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New Game discussion 23 Jul 21:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

You know things have gone sideways when Nene is acting as the proverbial adult in the room lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

I suspect that, in the remaining chapters till the manga's end, Yume won't get a single kiss. This makes me mad.

She's my favorite among the schoolgirls in the story. She was curious about the swapping, and tried more than once to persuade Haru/Natsuko to kiss her -- just to see if they would swap bodies with her, too. But the other girls always shied away from the experiment. Tsk.

It will be vexing if, by the end of the series, Yume hasn't been kissed by anyone, not even once. Swap or no swap. Unfairness!

The thirst is real on both sides of the screen, I see. :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Which is quite impressive considering Sakurako natural gay power.

Scientifically measured to be OVER 9000!

Also, Kasumi compliments Sakurako's nimble fingers... ok.

All in all these two really know how to handle clams.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Sakurako confirmed King Kull reincarnated; By This Axe, I Rule

I foresee 10 pages of discussion about Robert E. Howard, starting now.

Hey, would be a worthy subject at least.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I still don't understand how we end up talking suits and uniforms on the Futarabeya thread.

Blame Blax.
Though if someone were to threaten Kasumi in any way, Sakurako would definitely go all Rambo on them. I pity the army that tries to get between them.

She already kinda do it.

Sakurako confirmed King Kull reincarnated; By This Axe, I Rule

Still Sick discussion 18 Jul 01:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

I really hope Shimizu isn't evolving into a Kase-san here. Maekawa talking to a female colleague at work, the horror...

...I think you got the names flipped 'round, there.

joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 26, 2016

This chapter is so great in all kinds of ways lmao

Tama-Chan making a very complete "How to make babies" class in the middle of the Comiket to her kouhai and Nono's awakenig was really funny.
And the bathroom queue line just make it even funnier. Poor Tama-Chan.

Don't forget Haa-chan defusing the situation by casually talking Nono out of social conformism and into independent thinking. Turned into an unexpectedly all-around educational day for kouhai-chan didn't it? :P

Still Sick discussion 17 Jul 22:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

Maekawa makes the best "uwaahhh..." faces

joined Jul 26, 2016

People have pretty much forgotten where the idea originally came from, haven't they?

More like most never knew to begin with. How little people know of the world a mere hundred years ago despite having ready access to a wealth of information about it if they only looked for it is amazing sometimes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

At least it was never outright illegal, unlike many Western countries at the same period, where they'd have to fear all sorts of repercussions (depends on the exact date and country and frankly some randomness of course). Not that I imagine it'd be easy in Japan during that period either ^^

Sodomy was illegal during the Meiji restoration for few years

Must have been the Westernization. They tried really hard to please the British and Americans, at the time, by making the country more like theirs; and a lot of really stupid laws were the result.

"Please", Hell. They pretty much wanted to become them (and the Germans while they were at it).

joined Jul 26, 2016

This chapter is so great in all kinds of ways lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016


It won't be.

inb4 it's NTR ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1 x ½ discussion 15 Jul 12:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

a frontal assault can also award you with a slap to the face

Them's the breaks.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Did Nikaidou came?

If not then as close as makes no difference, I'd say. But then this is the girl who ahegao'd in class from the thought of Inko watching her so not like that takes much...

1 x ½ discussion 15 Jul 12:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

WOOOAH that sudden kiss >///<

Well if nothing else the Prez has clearly understood something important about making moves on someone as chronically oblivious as Asuka that Jun-kun (big_F.jpg) should have taken a note of long ago - beating around the bush gets you exactly nowhere ('cept maybe marooned in the Friend Zone), a frontal assault is how you get the message across.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not that she didn't appreciate their company (perhaps somewhat despite herself) but good luck ever getting her to admit that...

You don't get more tsundere than her, right?

Well I just started re-reading Kiss and White Lily... >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, last one about Yuu and the twins kinda made me feel like Yuu wouldn't mind adding them to her pets. ^^; Could be fun seeing her trying to get all dom on them and the twins messing her up just by being themselves.

I kinda get this feeling that Yuu is secretly scared of the twins, haha. Mari is one thing: she knows Mari would never try to steal the initiative from her, so she can control their relationship, no sweat. But the MahiMahi are constantly bubbling with new ideas and acting on them as soon as they think of them... and that our poor Yuu can't handle at all.

I suspect they mostly just confuse the Hell out of her. She's not exactly a people person to begin with or for that matter an easy personality to get along with (IIRC it's noted outright at one point that Mari's pretty much her only friend, pre-MahiMahi) and knows it; the way the Not Twins just... cheerfully ignore all that and insist on being her friends seems to leave her rather baffled.

Not that she didn't appreciate their company (perhaps somewhat despite herself) but good luck ever getting her to admit that...

Stretch discussion 14 Jul 15:35
joined Jul 26, 2016

I expected a yuri even if it isn't tagged yuri. So this one gets a 3/10 out of me. Nothing exceptional about this. If you wanna waste time reading about two girls doing absolutely nothing in an "adult setting". However I found the entire serie naive. That's about it. Don't waste time reading this sh*t

Way to entirely miss the point of the story.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^That quip about all power growing from the muzzles of rifles (idr whether it's Lenin or Mao that one's attributed to) is also a profound observation on the fundamental basis of sovereignty and the rule of law, after all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The Mari-Yuu-MahiMahi group is one of the greatest things in manga.

joined Jul 26, 2016

hum...I know its ecchi but what if all there excessive/unnecessary panty shot ?

Rather answered yourself there.

Their Story discussion 12 Jul 15:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

Lilliwyt posted:

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends

I don't have friends so what should i do ?

Wipe your hands on your enemies instead

Of cos - how else are you supposed to get their blood off... >.>

Well, if the battlefield is near a river, you can get it off by swimming in said river? Unless the blood of the battlefield ended up reddening the river, in which case...

Rivers near battlefields usually ended up full of the dead and dying defeated driven there in a bloody rout to drown, tho. But I would imagine that simplifies the whole "bathe in their blood" business...?

1 x ½ discussion 12 Jul 13:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

Jun-nii, SOL 4 lyfe.

Their Story discussion 12 Jul 12:10
joined Jul 26, 2016

good thing I have some friends to wipe my hands on, life could be environmentally friendly with friends

I don't have friends so what should i do ?

Never wash your hands, obviously. :^)