Forum › Posts by gwennie-chan

joined Jul 22, 2015

Nezchan posted:

It felt like Sekihara was going for subtle nuances to their relationship, but didn't add enough actual content about the relationship for them to matter. It's all hints that rely on...not much of anything, really.

I imagine if I'd been able to read the first story I might at least care who either of them were, but at is it there's not enough "there" there.

Agreed. It feels like subtext because the context doesn't have a lot of information. First book probably fills in a lot. Though, near the end they did talk about things like consciousness-sharing and stuff.

Image Comments 27 Oct 17:45
joined Jul 22, 2015

i have a mighty need for more of this type of content

last edited at Oct 27, 2016 5:46PM

Present discussion 23 Oct 12:12
joined Jul 22, 2015

I reread this often. If only this had a/some sequel/s.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Dynasty allows you to read (via the reader) as much manga as you want. However, to reduce bandwidth costs for the (donated) server the website runs on, there is a limit of how many full chapters one can download per day.

Source: Talking with sysadmin

last edited at Oct 22, 2016 1:55PM

HiSox discussion 19 Oct 07:37
joined Jul 22, 2015

Melancholia posted:

Nobody going to mention that it doesn't look anything like a flute?

It's very obviously a recorder.

Recorders are internal whistle flutes. They are in the flute family. It isn't the vaunted classical flute, but a subtype of flute nonetheless.

Yuri Danshi discussion 19 Oct 07:34
joined Jul 22, 2015

Nezchan posted:

Not that I think the author is aware of that or even knows much about trans issues in the first place. Their intent was to satirize a trope, the Unintended Consequence is it's pretty uncomfortable for some folks.

I know that some transphobic people think trans people are doing that and I'm not arguing against that, my point is that the scene was not made to be purposely transphobic (at least I hope so...), because by the way some people talk about the scene I get the impression that they believe the author made it to be transphobic on purpose, looking like that depending on how you see it is just an unfortunate side effect of trying to be funny with a character that overreacts, so people either end up finding his overreaction hilarious or just not funny at all because of how it can look, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not trying to be transphobic, at least in my opinion.

Hanlon's Razor applies: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Again, the author clearly didn't intend it to be taken that way. That doesn't make it less uncomfortable. It just means the author wasn't being a jerk.

This. Author wasn't being an asshole, their character was, but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable and haunting for the lot of trans folks who have had such experiences.

Yuri Danshi discussion 16 Oct 16:51
joined Jul 22, 2015

Nidienne posted:

I pretty much hate how he basically tries to say that the only girls who can be yuri are those who were born women. I know plenty of trans women lesbians and they're totally yuri.

I'd argue that there's no direct indication that Hiromi is transgender, we only know that he's a transvestite. His girlfriend refers to him as "he" and "my boyfriend" and he doesn't seem to object. Not a concrete confirmation or denial, however.

Yeah but he didn't even ask, he just automatically went 'boy in girl clothes' fury mode and decided to hunt them down and rip off their clothes. We'd have no chance to assess trans status or not, he just attacked.

Yuri Danshi discussion 16 Oct 16:44
joined Jul 22, 2015

I pretty much hate how he basically tries to say that the only girls who can be yuri are those who were born women. I know plenty of trans women lesbians and they're totally yuri.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I still wanna pull for Ayano to get with Kyouko tho

HiSox discussion 13 Oct 16:37
joined Jul 22, 2015

Symphogeah posted:

A flute? Like really lol?

I also did crazy things like that when I was a kid. LMAO.

If there's blackmail then it's rape, isn't it?

Not really. I mean, blondie totally wants it and so does the dark-haired girl. The blackmail was just an excuse to get through the lying blonde's front.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I made a handy relationship chart.

Sisters discussion 11 Oct 16:38
joined Jul 22, 2015

Yuri Girl 1001 posted:

Also, would sci-fi tag be used here if we assume that they're robots or at least androids?

There's no indication that there's actually robots involved. Just good ol' science.

Am I the only one who noticed? No robots, just a good old fashioned control device installed in the brain stem ala many sci/fi stories, as seen in panel one on this page

You're right! It's just an implanted control device.

Reversal discussion 10 Oct 13:35
joined Jul 22, 2015

especially when the character-types are generally always submissive or dominant and then role-reversal

joined Jul 22, 2015

So basically the manager has a harem of kemonomimi girls...

It's also somewhat terrifying when you realize that these sentient kemonomimi girls are all kept caged in one-way glass rooms and they're being sold and bred like any other pet.

Though I might personally like to be one of those catgirls

joined Jul 22, 2015

Honestly it's nice to see that Ch 4 and Ch 5 can both exist on their own separate timelines if you want to see them that way, but also work together as a single timeline. I prefer to see them as the single timeline.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Only certain specialty stores carry manga here in the US, and the only yuri I've ever found is super popular stuff like Citrus and Girlfriends

joined Jul 22, 2015

Here's my contributions:

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter is pretty realistic. It involves multiple girls and shows that love isn't always a neat thing - things like past sexual abuse, social expectations and dating guys, whether sapphic love is real in a heteronormative society.

While they may be old, Mist Magazine's stories often involve tons of real-world issues ranging from unloving het marriages and repressed sapphism, bisexuality, how to move on from past lovers, or exchanging illicit sex for something. They are issues from December 1996, March 1998, and May 1998. I also enjoy them because nearly every story has a NSFW element to it - just like life does.

Finally, Perfume of Love is an anthology that is kinda fluffy, but is somewhat realistic. There's a girl who vents about her secret senpai crush online to a pseudonymous internet friend who happens to be said senpai's best friend - both are blindsighted by senpai's sudden boyfriend and internet friend decides to pursue girl on the upswing, a decently-sheltered girl who is confessed to by a girl in her class and rejects her, but the confession leads to her noticing her and an obsession with her and her most noticeable trait - her sweet smell, a girl who's followed her crush, a childhood friend and neighbor, for a long time until she becomes a teacher at her school and they awkwardly try to pursue each other (has followup in Steps Ch 4 and Ch 5), and an unmotivated student who becomes interested in her new teacher's scent and essential oil usage which leads to her being interested in her body.

last edited at Oct 2, 2016 3:36PM

joined Jul 22, 2015

I'm good at photomanipulation, vector graphics, writing

joined Jul 22, 2015

If only we had more Marriage like this in manga

joined Jul 22, 2015

Suggestion: Make discussions of tags or pairings have their own thing. Currently discussing any tag or pairing or such will just be labeled "Chapter Discussion"

joined Jul 22, 2015

DrMario posted:

DrMario posted:

The gradient in the background of this site just stops at some point when you scroll down enough and you can notice the discontinuity.

That's because the css value for background-repeat is set only to repeat-x instead of repeat in general (which it should be)

While I don't know anything about how to make websites, you can't just repeat a gradient. Even mirroring every other copy would produce a second order discontinuity (if it's a linear gradient), which our eyes are good at picking out. You could probably just stretch the gradient over the whole vertical height of the page. Or over the total vertical height of the screen and keep it locked in place. But I'll leave that to the developers. As I've said, I have no idea how websites work.

You can easily repeat this gradient. A lot of web gradients focus on making things which run back to the start at the end so they can be easily repeated. This gradient is one of them. Soft-gradients are tricky (ones defined by color values in code) and so to get around this, web designers often put hard-gradients into very narrow, tall or very wide, short raster format (png, jpg) which is then repeated... as this one does.

joined Jul 22, 2015

DrMario posted:

The gradient in the background of this site just stops at some point when you scroll down enough and you can notice the discontinuity.

That's because the css value for background-repeat is set only to repeat-x instead of repeat in general (which it should be)

joined Jul 22, 2015

It was a little creepy to start out with, the costume that is, but I suspected something like it from the title card page.

However, it's endearing to me considering she's dressing up like the cute animals her crush adores to try to get closer to her. It's like a show of love and that expression is reciprocated.

joined Jul 22, 2015

I think there needs to be separate kinds of upload requests specified on the form, like a little dropdown or radio button that allows you to select Manga or Image. Feedback would be nice for requests in general. I personally would prefer also to have a set of pre-determined reasons for tag selections that have already been decided so when someone gets declined the reason is also pre-stated.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Serenata posted:

I'm pleased with the rebirth of DekoSummer material!!!
Kyoani could make a spin off with just these girls and it would have been my favorite anime, it wouldn't even need to go full yuri.
Anyway, I'm happy to see Deko still faithful to her chuuni nature even in third

It's actually not rebirth, there's just a good amount out there that was never noticed and translated (such as on Pixiv). I've just been going through and trying to find good stuff and scanlate it.