though.

The value dissonance at play when it comes to citrus is easily spotted when you look at what the different fandoms all over the world think about the series. American fandom is by far the most vitriolic since the notion of having to live according to old traditions is deemed as insane for most Americans. In contrast, Spanish-speaking fans are much more receptive to the premise since those countries exist similar traditions. And for what it's worth, looking for the series or the characters' names in Japanes on twitter shows generally positive opinions from Japanese accounts.

Citrus + discussion 23 Nov 09:43
joined Dec 18, 2013

I mean, japanese culture and values have always been an important factor in the writing of citrus, that much is true. Mei's entire struggle in the original series was her commitment to be what was expected of her from society rather than what she wanted. Yuzu on the other hand served as her foil due to her complete disregard of those society expectations in favor of her own.

Calling Matsuri the most mature might be an exaggeration but she definitely has the most awareness out all the cast.

last edited at Nov 23, 2020 9:44AM

Citrus + discussion 22 Nov 22:45
joined Dec 18, 2013

As just a crazy example off the top of my head, scenes of them sitting around at home having a friendly everyday conversation (you know, in the bed they actually share) would be quite commensurate with a series whose main focus is the other characters.

You mean like the conversation they just had a few chapters ago when discussing the situation with Sayaka?

Yuru Oyako discussion 21 Nov 15:21
joined Dec 18, 2013

I see it runs in the family

Citrus + discussion 21 Nov 01:16
joined Dec 18, 2013

I’m quite familiar with the defense of the latter-day Mei on “realism/consistency of character” grounds. I don’t look at Mei as a imaginary person; I see her as an authorial construct, and as such I find her to be much less interesting and much more two-dimensional than she was earlier in the series.

Mei's characterization in Citrus Plus, is still the right approach from an authorial construct since is the logical evolution of her character both through the events Saburota laid before her to develop her character and the reveal of more facets of her character.

I find this criticism about Mei to be baffling. First Mei is a horrible character because she keeps ignoring Yuzu's advances and just acting out of her perceived selfish desires. Then Mei is shown to learn from her mistakes and work hard to make up for her previous actions while having a more open and honest relationship with Yuzu, and now she's a horrible character because she no longer has the "no fucks given" attitude.

Citrus + discussion 20 Nov 11:10
joined Dec 18, 2013

Just feels like "hey, we need another pairing, let's just force these two togther because they spent some time together."

That's how HaruYuzu shippers come off to me at times.

Citrus + discussion 20 Nov 00:10
joined Dec 18, 2013

Eroge went into detail about that a few pages ago, showing that the text is the same in the Japanese versions of the two chapters.

In 30th June the last few panels where Harumin remembers Matsuri saying "all prez does is magically solve things from afar..." is actually a mistranslation. This scene is Harumin remembering Matsuri's words in that scene from June 21st "People who've only used magic to heal from a distance..." and is actually a jab at Harumin, and while it's not the whole reason, it ends up being one of the reasons it propelled her to be the one to visit Matsuri instead of leaving it to Yuzu and sitting on the sidelines as usual.

In other words, the first time Harumin has decided of her own will to get involved in something
'troublesome and Matsuri related'.

June 30th

From June 21st Scene

June 30th:

Citrus Vol 3 Special

Citrus + discussion 19 Nov 17:26
joined Dec 18, 2013

Funny how the fabled HaruMatsu kiss happened so close to the series' 8th anniversary.

Citrus + discussion 19 Nov 17:06
joined Dec 18, 2013

I have to admit I find it strange to find people in a yuri focused site be against more official gay girls in a manga.

Citrus + discussion 19 Nov 16:19
joined Dec 18, 2013

There's a bunch of interesting bits of info that can be gleaned from the art.

As some have already mentioned, Sabu is pushing hard the notion of Matsuri and Harumin being foils of each other from the way she keeps drawing them in mirrored panels, like on page 12, a subtle way to let us know that they're more alike than they think. Another bit that caught my attention was how Matsuri's intent taking Harumin to her room was to probe if Harumin was there of her own volition (and thus, finally showing she cares about her) or if she was doing it to keep the facade of a model student. Initially, Harumin implied it was something she did for obligation leading to the very disappointed Matsuri of page 2. I'm convinced that Matsuri would've tried to pull a Mei and essentially assault Harumin to break her composure but the untimely arrival of her mom put an end to that plan. And finally, their discussion at the end led to both of them blushing at the other words before the big damn kiss. I don't think neither of them has blushed like that in the past.

Citrus + discussion 19 Nov 14:30
joined Dec 18, 2013

HaruMatsu is a GO!

Citrus + discussion 18 Nov 01:54
joined Dec 18, 2013

Can you believe Citrus' 8th anniversary was today?

joined Dec 18, 2013

I was worried about the series getting close to an ending with X's defeat but I'm glad to see it was unfounded. I'm liking this new girl.

Citrus + discussion 10 Nov 11:18
joined Dec 18, 2013

New chapter this month!

1 x ½ discussion 02 Nov 01:00
joined Dec 18, 2013

Was Asuka always this childish?

joined Dec 18, 2013

The cover of Volume 2 and the retailer extras are so cute

joined Dec 18, 2013

I didn't expect for the student chick to be so "bubbly"?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Cute little manga but that ending is such a blatant sequel/spin off hook.

Yuru Oyako discussion 25 Oct 21:34
joined Dec 18, 2013

We're this close for Sayaka and Yuuki to finally fuck each other.

Citrus + discussion 25 Oct 12:59
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm sorry. Inori looks is an adorable brat I get it. This gives me Bandori (Lisa) moment flashback and it's not good.

What do you mean?

Citrus + discussion 23 Oct 10:52
joined Dec 18, 2013

Everything you say is very interesting and certainly expands on the relationships and character dynamics but this part finally addresses the one issue I had with the chapter.

"Uhh...The wrong sibling...?" Is actually
"Eh... SHE SHRUNK!?"

So Harumin did get surprised by the little bro.

Citrus + discussion 21 Oct 23:46
joined Dec 18, 2013

In 30th June the last few panels where Harumin remembers Matsuri saying "all prez does is magically solve things from afar..." is actually a mistranslation. This scene is Harumin remembering Matsuri's words in that scene from June 21st "People who've only used magic to heal from a distance..." and is actually a jab at Harumin, and while it's not the whole reason, it ends up being one of the reasons it propelled her to be the one to visit Matsuri instead of leaving it to Yuzu and sitting on the sidelines as usual.

In other words, the first time Harumin has decided of her own will to get involved in something 'troublesome and Matsuri related'.

That makes a lot more sense.

Anyways, have some pointless trivia caught by Latin American fans on FB

Harumi bought the Dorayakis at the Saburota store :v

joined Dec 18, 2013

Uta is wearing the necklace Kaoru gave her, they're together I think.

Seriously, that is not the same necklace.


That second necklace looks like a small lizard perched/hugging a ball rather than a half-moon.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I know why this new couple bothers me, anytime the teacher is wearing Glasses, I can't stop seeing Harry Potter.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So, Momoka is totally in love with the Big, super talented flutist girl, right?