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joined Jul 26, 2016

Most prefer to try to act however now passes for normal for them if not too upset to manage that for some reason, and approach challenges with an air of confidence if they can

If it wasn't for the spoiler we get about how she seem to really regret it then i can't have bring myself thinking : 'oh she seem confident but deep down she regret it and want to apologize'. It's not because it's clear to youthat it's clear to me

...I'm really not seeing the need for spoiler-wrapping that but anyway. There's no inherent conflict between confidence and genuine desire to apologise you know, doubly so if you've had time to think the matter over and mentally prepare beforehand and are now filled with DETERMINATION. If anything if you have strong emotional investement in the issue you'll probably want to go in as composed and confident as you can already to keep a check on your own feelings whatever they now might be - people tend not approach such situations with the goal of turning into a blubbering mess halfway through (but you know what they say about the best laid plans).

joined Jul 26, 2016

which was Lilliwyt's bizarre attempts to claim normal human behaviour such as not penitently crawling in dust in sackcloth (whipping yourself optional) as proof positive of ill intent.

I didn't ask her to be all tears and sorry but that isn't the face of someone feeling bad of what she have done.

And I'm telling you that's literally not how most people behave. Most prefer to try to act however now passes for normal for them if not too upset to manage that for some reason, and approach challenges with an air of confidence if they can. It's partly for your own sake, keeping lid on your own anxieties and all that, and partly because you generally don't want to advertise whatever inner turmoil you might be experiencing to all and sundry.

People can and do maintain very convincing facades of nonchalant normalcy all the time despite their actual circumstances being sometimes outright nightmarish (one way or another, as several "respectable everyman" serial killers have demonstrated).

And concrete counterpoint: this sure looks like a face full of :regrets: - it's actually the first of all of three instances we see Igarashi's default smug smile faltering. (The other two being when Chidori all but confessed to her and called her out.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

C'mon, the overall gist of senpai's character is that she's kind of an asshole. There's no indication that when she comes back, she's still not going to be kind of an asshole, at least at first.

I was less talking about your point than the (to me surprising) general impulse around here to rehabilitate senpai before we know anything at all (except for the slight cues I mentioned) about what she's actually up to.

Which is exactly why I'm reserving judgement until we have more relevant information to work with. As things stand it could go either way - and even if her intentions are bonafide benign Igarashi will still likely stir up quite the shitstorm simply by rattling loose any number of Chidori's issues.
All bets are off if they aren't ofc.

All of this is a quite separate matter from what I was talking about, which was Lilliwyt's bizarre attempts to claim normal human behaviour such as not penitently crawling in dust in sackcloth (whipping yourself optional) as proof positive of ill intent.

last edited at Aug 9, 2019 10:44AM

VAMPEERZ discussion 09 Aug 10:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

Excuse me whilst I date myself:


joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah but she seem to being fine here

Alongside narrative structures I am beginning to question your grasp of the most elementary human psychology.

Senpai's giggle, followed by the heart in the word balloon, followed by Chidori feeling a cold wind, followed by mention of a typhoon coming = subtle indicators that a contrite senpai is on her way to kowtow before Chidori and beg forgiveness for her transgressions.

You know as well as I do that's as lurid a hyperbole as they come and has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah but she seem to being fine here

Alongside narrative structures I am beginning to question your grasp of the most elementary human psychology.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Entoma, that's a very messed-up and misogynistic thing to say

It’s like the opposite of misogynistic depending on how you interpret it lol

Not to put too fine a point on it but that's an attitude primarily associated with the bridal virginity preoccupation of only too many patriarchal traditional societies (the two descriptors being nigh synonymous) - though historically it actually had more to do with inheritance issues than anything, it's not like most of those selfsame societies had any particular problems with widows etc. remarrying after all.

Are you telling me that if there are 2 girls, one is having sex with some dude since forever and now just found out she is into girls and another is a lesbian and has not been with a dude, all things being equal you are gonna go for the first one? I call BS on that

I sincerely fail to see why that should be any kind of issue. Or, for that matter, factor.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Like, what did you guys expected? To Kaoru drop everything and start cute kawaii (including kisses and sex) relationship with a child?


Oi, this ain't a Mira oneshot. :/

I think you misspell Itou Hachi, we just need Uta with animal ears.

...either works, really. collab when

joined Jul 26, 2016

People can feel bad about wronging others quite literally for their entire lives after all.

I can be wrong but she doesn't seem to feel bad here.

...she literally just entered the room and said her greetings you know. The heck are you expecting, her collapsing into a sobbing mess right out of the gate or something?

Whatever her intentions she always came across as a fairly collected person if nothing else - and whatever she wants to say she's had a long time to mull over and mentally prepare for.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 10:16PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

her intentions are probably to give a definitive closure to their relationship.

Didn't Chidori already did that when she give back the chocolates on Valentines ?

That was just a plain old rejection by default. Would assume that, if her intentions are wholesome, she'd like to talk things out so they can part on better terms at least. People can feel bad about wronging others quite literally for their entire lives after all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Like, what did you guys expected? To Kaoru drop everything and start cute kawaii (including kisses and sex) relationship with a child?


Oi, this ain't a Mira oneshot. :/

joined Jul 26, 2016

That and your no less painfully simplistic reading of what role it might have in the continuation of the story, yes.

What him not cheating mean for the story ? Doesn't that mean Kaoru still have someone she can rely on even with Uta leaving ? I know Kaoru is really fond of Uta but that doesn't mean she will be alone if Reiichi really doesn't cheat. It just need for both them to talk about that (i mean even if he is cheating they need to talk about that) and for Reiichi to be a better husband and Kaoru to be more autonom.

Whether he's actually cheating or not is fairly irrelevant if she cannot trust in him. Lingering suspicion like that tends to gnaw at people and is probably doubly venomous on someone as emotionally dependent as Kaoru clearly is. (TBF from what we've been told of her family background - ie. out of one IIRC - she's a better Freudian Excuse for that than most.)

And in any case that isn't particularly the crux of the story in the first place. It has little direct bearing on the resolution of either the tangled relationship between the in-laws or Uta's home problems which she moved in with Reiichi and Kaoru to escape in the first place; both story threads have ample room for any amount of further developement entirely irrespective of how the whole Risako one pans out.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 7:12PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think i'm too stupid to understand what the point you get irritated at .

Him not cheating is just a waste of the story, even if it's too convenient for the story.

You talking about that ?

That and your no less painfully simplistic reading of what role it might have in the continuation of the story, yes.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Writing is not really my forte.

I can tell yes. But would just point out that irrespective of how it eventually resolves suspicion in itself is a very effective drama driver which even a half-assed author can get quite a bit done with. (I'm still a little annoyed how this one keeps stalling with the revelation for much the same reasons Blastaar enumerated earlier.)

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 6:27PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

About what ? Just because he is guilty doesn't mean he is innocent from cheating and if he is not cheating then all it's left it's clear the misunderstanding.

Was referring to the other literal two-thirds of that post. Not much of a storyteller, are you?

joined Jul 26, 2016

If he is cheating, he is not innocent at all no matter how you see it. Him not cheating is just a waste of the story, even if it's too convenient for the story. If he was not cheating we could have ended after Uta's leaving.

That's some painfully reductive lack of imagination.

joined Jul 26, 2016

But the whole "What am I doing" thing looks bad. What is he doing, in relation to Risako? If the mangaka knows, we ain't being told.

If you claim to be out of town on a business trip for "a few extra days" on your birthday and later that day your spouse spots you with another person, one you used to date, well, . . .

TBF he could just be angry at himself for his only too obvious partial culpability in Kaoru's accident, and even if he's actually innocent of any wrongdoing I doth believe even he could readily work out the difficulty of clearing the only too apparent suspicions and explaining the circumstances without it coming across as a big steaming pile of dishonest horseshit...

And if he actually is as guilty as he managed to look like, well, he certainly had cause to kick himself over getting caught like a complete idiot.

In either case I doubt he was particularly happy about the elephant that just parked its fat gray ass in the middle of the living room; guilty or not the household certainly didn't need that kind of added tension and lingering suspicion.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Entoma, that's a very messed-up and misogynistic thing to say

It’s like the opposite of misogynistic depending on how you interpret it lol

Not to put too fine a point on it but that's an attitude primarily associated with the bridal virginity preoccupation of only too many patriarchal traditional societies (the two descriptors being nigh synonymous) - though historically it actually had more to do with inheritance issues than anything, it's not like most of those selfsame societies had any particular problems with widows etc. remarrying after all.

Image Comments 08 Aug 16:06
joined Jul 26, 2016
joined Jul 26, 2016

Still a better option than Kaoru attempting suicide idea i had before.

That's not exactly putting the bar very high...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Magnetic posted:

damn kaoru you were almost there....
so turns out reichii wasnt cheating and everything was just kaoru’s overreacting?

Where do the people get the idea he isn't cheating?

Because Risako said they are just friends?

I didn't get anything either way from this interaction.

Yeah, I have no idea where that particular leap of logic is coming from. We literally don't know what's going on between those two; all we have is some suspicious circumstances that can also have entirely innocent explanations.

And that smile was surely not sincere at all, it's the smile of a woman who know she don't have anymore obstacles to make her relation with Reiichi going further. Uta is leaving and she well know that Kaoru isn't a threat at all for the moment. Just need Kaoru to snap back to reality and do something at least.

And you've been reading too much Kodamawatching too many bad soaps. If nothing else we've never had any indication of Risako harboring any ill-will towards, I'll remind you, her old friend and frankly if she pulled something that legit hurt Kaoru Reiichi very likely would never forgive her for it; it bears repeating that whatever his other shortcomings might be the dude is nothing if not caring about the continued well-being of those around him.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 3:38PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

(I'll take it all back when it turns out Igarashi came to apologize to Chidori for traumatizing her and just leaves right after, hapy to know her kohai is now in good and caring hands...)

Look at those eyes--you think that's what those eyes are up to? Lol

That's how they were drawn from the start, mind. She has a pretty distinctive iris reflection for whatever reason. probably just to help distinguish her from Chidori in very close-up shots

joined Jul 26, 2016

[visible concern]

joined Jul 26, 2016

Reiichi's an interesting case really. He certainly genuinely cares about both Uta and Kaoru and their well-being but it's unclear how much he actually loves the latter (not the least to herself), and often comes across as rather awkward and somewhat lacking in emotional intellect. And there certainly could be entirely innocent explanations as to why he was seen meeting with Risako in circumstances that can only be described as tremendously dodgy... but owing to Kaoru's bad habit of conflict avoidance he was never called on to describe them, leaving the whole matter something of an elephant in the room and a big honking question mark.

joined Jul 26, 2016

maybe dealing with being in love with her brothers wife was more painfull that her problems with her family, we don´t actually know why she hates her mother it might be something petty.
(well actually we don´t really know much about the story after 25 chapter but that´s another issue )

From the various hints dropped through the story - including how both of the siblings react to the topic, and the passing reference to how Uta was when she first moved in with Reiichi and Kaoru - it's fairly apparent that their parents are pretty terrible at, well, being parents. When you're effectively having to adopt your kid sibling just to give them a healthier home than your parents did... yeah.