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joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh, well. Series itself was funny and the ending was acceptable given it was a hasty wrap-up for one reason or another. Coulda been worse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

joined Jul 26, 2016

Chapter 142 is 200% distilled amazing in general but what particularly kills me is Honoka's shit-eating grin here and that fucking printer lmao

Also fujo sempais are too mystic pls nerf

And I'm convinced Yuu's doggo was a cat in a previous life.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not an orgy.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, shut up, Chidori! Can't you see that Nanoha is putting senpai in her place? Just look and learn how to treat your shitenpai properly.

Nano actually looks quite wrong-footed by the turn the encounter took. She clearly arrived filled with DETERMINATION andready for a showdown if need be and doesn't really seem to know how to react when the other party instead kind of just... deflates, apologises and leaves.

Whatever she was expecting and mentally prepared for clearly wasn't that.

On another note the result would most likely have been essentially the same without her appearance anyway, only with less poleaxed expressions on Igarashi's part...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh my gosh the lewds are cannon now.

But are they big enough?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I only just realized that one of the games referenced in chapter 8 was EDF.
That's some good taste.

The EDF Deploys!

Image Comments 02 Sep 11:43
joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 26, 2016

Also RIP Mio... Not only she found out the truth, she also found out what Shizuka REALLY thinks about her... Seriously, "forced" into a date... I don't think she deserves a second chance.

TBH I doubt Shizuka actually meant or thinks that; she's just panicking and desperately trying to get Kaoru back by ANY means, in this case the crude expedient of throwing Mio under the bus. Which Kaoru unsurprisingly No Sells in its entirety - aside from the fact that Shizuka's never been able to convincingly BS her in the first place she's very much the wrong kind of personality to use those kinds of backbiting tactics on anyway. Way to dig your own grave for nothing, Shiz.

Also, Dynasty forums: now with more black bars than dubiously censored hentai! :v

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 11:40AM

1 x ½ discussion 02 Sep 01:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

Senpai is a psycho

Nah she just thinks pseudo-NTRing this whole incest scenario that suddenly dropped onto her lap is hottest shit evar... which, admittedly, amounts to much the same thing more or less. /kinkshaming

Lily Marble discussion 01 Sep 23:45
joined Jul 26, 2016

Re: ch24... author needs to be more optimistic. Saying gay marriage can never happen in Japan, or not letting the characters even considering marrying somewhere else, is kind of silly honestly at this point.

In-universe perception is a thing you know.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I could bitch about how the area covered by the barrier is in no way sufficient to feed even a community that small never mind now domestic animals larger than poultry and so on and so on, but this narrative's strongly in the mythic tone where such trifles can be simply handwaved. (Actually all the pr0n aside the story isn't too far removed from any number of documented IRL "foundation myths" in theme and structure - Mira's probably been to the library again...)
3_3 ( . )( . )
Also boobs. What was I talking about again?

1 x ½ discussion 01 Sep 17:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

This flashback arc, I sleep. Grooming senpai is offended that Asuka prefers her Mom over basically getting raped, jeez

Did you miss the "incest is my ~new♥️fetish~" face she's making or something? If anything it looks like Asuka being into her mommy only makes her dick harderis hot af in her books...

Lily Marble discussion 01 Sep 16:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah but Moe was talking about dating specifically. Even if they had noticed the tension between them, they probably wouldn't be talking about dating. Moe would say something like "hey, you think Risa fancies Aya" or something. Just like right before that, Moe said that about Miyu liking the kick boxing instructor "this way".
But I mean, this is what makes the most sense imo. They could still be over right after college, then Risa and Aya being just fwb during gym, then Aya getting married etc.

Recall that these are rumours, and being passed 'round by two bored twentysomethings at that. If you look at the whole business - the particular personalities involved, them being old acquaintances presumably being common enough knowledge, their charged interactions, the juiciness of the whole scenario - if anything it's slightly amazing the story making rounds hasn't already grown into something more colourful and outré than just them possibly dating...

legalize the damn same-sex marriage in Japan
It's so sad
they can't be so fucking attached to their traditions forever

Japan: hold my sake

No but seriously, that's one's enough of an uphill struggle already in "the West" where the real and figurative Middle Ages ended a bit earlier than mere ~150 years ago and there isn't a deeply ingrained cultural fetish for conformism and Confucian paternalism. And last I heard Japan is still ways ahead of mainland Asia in such matters, which probably has something to do with having been (with a certain degree of coercion) obliged to jettison a decent chunk of burdensome structural institutions and reinvent itself as something at least passing for an open-society Rechtsstaat after 1945... (S Korea and Taiwan only stopped being outright military dictatorships - a type of regime never noted for social, or any other, progressivism anywhere ever - in mid-late Eighties which AFAIK kinda shows and most of the rest of the Far East is even worse off.)

1 x ½ discussion 01 Sep 16:35
joined Jul 26, 2016

Given her particular flavour of strangeness I'd consider it rather more likely that Miyuki finds the whole thing absolutely fascinating and will bug the Hell out of Asuka to learn more (incidentally obliging the latter to reflect on the matter far more explicitly than she'd have done otherwise).
...not that she's likely to stop trying to get into Asuka's pants just because of that, she looked like she'd just realised some weird new fetish... is this NTR?

joined Jul 26, 2016

"resonating at home" that what the kids are calling it nowadays?

1 x ½ discussion 01 Sep 16:04
joined Jul 26, 2016

Is Miyuki gonna pull the "that's disgusting card"?

She looks rather even more turned on by the revelation to me.

Definitely a "that's so hard-boiled!" sort of face.

Lily Marble discussion 01 Sep 11:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

We don't know if they met again in the gym after breaking up, or if they were dating while working at the gym, then broke up. I think it must be the latter, because in chapter one there were already rumors of them dating (Moe and Hikari talking about it). So they must have been together at the gym too.

...or the rest of the staff just aren't utterly oblivious to the continued... particular tension of their interactions. :v

Risa being gay isn't much of a secret to the others either after all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mira giving Homura Subaru a run for their money.

I Can't Believe It's Not A Collaboration!

Lily Marble discussion 01 Sep 08:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

WTF happened!? They were so happy together!!

Life, one imagines.

SHY discussion 01 Sep 08:45
joined Jul 26, 2016

A superhero suit with high-heels.


It's like the cape. It's useless and dangerous.

Outside actually functional ones like powered armour or those Marvel symbionts never expect a superhero costume to make a lick of sense. Personally I'm just satisfied with any that don't look outright hideous.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Personally now, I won't mind if this ends 'platonically' guised in steamy three-way handholding among three gal-pals. monster. D:

New Game discussion 31 Aug 19:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

gfdi Kou you neutron star, even Hotaru can see it

Image Comments 31 Aug 18:48
joined Jul 26, 2016

Vast tracts of land

Image Comments 31 Aug 16:23
joined Jul 26, 2016

Between the two of them Himecut doesn't have any brakesis definitely rather more, shall we say, true to her desires. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Image Comments 30 Aug 22:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, is this some kind of sick new fetish? >_>
Not that I'd put any kinky play past THESE two mind you...