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joined Jul 26, 2016

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishment.

While you can say it's a punishment but do you think that's enough of a punishment for someone who bullied a person for years?

That would be up to the wronged party to decide, no?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Torako is definitely best girl.
I laughed at the thought of Rotor being a shotacon.
This series is great.


"He's legal! :D" and "About this big..." make me break out in stupid giggles far more than they have any right to.

Oddman 11 discussion 20 Apr 23:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh my.

A bonafide Dowman moment, that.

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 11:59PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Add the ability to instantly inflict crippling remorse to Nikaidou's list of super powers.

The Ghost Rider would like to have that one back once she's done with it, thanks.

joined Jul 26, 2016

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishement.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Anyway, what the hell is up with rotor? She seems out of place within the deliquent school

You underestimate the power of sexual misbehavior. And she is a shotacon, maybe she did something really bad idk.

Or just wrong neighbourhood - not sure how the Japanese system for matching pupils and schools works - and parents too poor to get her into a better one. Strangely enough shitty run-down schools tend to have an awful lot of students who never did anything to deserve it.

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 2:32PM

Image Comments 20 Apr 14:08
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Madlax and El Cazador De La Bruja; both are kind of... trippy.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not a lot happening in this one,

Nonsense, it was full of prime Koko tsukkomi and Oguri... uh, being Oguri.

Still Sick discussion 20 Apr 09:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'd add that while Maekawa knows that Shimizu is into women (as Shimizu's even told her about the way people treated her at college because of that [ch 6]), I think she doesn't understand the full extent of what that means (i.e. how she'd react if a woman friend of hers kissed her), and she doesn't know that Shimizu is falling for her specifically. This would be in line with how the kiss scene and the aftermath play out.

She may also have plain forgotten about it and only remembered upon seeing Shimizu's rather, uh, strong reaction. Would match pretty well with her hasty and awkward backpedaling on the (arguably rather insensitive) commentary...

BPD is a very specific and rather nasty mental disorder. It carries a much different connotation to it than simply a generic mental weakness or depressive tendencies. It would be a bit like if you labelled her bipolar, psychopathic or schizophrenic. Each of those mental illnesses is unique and carries a very different meanings and collection of symptoms. Some of the key symptoms of BPD include self mutilation, extreme mood swings, repeated suicide attempts, violence towards partners and family members etc.

Reasonably sure it comes in a very wide range of severity, like nigh any mental issue. You're describing the extreme end of the spectrum.

joined Jul 26, 2016

*guilty gear announcer voice


*mortal combat announcer voice




...wait, this isn't Nanoha.

Still Sick discussion 19 Apr 18:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

If next chapter someone, anyone, doesn't confess seriously, I'll... well, I don't know what I'll do, but I'm gonna be not happy, so there!

You will... will... keep reading! That'll show them! >:c

joined Jul 26, 2016

*guilty gear announcer voice


*mortal combat announcer voice



Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 15:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

Citrus+ is great at showing how Citrus never made any sense and Yuzu and Mei were really incompatible with each other all along. They're just too different and are completely unable to communicate with each other properly. Their relationship is a big pile of nothing and a waste of time for both of them.

Not sure if bait...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Knowing that the majority of central storytelling structures and themes were well-established across Eurasia (and possibly wider but lack of sources makes any real conclusions impossible) by the Bronze Age has left me altogether more concerned with the quality of the writing than any particular attempts at "originality." Or to use a cooking analogy what matters is how well the chef executes the recipe, not how many (ostensibly) novel spins they can add to it - those are just a bonus should they work out.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 2:33PM

joined Jul 26, 2016


Still Sick discussion 19 Apr 14:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

Wait, she has borderline personality disorder? Has that been established?

Well, originally she said メンタル弱い (lit. mental weakness). I am not sure if it means the same as borderline personality disorder. Maybe it's just an interpretation.

Shimizu is hardly a trained psychiatric professional so that's obviously in the colloquial sense - not that Maekawa didn't check off quite a few of the symptoms mind you, on a quick look at the description. Wouldn't call that an unreasonable localisation.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's midnight in Brazil, I'm laughing my ass off, I'm asmathic and my sister thinks I'm dying

I see, a fellow Brazilian :D


Edit: I almost skipped chapter 7. I only realized it was out after reading the comments.

Oi fellow PT BR c:

Oi, brazilian here too :D

Brazilians will take over the world

Today the MMOs, tomorrow the world!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, I can see the back-and-forth. Was that someone's late April Fool's prank or what...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm shocked here people, it looks like this manga is marked as "Sexual violence" in mangadex,

*checks* isn't? ' -')
Not that I would tag it as "Content: Ecchi" either like they seem to but...

joined Jul 26, 2016

The fact that the Russo-Japanese War happened in the timeline of this story raises some questions for me. If the Russo-Japanese War happened, did the first Sino-Japanese War happen? If so, is the second Sino-Japanese War going to happen? Will World War Two happen? Will Indou and Kagami still be serving by then? ARE THESE CHARACTERS GOING TO END UP BEING CHARGED AS WAR CRIMINALS?

We don’t even know the root causes of the Russo-Japanese All-Lesbian War.

However, we do understand why combat in that conflict was notable for a remarkable degree of unit cohesion.

Clearly the military planners were taking cues from the Theban Sacred Band.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't even think she's attracted to the housewife sexually. It's just a fetish.

Not hard to interpret it as Shiro sublimating her attraction to Nanako into her work though. Not like the NTR route looked super promising anyway...

Plus, it's a 4-koma. Progress in 4-koma is really rare.


joined Jul 26, 2016

Works for me.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You're welcome to present your version. Until then argue in detail or shut up about it because flatly declaring "I disagree with you, that's all there is to it" is about as conversationally productive and behaviourally mature as putting fingers in your ears and yelling "I can't hear you".

But I can't hear you! This is text!

To make it short, I have no interest in creating a timeline with so little information. It's asinine. Discussing just one aspect of this grand tapestry seems to cause enough lit fuses for several paragraphs from you. I do not need to see the full salvo, thank you very much.

In other words you arbitrarily wholly disagree with it without even looking at it solely based on the author, and airily pooh-pooh any elaborations derived from available information - while making vague claims of working off an approximate timeline of events of your own (possibly also featuring blackjack and hookers).
Thank you for this frank admission of not even pretending to be arguing in good faith.

And have I mentioned this petty grudge of yours is right tiresome?

That's some woolly and arbitrary assumptions indeed to base an argument on. I have to ask - why are you giving the fictional people only vaguely sketched out in the narrative greater benefit of the doubt than the actual translators...?

I was actually refering to the author, not the teacher in the story.

The relevant lines are on separate pages with no realistic possibility of confusion of order, as might be the case with 'creatively' placed frames and/or speech bubbles on a single page. Trying to argue authorial mix-up here is beyond ridiculous whatever one now might think of the overall quality of their worldbuilding.

Ahem. I do know because it's right there in plain text.

Oh you mean the vague "Yeah I guess its mostly the same even though I dont understand your history well enough"? From a high-school history textbook? Cute.

That's already considerably more concrete scaffolding that you have propping up your increasingly far-fetched premises though. Glass houses, living in, throwing rocks...

Hence why I established that the text is not necessarily contradicting my statment at all, but it's okay. You can ignore my arguments, that's your right Mr. Gentleman.

The text only fails to contradict it by way of comically tortuous mental gymnastics and even more arbitrary assumptions.

Whether the solution was on the cusp of being realized or already being realized before the last man died is basically a miniscule difference, but I guess if you want to see it like that, I'll go back to my original assumption. They already found it. Satisfied? No, you never are.

There is a pretty fundamental difference between "already existed at the time" (as you claimed) and "invented sometime later" (as the narrative quite clearly states) actually, irrespective of how soon that "later" was. It's okay, I never expected you would deign to admit to simply being wrong or at least having misphrased the case anyway.

I also write for the benefit of the audience that can be excused for not remembering or never having read in the first place a mini-essay nine pages back.

I sure hope there is no audience for this exchange. My sympathies to those who do read it.
Next time just post the link.

And here I thought you had no interest in it a priori. Decide already.

last edited at Apr 15, 2019 11:24AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

No, you misunderstand. I do not care about your timeline. Not every timeline. Just yours.
Everything you wrote in that timeline is to paraphrase you "randomly pulled out of your ass". Based on your assumptions. Mine are different. That's all there is to it.

You're welcome to present your version. Until then argue in detail or shut up about it because flatly declaring "I disagree with you, that's all there is to it" is about as conversationally productive and behaviourally mature as putting fingers in your ears and yelling "I can't hear you".

Have you read the original Japanese version? Because all you are taking at face value is the translation. And even then, everyone is guilty of bad phrasing or coordination sometimes. Heck, some people like to go on and on about off-topic stuff. Can you imagine?

That's some woolly and arbitrary assumptions indeed to base an argument on. I have to ask - why are you giving the fictional people only vaguely sketched out in the narrative greater benefit of the doubt than the actual translators...?

  1. There is no indication that this world's history was the same before the virus. Rather borad assumption there. Who knows how advanced technology was? You sure don't.

Ahem. I do know because it's right there in plain text. Now I went over before why the plague and its various side effects would have made for a very different "Long Nineteenth Century" than in our history, making Lily's claim rather ridiculous, but there is no indication nor reason to assume any meaningful differences before the divergence point around the beginning of the 19th century and the effects of the plague starting to show.

  1. If you agree with me here (and I have to assume this when I cut down the fat), why are you opposed to my interpretation that they were well on their way for a breakthrough before the last man died? For someone who is obsessed with timelines, that is the much more likely timeframe, no?

I am not opposed to that interpretation at all, but it isn't what you originally argued. Direct quote:

PS: The last man would not have had a lot of sex, because at that point they would already have come up with a way to reproduce among women.

So, yeah. The text of the narrative explicitly contradicts your original claim; revising your position in light of evidence is perfectly fine but please don't try to pretend you didn't do it.

Thanks for the repeat. Really needed that. A simple "Yes, we agree" would have sufficed.

I also write for the benefit of the audience that can be excused for not remembering or never having read in the first place a mini-essay nine pages back.

last edited at Apr 15, 2019 9:17AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I see the Yuritans are busy burning effigies again.