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Image Comments 04 Dec 22:51
joined Oct 1, 2020

Buff girlfriends being adorably chill is absolute gold.

Image Comments 04 Dec 22:50
joined Oct 1, 2020

Taboo- Foursome of a Kind

Image Comments 04 Dec 22:49
joined Oct 1, 2020

Mako is just lesbian Paul Heyman, and we love her for it.

Image Comments 04 Dec 22:48
joined Oct 1, 2020

Tfw when you look too long at an emoticon and then it starts to blush.

Image Comments 04 Dec 22:47
joined Oct 1, 2020

Really love the small details here. The glossiness of the hair reflecting light at different angles, the subtly different hues on the nail polish, the light beads of sweat, the creases in the sheets, the intricate positioning of the hands, the affection and amusement in the eyes of the one on the right versus the quiet focus in the eyes of the one on the left- there's so many pleasing technical details that I nearly forgot the image was supposed to be sensual.

Image Comments 04 Dec 15:50
joined Oct 1, 2020

Yoshika used to be a poet, so it stands to reason that she'd have a fertile imagination.

Image Comments 04 Dec 15:44
joined Oct 1, 2020

Yuyuko and Youmu both see Reisen as a snack, albeit in different ways.

Image Comments 04 Dec 15:41
joined Oct 1, 2020

Sakuya looks like she's replaying PCB on Lunatic in her head to keep from getting a nosebleed.

Image Comments 04 Dec 13:43
joined Oct 1, 2020

SuzuHiru is a godtier ship in every sense. Aesthetics, check. Narrative connection, check. Thematic synchronization, check. Eagerly awaiting the impending storm of fanart that'll come from Seiran being added to the game (though ReLive fanart almost never makes it here, despite the abundance of top-quality gayness on display).

Image Comments 04 Dec 11:15
joined Oct 1, 2020

Velvet has revolutionary lesbian energy, so this image makes me quite happy.

Image Comments 04 Dec 11:10
joined Oct 1, 2020

Haven't heard much buzz about SinoAlice at all. You'd think a story about alternative versions of fairytale figures with a massive female cast, written by Yoko freaking Taro of all people, would be more popular, but apparently not.

Image Comments 04 Dec 11:08
joined Oct 1, 2020

One of the advantages of civilization ending is that there's no driving laws.

joined Oct 1, 2020

AzMaya always has the best ideas. Sanae running around Gensokyo as a cute drifter is a premise with ridiculous amounts of potential, and the dressing-up theme captures Touhou's true appeal- fashion.

It's kinda hilarious to see how irresponsible Kanako and Suwako are here, especially in comparison to the latest Lotus-Eaters chapter. It seems like they've imbibed the Hakurei spirit of getting plastered and making bad jokes, which is always a good way to go about life, if not religious solicitation.

I also appreciate how Azuma characterized Momiji as the punctilious, composed officer she's supposed to be instead of the standard awoo butt-monkey portrayal she's saddled with. Has any character been so butchered on the basis on so few appearances? The mentions of shogi were a nice touch too.

Seems like we'll be heading to the SDM next chapter, because every Touhou work in existence seems legally obligated to feature Remilia's mug within the first three chapters. Azuma's always been great at balancing light-heartedness with canon fidelity, though, so her takes on the vampire's extended family ought to be entertaining.

Also, Sanae better get a Yakumo tabard at some point in the series. It'd also be hilarious if she somehow ended up on the moon and got a crash course in Lunarian fashion from a perennially-silent, mildly-disgruntled Sagume.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Aren't there way too many bots showing up lately? I don't seem to recall seeing these many before, especially not creating entire forum threads. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it seems like something that ought to be addressed.

joined Oct 1, 2020

This Kiki's gonna need some serious Kanri-ing.

I like how Izumo tried to mitigate the Watermelon's edginess by having Shamiko and Momo sling wisecracks throughout her demon genocide spiel, though it only served to make her more unnerving. I'm not even sure if this was intentional or not- Izumo's 5D chess is as brilliant as ever.

It's been a long, fun ride, and it feels surreal to see how far we've come from a standard Kirara comedy. This clever, gay, brilliantly ambitious series has been one of the biggest surprises I've encountered in all my time reading manga, and I'm still amazed at just how much Izumo can do with the often-reviled 4koma format. Most authors are limited by the structure and often avoid going for complicated content, but Izumo uses the simple layout to optimize the flow of her exposition, create perfect balances between gags and drama, underline action and dialogue in frantic progressions and create some of the best visual narratives I've seen (the core slowly eroding, that one panel of absolute, terrifying darkness after Suika reveals her true intentions, the partial shot of her grinning, misshapen face as she resurrects, and the absolute goddamn brilliance of framing her spacetime-breaking threat to Shamiko as the punchline of a 4koma strip are all excellent examples of an artist making the absolute best of their medium).

We're in the endgame now, or perhaps the beginning of an entirely new one. I'm extremely hyped for this, because I just know that Izumo's planned it all out and will almost certainly deliver a fitting conclusion. This series has been excellent at retaining its core identity and charm whilst steadily strengthening its dramatic beats, and we're going to be in for a legendary payoff. Ganbare, Shamiko! Stop Mahou Shoujo Hitler, broker world peace, and kiss Momo while you're at it!

joined Oct 1, 2020

Doesn't count Symphogear

I haven't actually watched it yet. Is it actually any good?

Depends on what you want from a show. The plot, characterization and pacing are all kinds of wack, but the sheer awesomeness of the fight scenes, the brilliance of the music, the overall gayness and the emotional beats really make up for it. Symphogear is the dumbest show I have ever watched, but it also brought me to the verge of tears three separate times- not because of sadness, but because the characters were so overwhelmingly awesome that my tear-ducts spontaneously began to overflow. As someone who's simultaneously facepalmed at the contrived-ass writing and screamed my lungs out and whooped like a five-year old during the season finales, I've gotta say that Symphogear isn't something you can review, but something that you need to experience for yourself. It gets decidedly better with every season, but you'll know very early on whether or not its for you. Also, it has Nana Mizuki, which is automatically a huge argument in favor of the whole thing (Zettou: Ame-no-Habakiri is one of the best character themes ever, and carries Season 1 all on its own).

joined Oct 1, 2020


joined Oct 1, 2020

^ You may have just discovered the missing link in human-kemonomimi evolution. Congratulations.

Also, this series reminds me of the famous bullying stock photo

joined Oct 1, 2020

Personally? I say we wait and see, and probably look out for sources that're more reliable than 4chan.

I hear you and I agree with your general point, but I think you're dismissing /u/ far too quickly/offhandedly, that board has been and continues to be collectively responsible for a lot of translations (look how many releases are under /u/ scanlations on this site alone), information, and creating awareness and "hype" for loads of yuri series, it's not somewhere like /v/ where it's just an endless stream of useless garbage, I've never seen much in the way of disinformation on /u/ and the board contributes a shit load to this fandom/hobby.

Fair point. I briefly forgot that /u/ scanlations existed, and now that I recall how many series they've worked on, I feel a bit bad. Even if it's not trolling though, posters could have a penchant for oversimplifying or exaggerating certain plot points based on bitterness or knee-jerk reactions, which is why it's best to wait until we get a comprehensive summary. Mostly, I guess I'm just unwilling to write off a series with such a strong first chapter based on spoilers from a forum, but if they turn out to be right, then I'll be thankful to them for warning us in advance.

joined Oct 1, 2020

I couldn't help thinking she was talking about something other than sales here...

Oh, and you can't get hired as a staff member without killing an ecchi yuri author. The tales of Pekoe taking Mira out with a sniper rifle while she was purchasing ramen from a convenience store are legendary.

Ah, that. My proudest life achievement. I appreciate you bringing it up, always leaves me giddy!

You couldn't have offed Kobayashi Ritz instead?

Ritz is a bonafide visionary

joined Oct 1, 2020

Let's try one of the works tagged urethral insertion, I thought. How bad could it be, I figured. Little did I know...

In all honesty, not that bad. These two went back to being buds super quick. Friendship and mahou shoujos are a huge meme by now, but you'd really have to consider someone a precious buddy if you shrug off their attempts to model your freaking intestines before petrifying you. This right here is the A-team. Ain't nothing on Satan's bile-yellow earth gonna crack 'em.

joined Oct 1, 2020

I can't believe the very first message in this thread is someone calling the mc a garbage ball.
I'd call for moderation.... but the one who wrote that line is staff. ಠ_ಠ
Dynasty forum: where yuri lovers can&will be puritans too....

You're absolutely right. This site has a massive issue with puritanism. Every time a manga with the lots of sex tag comes out, tens of thousands of us view it so we can burn the image of evil lesbians into our eyes. You see the number that shows you how many posts we've made? It actually refers to the number of yuri hentai doujinshi we've burnt. Oh, and you can't get hired as a staff member without killing an ecchi yuri author. The tales of Pekoe taking Mira out with a sniper rifle while she was purchasing ramen from a convenience store are legendary.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Someone linked to this information from a recent "recent releases" thread on /u/ regarding volume 2 of this manga:

Don't know how accurate the info is (some of it could still be a misunderstanding between protags until more chapters are released that clarify for example) but I'd be wary of it at the very least, seems Yuni went to the Kodama Naoko school of "yuri" bullshittery if it is true though.

4chan discourse is as charming as ever, I see. On the one hand, they're known for trolling, on the other, this wouldn't be the first time this happened in a yuri series. So far, the story seems flawless, but I wouldn't blame people for wanting to avoid getting invested in a story that they know is going to end disappointingly. There's also the fact that even the shittiest of plot points could be handled well by a competent writer (though it'd be pretty hard to write your way through developments like these). Personally? I say we wait and see, and probably look out for sources that're more reliable than 4chan.

joined Oct 1, 2020

she’s basically catnip for tops

There's a neko for the tachi joke to be made here but it's too early in the morning for me to make it work lol

Neko-tachi no yokubo?

Alternatively, Neko-chan, tachiagare!

last edited at Dec 3, 2020 10:52AM

Image Comments 03 Dec 09:59
joined Oct 1, 2020

Yukari: After ten years, you still think you're capable of being on top? How naive.
Reimu: A little bird told me that your parents named you Maribel. Mary Bell. Merry Berry.
Yukari: Nooooooooooooooo!!!!