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joined Jul 26, 2016

3rd daughter is making a face like "can we just eat already?"

Liberta discussion 23 Aug 00:47
joined Jul 26, 2016

Goddamn that's a sweet ass gun.

Even though the drum-magazine is too far forward for the breech to be of any practical sense.

And the grip is entirely useless since she isn't even holding it.

And her thumb is jammed right into trigger gap, so how she even fires the damn thing is anyone's guess.

But goddamn does it look pretty cool.

Well she's literally making it out of her goddamn blood. Even as a diehard hoplologist I'm willing to give that thing a free pass since it can be safely assumed normal considerations of mechanical functionality don't quite apply.

Damn thing could probably look like a ball of yarn and shoot just fine.

Oddman 11 discussion 22 Aug 21:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well I'd think her ability to regenerate life-threatening injuries (and survive fucking decapitation) by proximity to comic books establishes her clearly enough as pretty weird even for Oddman... The others are probably just being polite in not calling it out. :v

Image Comments 22 Aug 20:49
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Explosives usually do the trick. Nemo's something of an expert in doing it verbally though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

She's a snake woman surrounded by fish guards, if anything this is definitely Not Lizard

I dunno, they looked like fantasy lizard-people to me.

Pretty positive those are meant to be ichtyoid fins and not reptilian frills; also, fantasy reptiloids in general and animu ones in particular generally aren't depicted with such very obvious lips whereas fish-people in the same traditionally are...

Personally I'm guessing this setting is running off of the "sea dragon's palace" type legends (though the castle may be on dry land in this case). Relatedly I wonder if the sui in the lady's name isn't one of the Japanese words for water?

Oddman 11 discussion 22 Aug 20:35
joined Jul 26, 2016

Have I missed number 6? or is it a girl we haven't met yet? Or is it Setsu but we don't know yet?

I think she'd know, and by extension we'd have been told, if she was one of Brother Itami's ex-girlfriends...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Asagi Ryu-sensei has time for this but his/her? work Age 15 or something was never translated and I wanted to know what happened T_T

Aside from the minor detail that this series is a good nine years old, as per the dating in the author's preface, mangaka and scanlator schedules obviously don't have much connection outside the publication of new chapters...

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Damn, this is going to be a pain in the neck."
Hahahahaa deep inhale haaaaaa.

Prophetic (for someone at least). :v

Their Story discussion 21 Aug 13:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Statist Socialism. Or, as I like to call it: Socialism done wrong.

Was referring to the invariably reactionary cultural policing authoritarian rulers regardless of nominal ideology are universally prone to. The PRC hasn't been "socialist" outside formal boilerplate nobody believes in for decades now.

joined Jul 26, 2016

its funny how k-on is massively popular but everyone is sleeping on the manga stuff (prob becuase of 4-koma layout)

I'm pretty sure original K-ON was also a 4-koma

It's also probably because the manga was not that great.

Their Story discussion 20 Aug 21:50
joined Jul 26, 2016

Ok. I've missed this this series for a long damn time. Can someone tell me, what happened to the pink-hair girl arc?

SJ's fangirl? It is a mystery. But in practice that thread seems to have been one of the victims of the reshuffling necessitated by Emperor Xi going full puritan Socialist Realism.

Image Comments 20 Aug 20:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

^So... a trimaran?

I'll get my coat.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yuu is insecure about a lot of things. Mari's working to gradually fix some of that, starting with her sociability issues.

It's probably noteworthy that whenever Mari gets insistent about such things Yuu will more or less without fail give in (after due griping and heel-dragging natch) - indicating she fundamentally trusts Mari's better judgement on what's good for her and will defer to it.

Image Comments 20 Aug 12:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Then again the whole Arthurian corpus is one big mess of a rummage sale. Also contradictory headache.

Which sort of tends to happen when you pile material from multiple different sources and the better part of a millennium in a blender...

SHY discussion 18 Aug 20:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm curious about the other heroes.

That masked person is probably a Mexican luchador, but who's the black haired girl? French? Korean? Chinese?

Black hair doesn't exactly narrow it down, what with being the single most overwhelmingly common hue across the planet...

Image Comments 18 Aug 16:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Not sure what you're even talking about given most of the aforementioned cast members are her classmates...

SHY discussion 18 Aug 16:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

Either way, personally, while I like the art, the story and setting seems kinda ... I don't want to say "worn-out" to me. It just feels like these types of characters that do these types of things for these type of reasons have been around a lot lately.

Well given the whole superhero genre is like a century plus old and has had multiple phases of thematic de- and reconstruction a certain sense of familiarity would be a mite difficult to avoid. As with many genres the question is rather if the author can do something novel and/or interesting with the familiar ingredients and/or use them skillfully enough; cooking analogs are obvious.

Image Comments 18 Aug 13:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

A large portion of the cast has hit Tomoko at least once and usually for decent enough reasons, as her own "fair enough" attitude to it also underlines. Singling out her mother seems simply bizarre.

1 x ½ discussion 18 Aug 02:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

Is it bad if I fantasize about my sister

"Definitely not!"
- Mochi Au Lait

joined Jul 26, 2016

stupid question but what game are they playing? is that FPS game they play fake or based on something? i really wanna play it even if it's not that closely accurate to the real game, PLEASE I NEEDA KNOW GOD DAMNIT

Pretty sure it's just an abstract of the rather saturated "online military shooter" genre. If you pay attention to how the ingame communications seem to work those really don't have very much in common with real multiplayer FPSes for ex.

joined Jul 26, 2016

If you look at what Shizuka was up to with Mio from the very beginning (I started re-reading the series from the start recently) she not only doesn't lose any to Kaoru in the seductress departement but also actually goes much further onscreen. This has made me idly wonder who's actually been absorbing mannerisms from whom between the two of them, not that it was particularly important story-wise.

joined Jul 26, 2016

There's high strung ... and then there's Kanna.

TBF to the girl she knows her temper is a problem and tries to keep it in check. Results... vary. >_>

Doesn't particularly help that two of her new friends are hard Ms who get off on annoying her ofc...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Please let Yuki be as cool in real life for once.

Sure, once she gets rid of that crippling social anxiety. Bit of a tall order 'fore that tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I never get tired of Yuki's Unusually Ruthless online persona

joined Jul 26, 2016

Far more convincing than My Unrequited Love at any rate.

That's not putting the bar very high is it. :U