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joined Mar 22, 2013

sad, but amazing!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Interesting! I'm looking forward to how this plays out.

Lily Marble discussion 04 Apr 07:20
joined Mar 22, 2013

don't usually comment.
just wanted to put out there that new manager is one of, if not the most, evil character encountered on dynasty.
just saying. re: paid counselling+genetic tests related to obesity

Geneticist here. That's how science is used to make money, sadly.

A good deal of people won't get the science beyond what they were taught in grade school, and by the look of anti-vaxxers, they don't care too. So there are always fools for anyone who knows enough, depending on how morally bankrupted they are.

Just to say, the manager is pretty good at her job, assuming she hasn't broken any law. It isn't her fault that people believe in the test (well, the author does, because the nutritionist in this story believes it too). It's the evil, unethical scientists selling that obesity test (you can ask to run whichever genes you like but it likely won't be clinically approved) and whoever lawmaker letting them do this counseling without a qualified counselor.

The meme above this post says best. Sorry for derailing the topic.

Biologist here... I'm not sure so I am asking... Are you implying she is swindeling with the test?

But there IS a connection between genetic predisposition and obesity (don't know how good the specific test is though, that might be the problem?)
Personally I think doing genetic tests for obesity is fine. It's people's own choice if they want to know. Genetic tests are also done with cancer or other illnesses. There are actually a great deal of genes that have an effect and if you know that you have a certain predisposition you can take measures and try to reduce the risk of actually getting sick. The expression of your genes is also influenced by the way you live. So there is something that you can actually gain from this knowledge.

I get that a lot of people are scared by genetics. And there are risks, as it is always the case with science and new technology. That someone might get their data is definitely a danger. But there are not only downsides to this technology.

But I agree at the screw capitalism part. Sadly scientists need to earn money too. And most of the time the money givers are people with their own interests. That's our beloved capitalism.

Sorry for the ramble. And science stuff, too. I am ashamed. But only a bit.

Programer here.... I just wanted to be here aswell :[.

Good to have you xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Amazing! And every manga needs a special like this one where you see the characters when they are in the relationship!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Great stuff!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Lewd first-name-calling...

joined Mar 22, 2013

It's because there is a male involved who is interested in the main protagonist and the issue was actually addressed, AND he continues to insert himself into her life regardless.

Also, I'm kinda tired of the "I'm breaking both our hearts to save her" crap that is all too common in yuri. Just grow up and be together, you walnuts.

IDK, the "het" tag to me implies an actual relationship. Maybe this site needs a "het crush" tag? Yeah, i agree that trope gets really old. Fortunately, im not too invested in this manga anymore, with the huge wait between updates and all.

Yeah, they probably use it to imply that it is a love triangle with a male involved. But I also think it sounds as if there was an actual relationship. Well, tagging is an art. xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh, the new girl is actually nice. At first I thought she might be scheming and stuff.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yeah, at the least the drawing style is awesome. And I think those two have a lot to work out.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Problem solved.

Yamanko! discussion 20 Mar 17:45
joined Mar 22, 2013

awww they are such a cute couple! At first I thought it would be the Yama no Ko and the small girl, but was very pleased when the infirmary scene made it clear to me who the final couple would be.

joined Mar 22, 2013

It wasn't a happy ending at all. Her friend just didn't hate her, but they aren't getting together or anything.

Well, I wouldn't want to be hated by my friend. So It could have been worse, I guess.

But yeah, wasn't there an unrequited love tag?

Citrus + discussion 19 Mar 14:02
joined Mar 22, 2013

So nothing much happened but it was fluffy so that's fine. Still waiting for HaruMatsu as well

joined Mar 22, 2013

be grateful for small steps I guess xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

I should have avoided this when I saw the tags (cheating - especially). I should have stopped reading when I recognized the drawing style. But hope got the better of me. It got crushed, btw.
This story feels so generic to me. And not in a good way.

last edited at Mar 17, 2019 8:55PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I am confused by the new chapter. So who likes who now? Chisa and the Chief or Chief and Hato-chan? Or is Hato-chan just helping the chief realise that she is attracted to a woman. is Hato-chan even a cis-woman? Will chisa ever be happy? Will the next chapter also take 3 years to update? (but thanks for the update!! I'm glad) O.o I am confused.

last edited at Mar 18, 2019 5:12AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

It does feel like more than subtext, because they are thinking about each other a LOT. If what CozyCreature12 said is true, i doubt we will see anything romantic in this manga, though.
I'd be okay with it still, because it does give a nice vibe.

joined Mar 22, 2013

legit thought Nikaidou was going to turn around and be all "the only trash I see here is you" but this was so much better

same, this manga is gold

joined Mar 22, 2013

koyama is best girl :D

Touma-kun discussion 15 Mar 04:40
joined Mar 22, 2013

I think that sums up the main theme of the series. Bunch of girls all normal has individual problems. They seek out Touma cause she has what they don't. Their problem gets fleshed out with their interaction with Touma. They solve their problem. The problem for me is that each chapter feels so disjointed. Or maybe I'm supposed to read it like Mushi-shi, kinda like treating each story as a stand-alone strung faintly together with a thin thread.

The Mushishi comparison kind of makes sense when you think about it. Touma-kun seems more a pretext for exploring relationship issues than the star of the show.

It's not a bad comparison, but I find it pretty funny. Then Touma would equal the Mushi? :D

Touma would be Ginko in this comparison i guess

With the addition that Touma is nowhere near as cool as Ginko, maybe...

It’s been a while since I read all these—do we ever see Touma treating any woman as “not special”?

I almost wanted to take back my mushishi comparison since mushishi is so wonderfully written and this story seems a lot less flattering, BUT I think the correlation is that Touma doesn't get emotionally attached to any of the girls except for the first one that died. Just like Ginko. He doesn't stay in one place (is forced to, but it means he can't get attached to anything) and keeps on moving on to the next people afflicted by the mushi. Hah! I guess the girls are the people getting affected by the mushi then. And the mushi are the vanity problems everyone keeps on having.

Still debating whether this story is even worth a mushishi comparison

Definitely not. ... xD Then again few stories would deserve to be compared to Mushi-shi.
But I think it does serve as a comparison to underline what the author probably wanted to express. Actually without the comparison I would not have been able to see the point.
At first I saw her in the part of the mushishi, because it felt more like she made a mess of things, without noticing, just by being there, rather than helping anyone. But I also see your point^^

last edited at Mar 15, 2019 4:41AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

When the chapter started I wanted to make a snide comment at Japan's working policy. At how everyone thinks she is so cool, because she's working so hard. I thought that working hard is always portraid easier than it is in manga. Looks like the manga did that statement for me in the end, because work destroyed her relationship. Work and lack of communication.

joined Mar 22, 2013

two idiots... but it worked out i guess

joined Mar 22, 2013

I also would not use yuri tag for this chapter. there were not two girls involved. One was just in his imagination and the other was with one being a crossdresser, who identifies as male.

Lily Marble discussion 13 Mar 08:28
joined Mar 22, 2013

don't usually comment.
just wanted to put out there that new manager is one of, if not the most, evil character encountered on dynasty.
just saying. re: paid counselling+genetic tests related to obesity

Geneticist here. That's how science is used to make money, sadly.

A good deal of people won't get the science beyond what they were taught in grade school, and by the look of anti-vaxxers, they don't care too. So there are always fools for anyone who knows enough, depending on how morally bankrupted they are.

Just to say, the manager is pretty good at her job, assuming she hasn't broken any law. It isn't her fault that people believe in the test (well, the author does, because the nutritionist in this story believes it too). It's the evil, unethical scientists selling that obesity test (you can ask to run whichever genes you like but it likely won't be clinically approved) and whoever lawmaker letting them do this counseling without a qualified counselor.

The meme above this post says best. Sorry for derailing the topic.

Biologist here... I'm not sure so I am asking... Are you implying she is swindeling with the test?

But there IS a connection between genetic predisposition and obesity (don't know how good the specific test is though, that might be the problem?)
Personally I think doing genetic tests for obesity is fine. It's people's own choice if they want to know. Genetic tests are also done with cancer or other illnesses. There are actually a great deal of genes that have an effect and if you know that you have a certain predisposition you can take measures and try to reduce the risk of actually getting sick. The expression of your genes is also influenced by the way you live. So there is something that you can actually gain from this knowledge.

I get that a lot of people are scared by genetics. And there are risks, as it is always the case with science and new technology. That someone might get their data is definitely a danger. But there are not only downsides to this technology.

But I agree at the screw capitalism part. Sadly scientists need to earn money too. And most of the time the money givers are people with their own interests. That's our beloved capitalism.

Sorry for the ramble. And science stuff, too. I am ashamed. But only a bit.

last edited at Mar 13, 2019 9:00AM

Touma-kun discussion 12 Mar 19:42
joined Mar 22, 2013

I think that sums up the main theme of the series. Bunch of girls all normal has individual problems. They seek out Touma cause she has what they don't. Their problem gets fleshed out with their interaction with Touma. They solve their problem. The problem for me is that each chapter feels so disjointed. Or maybe I'm supposed to read it like Mushi-shi, kinda like treating each story as a stand-alone strung faintly together with a thin thread.

The Mushishi comparison kind of makes sense when you think about it. Touma-kun seems more a pretext for exploring relationship issues than the star of the show.

It's not a bad comparison, but I find it pretty funny. Then Touma would equal the Mushi? :D

Touma would be Ginko in this comparison i guess

With the addition that Touma is nowhere near as cool as Ginko, maybe...

last edited at Mar 12, 2019 7:42PM