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joined Feb 1, 2013

Over time, I've come to enjoy seeing more 'girly' depictions of Kyoko. Her troubled expressions are always cute.

joined Feb 1, 2013

This doujin is JUSTICE!

Image Comments 11 Sep 22:56
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love the detail that Meiling is dressed as a maid, meaning that she's taken over the housekeeping duties once Sakuya wasn't able to do so anymore. It's also a nice call-back to Yohane's origin of how Sakuya joined the SDM, back when Meiling WAS the chief maid. Also, I love the body-worship being done by 'China'.

last edited at Jun 2, 2020 2:52AM

Maitake2 discussion 10 Sep 08:49
joined Feb 1, 2013

Doesn't she like both? I think at one point she said that she was a fan of both pairings.

It does not feel like so though. Like isn't post-Rebellion, Kyouko is much closer to Sayaka than Mami, staying in her place and such? And Sayaka took over Mami role of being Kyouko's caretaker?

Well yeah, but I wasn't really referring to Rebellion though. I was referring to Maitake's doujins, or specifically this scene.
It kinda leads me to believe that this is what Maitake would want to happen in the end.

Yeah, there should be more Red/Blue/Yellow (aka "Team Primary Colors") material.

Maitake2 discussion 10 Sep 08:19
joined Feb 1, 2013

I did a clean up of HomuKano and removed that vertical line distortion that's on every other page. Does anyone know how I can get touch with the staff to offer it to them?

Image Comments 08 Sep 08:07
joined Feb 1, 2013

Is weird that a part of me kinda like it when girls do this in yuri?

Medusa discussion 08 Sep 08:01
joined Feb 1, 2013

Why is it that so much old school yuri has this miserable depressing atmosphere to it? I mean, isn't manga supposed to be a form of escapism, where we get to see impossible things?

...sigh. Why does tragedy keep getting spilled into my yuri?

It might be that these stories attempt to capture the sadness and frustration of growing up as a gay person in the 1970s. Try having your conservative parents threaten to kill you over it, or your friends deserting you for fear they'll be labelled as gay. Heck that stuff still happens all the time so I don't know.

Yeah, I figured as much... It's just, there's something 'gritty' and 'dirty' about the 70s and 80s that really amps up the cynical and bitter atmosphere of the story.

Medusa discussion 08 Sep 05:09
joined Feb 1, 2013

Why is it that so much old school yuri has this miserable depressing atmosphere to it? I mean, isn't manga supposed to be a form of escapism, where we get to see impossible things?

...sigh. Why does tragedy keep getting spilled into my yuri?

joined Feb 1, 2013

I seriously hate this lame angst trope that all manga seemed to feel obligated to go through... I've seen it sooo many bloody times (in the more than a decade I've been reading manga), and it's never compelling- just frustrating!

Honestly, this is why "Kase-san" is so good, because it doesn't seem to have any obligation to adhere to hackneyed cliches that get in the way of interesting story telling. I almost have to wonder if the mangaka was being pressured by their editor to insert some kind of 'twist' into the plot? Ririha suddenly comes out of nowhere, with no clear motive, and is way more vindictive and cruel than any person her age should be capable of being.

One of the earlier commenters summed things up pretty well: The manga starts out with an extremely entertaining concept, then devolves into something that could be summed up on TVtropes.

As and addendum, after thinking about this... I think the what's going to irritate me the most is that once the period of perfunctory estrangement/longing ends, the story will 'resolve' things in such a way that the whole damned thing might as well never have happened... sigh. Which would be both a relief and a frustration, for reasons I frankly don't have the energy to get into at the moment.

Honestly, I might be better to blow this manga for about 6 months, then come back... once the whole ordeal has resolved itself and moved on. Right now, I'm still inclined to give Ejima more credit than the bastard making Citrus.

last edited at Sep 11, 2017 10:30AM

Medusa discussion 07 Sep 03:51
joined Feb 1, 2013

Just how did you understand a thing about mental illness? Am I too stupid to not see it after the read?

It's the only logical explanation for why Nicola did not actually turn to stone, and Medusa did not actually crack apart, and was committed to a hospital, as well as why Medusa briefly stopped seeing herself as a monster when she was happy.

Nicola needs to go sit under a tree.

I agree. Nicola even says at the end "some busybody from the hospital" came and got her.

Image Comments 05 Sep 07:06
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Don't worry, I'd image that Nadoka is just being 'the stoic' in public. I bet she's much more relaxed with Yui when they're out of school.

Image Comments 02 Sep 22:51
joined Feb 1, 2013


Eli: "More cushion for the pushin'!"

Present discussion 15 Aug 03:25
joined Feb 1, 2013

Well, this was just awesome. It made me smile involuntarily though. I don't like that.

Just make sure to choose to smile before you start smiling involuntarily next time then.

NO! Smiling is the enemy. It implies happiness. Me being happy is just wrong.

I must not smile.
Smiles are the grim-killer.
Smiles are the little-happy that brings total euphoria.
I will face my grins.
I will permit them to pass over me and through me.
And when they have gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the smiles have gone there will be gloom.
Only emo will remain.

I feel like fanboying right now, Nezchan is like Dynasty Reader Royalty (or celebrity, for those whose culture doesn't hold royalty to high esteem), to have them reply to my comment is like meeting the queen.

Emo shall consume, it is inevitable.

~The feels must flow!

Image Comments 11 Aug 04:49
joined Feb 1, 2013

This is great, seeing my favorites from both duos together! This series needs SO much more yuri!

joined Feb 1, 2013

number one: do not hit the mother of a child in front of said child, no matter how much they deserve it

and yeah, you can't always have a definite romantic ending... but still, I hate open ended ones like that.

though for the following reasons it isn't really open:
ok so not only were they really close like lovers, laughing and in that pseudo "i'm about to kiss you" position, but they also separated quickly after hana entered the room, which implies that they were worried that she would get the "wrong" idea.
second floor bedrooms. all the bedrooms are connected by a hallway, but ebi's room and hotei's room are connected by a balcony. note that the doors to ebi's room and hotei's room can be closed (and potentially locked, though I never suggest locking doors when you are taking care of a little kid, even if you plan on having sex with your significant other, being unable to access in cases of emergencies is a bad idea :P) anyway the point being that they could easily have behind doors activities without hana being any the wiser.

still, that ending wasn't nearly as fulfilling as I would have liked

Yeah... I remember reading that scene and hating how she just backed down. Seriously, if I was in her place, I would have replied "bitch, please!"

joined Feb 1, 2013

This doujin is weaponized cuteness.

Image Comments 08 Aug 19:26
joined Feb 1, 2013

^It's called female ejaculation

joined Feb 1, 2013

Oh, Personal Color, you introduced me to Touhou Yuri, and changed my life. My love for you will never die. I love the was PC draws faces- especially the noses in profile.

Two Moons discussion 04 Aug 20:33
joined Feb 1, 2013

"Two Moons", indeed! Lol,I've read this manga so many times, and it's still funny

joined Feb 1, 2013

(࿁◉‿◉࿁) dis the face of death

Death is always most terrifying when it comes unexpectedly.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Kyouko got legs.

~And she knows how to use 'em!

Dark Widow discussion 25 Jul 03:50
joined Feb 1, 2013

Lol. Sorry, but when I saw the name of the magazine she was reading, I lost it. As best as I can recall, "Playgirl" was a beefcake magazine aimed at women (but also read by gay men) that went to defunct in the 90s (i think).

Image Comments 19 Jul 01:30
joined Feb 1, 2013

I'd like it a little more if the Tsundere one inherited the mole...

Image Comments 18 Jul 14:20
joined Feb 1, 2013

Sheesh Nez, we're not all a bunch of newborns here!

Image Comments 17 Jul 10:12
joined Feb 1, 2013

No no no! Leave the glasses on... huff huff