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joined Jul 26, 2016

Whether or not they have jumped through all culturally expected courtship hoops, I'd say these two are about as firmly pair-bonded as they can be. As to them being sexually active, its hard for me to believe they are not, given how physically intimate they are. On the other hand, I can hear Kasumi say "Its too much work to get aroused and having an orgasm is even more work".

I figure Sakurako would be fine doing all the work involved, as it were...

joined Jul 26, 2016

[abject terror intensifies]

Incidentally thisthe above is apparently the 1001th post on this thread. So who's going to marry the crazy wife-executing king soon?

last edited at Apr 8, 2019 10:35PM

1 x ½ discussion 08 Apr 22:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins posted:
Quoted for truth because the first poster is obviously one of those who missed their exit point. I especially like that "too much" part, implying that average readers of this clearly tagged, multi-chapters story about incest will be disturbed by default. I was under the impression people usually read things they are into.

Really? You sound like your impressions are definitely the truth. But I think you're underestimating people and their curiosity a lot.

I guess there are some who are not into it and are reading it to deliberately make themselves queasy, but I somehow doubt they form any meaningful percentage here.

You're missing the fact that if there are people "into" something and people "against" something, there are also people in the middle.

By default, our society frowns upon incest, whether in fiction or not. So the average people would probably feel a sense of guilt reading something taking a serious shot at an incest story, but would not fly into a rage because of its mere existence, they would just be curious.

I think people really into this and the people really against this are the actual minority.

IMO, a large majority of people here just see this as fiction and a little guilty read, like when you read a lolicon story. But depending on the direction it takes and how it is treated, they could drop it with a "meh" or praise it as original and a good read about a difficult subject.

Leaving your arbitrary assumptions about the audience aside the simple truth of the matter is the very premise of the story means hot daughter on mom action has always been a distinct possibility from the get go; chapter 12 (plus sundry omakes and specials) is a little late in the game to suddenly be shocked, shocked to find there might be parent-child incest going on in this series!

joined Jul 26, 2016

So a helpless teacher falls in love with a assertive (and bully) student.
I'm sorry but i just can't not remember Takako and Runa from Petals

I loved that pairing :) And there is a lot of similarity! (Though I wouldnt call either a bully - they are just strong willed / assertive/ confident young girls with pushover / passive type teachers).

I'm getting the vibe that Misaki keeps prodding Aizawa-sensei primarily because she's frankly a bit annoyed by her painfully obvious dishonesty with her own feelings. Not like it takes much of a push to send those rickety facades tumbling down ofc.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why not just appreciate the show instead of trying to find tons of explaination about their relationship ?

Some men just want to watch the marigolds measured.

last edited at Apr 8, 2019 9:57AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

woah something cute from Naoko
that's ultra rare

I know right!? Did she hit her head or something? XD

Maybe she just felt like doing something completely different for a change of pace...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

So what are you doing in cat cafes if you don't eat or drink?

Take pictures I guess... secretly.

joined Jul 26, 2016

well at least it worked in himura's part by beaming saeki with the power of yuri, resulting in her bursting out of the windows

That's a lot of radiation pressure.

Yuri Moyou discussion 08 Apr 07:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

Bottling up this atom bomb of hormones and feelings will result in the most mindblowing graduation ceremony of all time.

Why am I reminded of the late parts of Pure Water Adolescence...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

After seeing Mochi Au Lait making shit like Cross-dressing and Yaoi not sure if I wanna read this.

Rabid genre puritanism is such an unbecoming thing in a gentleman.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I suspect they are both lesbians.

Just a hunch.


joined Jul 26, 2016

Moe stop giving the serial flirt ideas, she's enough of a public menace as is

joined Jul 26, 2016

Lil' sis knows it all

Imouto-sama Is Watching You Flirt

joined Jul 26, 2016

I love how the delinquint finally someone who isn't attractive. Nice

Ouch. According to quite a few comments here that seems to be debatable lol

I have a feeling girls who like butch are into it. Guy readers generally not.

Ever heard the one about assumptions?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Now, now, with the advance of genetic and medical technology, especially CRISPR, we may just extend our lifespan and healthspan by centuries. So, if we're being positive, they may spend a few hundred years together.

Being wildly optimistic you mean; CRISPR is but an useful tool for genetic engineering, and genetic engineering isn't magic (the new nuke though it might be).
And aging is a fair bit more complex than just genetics, which we're scratching our heads over enough as it is.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can only imagine the amounts of tsukkomi Koko did back when this lot brainstormed that chuuni af setting...

Is it really though? It's a cafe based on what seems to have a magic/sleight of hand theme, which in a world of cat girl catulus where you said was straight up magic...

"UFOs? How unscientific." and, yes, both the Catulus transformation (a form of therianthropy if you want to be technical about it) and the assorted related gadgetry like the chokers and those weird drugs the Prof keeps cooking up violate multiple fundamental natural laws left right and center; for all practical intents and purposes also known in agrarian societies as "magic".
Zero indication of anyone anywhere actually being a bonafide sorcerer though (the variant natural laws aside the Catulus gadgetry are technological/(al)chemical in character), or any other supernatural happenstances, making this lot's discount Harry Potter LARPing indeed rather chuuni even in-universe.

But they seem to be having fun with it so eh. "Everyone has some weird hobbies" etc. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

Wow, Mari used to be way more chill.

Mari is still pretty chill, though. Honestly, chill is her main defining characteristic? She's the tsukkomi to Arisa's boke.

Nah, she's definitely different. Old Mari doesn't really react to anything, doesn't even care that someone's sniffing her panties, etc. Modern Mari will blush and get awkward at the drop of a hat. Probably because she spent time with Old Arisa, the super perv.

Guessing Old Mari was also being deliberately aloof and reserved, both because they weren't all that close yet and something something young admirer in circumstances which could get awkward to explain...

Image Comments 07 Apr 11:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

...that personal bet of mine earlier? Rip in pepperonis, we're getting a pair of lolilolis with swag prehensile cybernetic tails instead. (Anti-Entropy just might be even weirder than Schicksal...) Presumably moar Bronya stuffs too since momma Kokoria crawled out of the woodwork again and these two are apparently some of her old orphanage acquaintances.
Good thing I had no money riding on that one! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can only imagine the amounts of tsukkomi Koko did back when this lot brainstormed that chuuni af setting...

joined Jul 26, 2016

[troll imouto intensifies]
[heavy smirking]

Lily Marble discussion 04 Apr 14:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

Relevant. The Wiki articles rather gloss over it but until fairly recently - at least around the immediate postwar era AFAIK - that was par for the course in the West too. Then again during much the same period just speaking the wrong language, professing the wrong religion or being of the wrong colour could get your entire community wiped out, and homosexuality was at least technically (as actual enforcement varied wildly) a punishable criminal offence about everywhere, so "southpaws" were getting off relatively lightly...

Or as one historian put it, summarizing the difference in treatment of minorities between Western and Eastern/Central Europe in the interwar period, "Breton children might suffer at school; they did not have their villages burned down."

Image Comments 03 Apr 05:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Menstruation is part of the regularly-alive-and-aging-people-metabolism package they normally lose upon becoming vampires (alongside the not unrelated ability to, y'know, sexually reproduce); and even should they not unless they're able to regenerate their ovarian reserve they'll simply run out of oocytes eventually.
One would assume their views on other people's periods are about as wildly varied as regular folks'?

Image Comments 02 Apr 21:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ Tomoko + people = awkward by default.
Kuroki's Constant.

Pink Rush discussion 02 Apr 21:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

This second panel has all the making of a reaction image.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Confused Boner: The One-Shot

I like how the pointy-haired director(?) guy keeps thinking like a fanfic author spitballing storyboard drafts.