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joined Jul 26, 2016

Huh, the rebound was remarkably quick.

I mean. Izumi made her peace with the outcome a long time ago, she just needed to get back up from the actual emotional impact.

joined Jul 26, 2016

We just need that realization now.

y tho .-.

Image Comments 11 Jan 12:36
joined Jul 26, 2016
joined Jul 26, 2016

I've got a crazy theory. The real Hinako was actually possessed by a monster in the accident. The monster needs to eat other monsters, so it makes her blood irresistible to them, to lure them in

Well it's been fasting pretty religiously for like a decade, then.

joined Jul 26, 2016

BRROOO!!! I just want to know her agenda!

...whose? Because so far all three main characters have been pretty unequivocal regarding what they're about...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not sure if it's specifically a Yuri trope (I don't read much non-Yuri romance), but I really dislike the "I don't know what love is" trope where a girl somehow is completely clueless what a romantic relationship is even supposed to be. Unless the story is making a specific point that a character is extremely sheltered or maybe from a strict household were anything romance-related is strictly forbidden, it just feels super weird to me and just makes me want to roll my eyes

Is it supposed to be like an aro or ace thing? I've seen that hinted on occasion but not represented particularly well. Usually stuff like that ends up being another way to say "but we're both girls!"

Suspecting it's some weird purity fetish thing in the overwhelming majority of cases.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ah how sweet, they're total buddies now (:

new ship confirmed
waiting for the fanarts

joined Jul 26, 2016

Accidental kisses are funny and cute, but I don't consider it actual progress until they do it on purpose.

(Edit: Of course, this series being what it is, this will most likely just lead to a pattern where they add kissing to their repertoire while also wondering if the other means it romantically while they both insist it is somehow platonic.)

So true. I get being happy about the accidental kiss and the possibilities of progress it brings, but the huge cries of a variation on "they finally kissed" seem a bit premature when neither of them actually intended to do so.

Essentially all progress in their relationship has throughout been the result of comparable happenings and subsequent realizations ya know...

These two are basically going to stumble their way into a fully conscious relationship, mark my words.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Momose speaking her thoughts out loud was extremely funny

TBF it's her character quirk established right in the first appearance. Never ceases to be funny tho.

Image Comments 10 Jan 12:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

Probably an onomatopoeia shared among the Romance languages - going by fuzzy memory I'm pretty sure it's rendered similarly in the Franco-Belgian BDs.

Communism discussion 09 Jan 17:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

If you deny that the PRC is socialist because of it's market policies I am not sure how you can say that the soviet union under Lenin was socialist since it had the NEP

To be clear, I don't disagree with either of these policies since capital accumulation was necessary in both cases. I don't care if you don't think that this makes them fake communists, to think that there was any other path is simply utopianism

Pretty sure NEP was pegged fairly specifically as a necessary temporary measure seeing as how at the time the entirety of the USSR was a backwards agrarian shithole still smoldering from the Russian Civil War. They ditched it as soon as it had outlived its immediate usefulness, too. (I think Stalin later persecuted the enterpreneurs too but, then, he persecuted basically everyone at one time or another anyway - that's just how he rolled.)

The economic policies of the PRC since 'bout the Eighties or so can't even be talked about in the same day in terms of either content or context. Some time ago a newspaper 'round here offhandedly summarized the country as "combining totalitarian control in politics with law of the jungle in the economy" which sounds about right.

joined Jul 26, 2016

we're left wondering, and worrying if there's some unresolved tension to the relationship.

You misspelled “ I’m left wondering and worrying.”

They may be a plural system /mostly joking

inb4 accidentally blew their cover by using the royal "we" :v

Image Comments 07 Jan 23:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^debatable, last I checked gave the impression Miko grew up as sort of the family pet of the Raiden twins or smth (and IIRC has at least once described herself as Ei's "familiar" whatever that now means). In any case her and Ei certainly don't talk to each other in a mother-daughter sort of way.

OTOH Ei very concretely created both Edgy Pinocchio and the Shogun Terminator and is thus the closest applicable analog of "mother" to both so... yeah. (Which also makes her relationship with the latter even weirder but eh.)

Arknights! 07 Jan 19:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

Then again considering how much they can spy on us using cookies and what not, you'd think making sure you actually tweet after clicking share button wouldn't be too hard.

I figure Twitter and FB et al aren't keen on letting anyone ELSE harvest marketable data on their users and flatly stonewall external prying attempts. And really, it's not like the game companies have any reason to make a fuss about it - the majority of users are just going to share the stuff without a second thought like they do with everything else anyway. Grognards like Yours Truly are an irrelevant rounding error.

Image Comments 07 Jan 18:58
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ A B S

Image Comments 07 Jan 15:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

^considering the symbolic and concrete importance of the missing finger it wouldn't exactly be strange for its loss to be apparent on whatever manifestation Sauron's spirit might take when he needs to have more face-to-face dealings with people - plus it'd be quite strange if Whatstheirfaces didn't see to it his previous body was well and truly disposed of after they beat his ass the last time around, anyway.

IIRC his earlier loss of corporeal form when Numenor sank already cost him the ability to assume a "pleasing" shape (he is, or was, bit of a shapeshifter and also went by "First of the Werewolves" way back when Morgoth was still around if memory serves) - while his kunnin' trik with the Ring enables him to survive physical destruction and Insert Coin To Continue the experience clearly always takes a permanent toll on him.

last edited at Jan 7, 2022 3:04PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Starts off by telling us that it's in the future(1), moves into standard class S for around half of it, then transitions more into the modern style of yuri subtext, with action, a genki lead, and aloof love interest. Kinda odd

(1) A fact that is so far irrelevant

So far you'd have an easy time convincing me the temporal setting was like pre Great War or something, that's for sure. Like I'm pretty sure we've yet to see any concrete indication that even electricity is in general use...

last edited at Jan 7, 2022 2:49PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

That's because vampires are helluva gay.

Even big man Dracula had himself a gimp after all... :U

Image Comments 07 Jan 12:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^he's lost several corporeal forms in the past and most recently short enough time ago that going by previous record there's no way he's yet been able to form a new one, all the more so as nontrivial portion of his power is tied up in the Ring which has been AWOL for a characteristically arbitrarily-large Tolkienian amount of time. (That lad sure liked himself some fairly comical timeframes.) While it's been a long time since I read the books I'm pretty certain it's a major plot point that basically the whole and only reason he's still around at all anymore is the continued existence of the One Ring being an anchor to his spirit - which duly promptly disintegrates when the McGuffin goes kaputt.

Arknights! 07 Jan 11:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

I did it just now and also clicked share to do my duty of helping getting all the rewards (it seems you don't actually need to tweet anything, just clicking on share triggers reward already)

That's the norm for these kinds of things, I've seen it with any number of similar campaigns in other games too. Guessing the practical technical reason is simply that the company pages can't "follow" the link you click past opening the social-media sharing interface screens and just have to take it in blind faith that you do anything more with it.

...I admit to taking certain perverse pleasure in not doing so because I kinda loathe the whole modern social media phenomenom and only use it opportunistically for this sort of stuff. >:v

joined Jul 26, 2016

This crazy how every time i goes to the discussion of this simple cutesy series i always got 260 pages of thesis on relationship and love

Just goes to show the level of difficulty some people have processing relationships that fall outside the most conventional paradigm, if you ask me.

Image Comments 07 Jan 11:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Sauron should be that ginormous fiery eye in the background ya know. He's been somewhat short of proper corporeal form for quite a long while - not that such minor inconveniences would slow down any self-respecting Dark Lord ofc.

Arknights! 06 Jan 11:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

There's supposed to be a minigame too (cake decorating) but I couldn't access it.

Just need to login to that page separately using any of the external bindings to your game acc (FB, Twitter, Yostar acc etc.). The FB signup kept spitting gateway errors at me tho so I had to go and bind Twitter too.

last edited at Jan 6, 2022 11:36AM

Image Comments 05 Jan 01:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

blubber monster op pls nerf :<

Image Comments 04 Jan 15:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

^the witchest witch that ever witched? :o