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Image Comments 12 Nov 03:04
joined Oct 22, 2018

And I'm Home starts playing

Image Comments 12 Nov 03:03
joined Oct 22, 2018


Image Comments 12 Nov 03:02
joined Oct 22, 2018

This! This is cute.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Koguma no baka!

joined Oct 22, 2018

I tend to think of the "Do they fuck? Will they ever?" question as more of a narrative/authorial issue than a character-driven one.

Yukiko-sensei is upfront about the two overt lovers (blanking on the names, and I'm off to work this morning), indicating to me that the ambiguous physical aspect of the MC's relationship amounts to a form of gentle trolling--as I've said before, "How deeply and thoroughly intertwined can I make these two as a couple and still have some people ask, 'Are they dating?'"

But I could be wrong.

like I said, it was just a stray question that popped up while reading the chapter. The two are cute together, either way. Although I sometimes wonder. If building to a sexual relationship isn't the climax of the story, then what's yukiko's exit strategy, for the series.

Implies Yukiko has an exit strategy.

joined Oct 22, 2018

A chapter in which Kasumi smiles at Sakurako a great deal. Fantastic.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Seeing a map with Japan in the middle and Europe off to the side would look very odd! Maybe I just assumed it was an international standard thing, due to 0 longitude running through greewich? I dont recall ever seeing a map not like that? I wonder if its common?

It's pretty common. Map projections are fairly "arbitrary" - for example, the Mercator projection that is usually the base of most things distorts sizes enormously:
Anyway, Chinese maps usually have China in the center. In Japan I haven't seen that (not that I specifically looked around for it), but I wouldn't be surprised if such maps existed.

Ask and you receive

Yeah, that's the type of map we folks at the r/civbattleroyale use
Special emphasis on "type of"

last edited at Nov 10, 2019 1:58PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm glad mom realizes her daughter has found a good reliable wife :)


This chapter made me realise not all maps look like the ones im used to lol. It makes sense maps made in other parts of the world would have that region in the middle not the UK, but I'd never heard of it before.

Seeing a map with Japan in the middle and Europe off to the side would look very odd! Maybe I just assumed it was an international standard thing, due to 0 longitude running through greewich? I dont recall ever seeing a map not like that? I wonder if its common?

While kinda unusual, seeing East-Asia/Pacific centered maps is not unprecedented for me. The Civ Battle Royale, for example, always used maps with the Pacific and East Asia in the center, Europe and Africa on the right side and America on the left. That's not just for the minimaps on CBR Mk.2 and CBRX, but also the fan-made cartography for both of these, the most aesthetically pleasing being the early to mid CBR Mk.2 maps by SylonL, Malsistra and LacsiraxAriscal.

joined Oct 22, 2018

At this point I'm not sure if Nikaidou's power is innate or if it just comes with liking Tadokoro-san. It seems everyone that likes Tadokoro-san gets a coolness upgrade.

The entire manga is just Tadokoro drawing a story where there's always a hero to save her, while in reality she's viciously bullied and alone. It'll end when someone finds her sketchbook and tears it apart, leaving her with nothing.


joined Oct 22, 2018

Did you just seriously repost your comment after all the off-topic spam you made was deleted?

Who do you think deleted that spam? One of the mods? No! It was me!

Also, answering the question I gave is no longer necessary. I only wanted to find the movie again to rewatch a specific scene from it, but I found a YouTube video of that scene, so help is no longer necessary. Thanks anyways.

last edited at Nov 9, 2019 5:47PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I... uhh... so after having watched the series and Rebellion earlier this week, I took several days of pause (and looking at fanart hehe), but now I want to re-watch a scene from Rebellion that keeps playing through my head. Unfortunately, my phone is... uhhh... Let's just say it's having "health problems" right now? And I forgot which site I used to watch Rebellion (due to inability of pay, I only watch free streaming sites). So... if anyone knows such a site where I can watch Rebellion (sub or dub), it'd be greatly appreciated.

Image Comments 09 Nov 05:17
joined Oct 22, 2018

Only after a week or so after first seeing this image did I notice the hand-holding in it.

last edited at Nov 9, 2019 5:18AM

Image Comments 09 Nov 04:01
joined Oct 22, 2018

They are sucking and licking her hair. Why is everyone acting like they are doing some insanely deprived stuff? Sheesh.

Not necessarily deprived, but definitely disgusting...

Image Comments 09 Nov 03:09
joined Oct 22, 2018

When I saw the thumbnail, I quoted a character from my own series, saying "Ooooooooooooohhh... Frick", except with a more funny tone... When I actually saw the image, my face and mood changed completely, and I was just the bottom panel of the disappointed black man meme, except white and Slavic.

Wait... WHAT?

last edited at Nov 9, 2019 3:12AM

Image Comments 09 Nov 03:02
joined Oct 22, 2018

ok, now let's see this happen in the manga XD


joined Oct 22, 2018

Redeemed Villains are the best character ALWAYS

You know who are even bettwe characters? Villains that redeem themselves, then eventually a traumatic event makes them a villain again, and THEN they redeem themselves again! Spoiler ahead: Like Prussia in Ferum and the Second Chance.

last edited at Nov 9, 2019 3:00AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Huh, interesting, you think you might know what the show is called?

It was years ago, and it's no longer airing. I forgot the name of the show, but I don't think you could find it in any language but Serbian even if I remembered how the show was called.

Image Comments 08 Nov 07:15
joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh, they're arguing which one of them is gonna kiss the other again, aren't they?

Their Story discussion 07 Nov 18:07
joined Oct 22, 2018

what kind of sane person would use a fountain pain in answering a test

People of the years 1830-ish - 1950-ish.

Image Comments 07 Nov 17:26
joined Oct 22, 2018

Reminds me of that Russian man when asked "what's better than boobs or butts?"

"The soul!"
"Even more than boobs and butts"
"Boobs are great, but the soul"

Puts a new meaning on that clip.

Image Comments 07 Nov 16:58
joined Oct 22, 2018

Get a close-up on Kyubey's face and boom, A new meme will be born into this world.

Holy shit, you're right!

joined Oct 22, 2018

I think she cares more about how her family is going to be seen if he divorces than about his, or Ayano's, happiness.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Small typo here at the bottom:
sking -> asking

My headcanon is they're somewhere around Aomori and there's ten feet of snow and they're skiing her there.


joined Oct 22, 2018

^ You too?

Their Story discussion 07 Nov 03:43
joined Oct 22, 2018

This chapter is so funny, I may wake my brother up just by laughing at it.