Schoolgirl Strikers seems alright. Good action, and the more annoying characters didn't get much focus. Am moderately worried about how they're going to handle all the secondary characters
Urara Meirochou is more impressive for the visual artistry than anything else, but is still a functional CGDCT comedy. Also, a lot of yuri bits, both subtext and explicit crushes
I didn't like Minami Kamakura
I liked all of those, but Urara is so far my favourite of the season!! So cute and yurific! Yurika Kubo is in it! The OP (I love, love, loved that butt shaking: adorable!!) and ED are great, both visually and musically. And the downside: the shows not on Crunchyroll...
I hate having to wait a week for the next episode.
Oh, and Yuu Kobayashi is in Schoolgirl Strikers! That was a pleasant surprise. I hope her role isn't a minor one.
last edited at Jan 7, 2017 5:16AM