@random^. That's a pretty plausible reading, and I wouldn't be shocked if we were to eventually get evidence (i.e., Igarashi's POV) to support some or all of it.
The reason it's not my own first-order reading, though, is that Igarashi's shocked reaction to Nanoha's claim-staking announcement really seems to be genuine--"Y-you're dating, as in a relationship? But you're both girls? . . . You're really, / Truly dating?"
Either she's a consummate actress, or that expression says that it's the first time she's actually considered a real same-sex relationship, which would definitely rule out any romantic intent behind her return to school.
(And of course, as I seem to be saying ad nauseam, it makes those "more than friends" chocolates highly problematic.)
EDIT: Just to clarify the overall point, my read is that we're still getting contradictory signals and until we get something more definitive, it remains up in the air as to what Igarashi thinks she is/was up to in regard to Chidori.
Mind you, she could also just be flabbergasted by both Nano's brazen declaration and the bout of sitcom flirting/bickering that ensues... and ofc if she still had some faint hopes of restarting something with Chidori, well, she's probably experiencing a bit of a sinking feeling as the rug just got conclusively pulled from under those.
Somewhat uncertainly asking for an essentially redundant confirmation does not strike me as unreasonable behaviour for someone trying to hastily regain their bearings in such circumstances.
My interpretation of the way that following little sigh of hers and later quiet moment are framed is they're ones of resignation; "there's no room for me here anymore is there?" She then proceeds to apologize to Nano for her earlier probing and tells a few bald-faced lies to nip further drama in the bud before bailing; that reads to me like she can tell her ship's sailed for good and it's time to turn 360° andwalk away.
Guessing Chidori - who unlike Nanoha knows Igarashi was telling a pile of white lies - also rather wonders how much sempai originally intended to say but decided not to, though.
last edited at Aug 29, 2019 1:16PM