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Custom Maid discussion 13 Jan 02:17
joined Sep 9, 2016

This manga is just too darn cute.

Anime season 12 Jan 10:37
joined Sep 9, 2016

Fans deliver

That. Was. AWESOME!! All the right ships, cute animation, sexy... What more to ask for? Is this really fan-made?

Reversible discussion 11 Jan 18:10
joined Sep 9, 2016

This was too short! Still, it was cute and lighter than the previous part. Hopefully there's more.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Nice to see Yuu taking the initiative. ^_^

Anime season 09 Jan 14:13
joined Sep 9, 2016

How is Kobayashi-san? Is it as good as manga?

Doesn't it air on the 11th? We'll tell our impressions then.

Anime season 09 Jan 12:48
joined Sep 9, 2016

Gabriel Dropout was interesting. Haven't read the manga, so don't know what to expect.

Sadist angel strikes me as yuri. Hopefully there'll be at least some subtext.

Anime season 07 Jan 04:58
joined Sep 9, 2016

Schoolgirl Strikers seems alright. Good action, and the more annoying characters didn't get much focus. Am moderately worried about how they're going to handle all the secondary characters

Urara Meirochou is more impressive for the visual artistry than anything else, but is still a functional CGDCT comedy. Also, a lot of yuri bits, both subtext and explicit crushes

I didn't like Minami Kamakura

I liked all of those, but Urara is so far my favourite of the season!! So cute and yurific! Yurika Kubo is in it! The OP (I love, love, loved that butt shaking: adorable!!) and ED are great, both visually and musically. And the downside: the shows not on Crunchyroll...

I hate having to wait a week for the next episode.

Oh, and Yuu Kobayashi is in Schoolgirl Strikers! That was a pleasant surprise. I hope her role isn't a minor one.

last edited at Jan 7, 2017 5:16AM

Image Comments 06 Jan 03:55
joined Sep 9, 2016

Oh my. Getting down and dirty in the classroom, eh? I approve. Such a sweet yuri image.

Anime season 06 Jan 03:44
joined Sep 9, 2016

Waiting for a good fansub to pick Urara

I was waiting for it to show and checkin Crunchyroll periodically like an idiot... until I remembered, that Crunchyroll never said it had licensed the show!

Hopefully we'll get some good subs and soon!

Anime season 05 Jan 13:15
joined Sep 9, 2016

Well Shuumatsu No Izetta was written by a guy, and it was pretty decent. Prism and KnM too.
Also Akuma No Riddle by a straight female
There are generally differences between male and female Yuri authors, but I don't think we can say that only lesbian females are capable of writing good Yuri stories.

And if I remember correctly, Whispered Words was written (and drawn) by a guy, and I think it's one of the best yuri mangas out there.

joined Sep 9, 2016

oo come on dude theres only two thing better than yuri in this life one is yuri incest and the other is motherfucking awesome twincest and airi love her sister in a pure way nothing too depraved

I take it you're an only child? Anyway, I wholeheartedly disagree.

And please, don't call me "dude". :D

Shizuku and Kotone, the secondary couple in Sakura Trick, are cousins aren't they?

Cousins are not nearly as bad as siblings. At least I don't vomit in my mouth when that happens. I mean, it's still weird, but people have been getting it on with their cousins for ages...

But I digress. Better not get too off-topic here. xD

last edited at Jan 5, 2017 1:26AM

joined Sep 9, 2016

Also, Tachi and Sakura trick is amazing! You must be reading it wrong! ;D

You got that right!

Anime season 04 Jan 11:19
joined Sep 9, 2016

Ai Mai Mi's 3rd season first episode was yurilious.

Indeed. And hilarious. I hadn't seen the previous seasons, so I had to watch those first. Wasn't disappointed!

joined Sep 9, 2016

I don't think Tachi-sama would prefer incest or drama in his manga. Just look at Sakura Trick.

Isn't Tachi female?

joined Sep 9, 2016

I've been waiting for this! Tachi's art and stories are cute. Hopefully there won't be too much drama.

It all depends on whether the twincest is on the card or not!!!

If there's any incest, then I'm outta here. Let's hope it won't be so depraved.

joined Sep 9, 2016

When they say Izumi Kitta, do they mean that Izumi Kitta? The seiyuu of Tomoko (Watamote)? Is she into yuri?

This magazine sounds really interesting!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Haruka is best girl, no doubt about it. And if you disagree, prepare to fight me! (Just... don't beat me too hard, please.)

joined Sep 9, 2016

Congratulations! Wow, 10 years of yuri, huh? Here's to many more! Cheers!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Amazing name indeed. I'd be interested, but don't speak any Japanese...

Anime season 29 Dec 18:15
joined Sep 9, 2016

Turns out that in the episode with all the different versions of Papika the ones that looked like boys were actually physically girls. The director wasn't happy that they looked too masculine because it would make it seem that Cocona was attracted to boys rather than tom boy versions of Papika. The director wanted 100% Yuri without any confusion.

Thanks for the explanation. So, not only does the show feel gay, it is gay!

But no kiss. Unforgivable.

Anime season 29 Dec 17:54
joined Sep 9, 2016

Ah ok I found your quote

"Oshiyama knew nothing about yuri at first, Yuniko gave him a lesson about it and what is ok and what should NOT be done.
But Oshiyama broke Yuniko's rule a little in ep7, where he decided Papito and Papiya to be girl(or, tomboy), but Kojima kind of drew them like boy."

I get it now

This is also the interview the anon was quoting from

I still don't get it... You mean they should have been girls (tomboys) but were depicted as boys?

last edited at Dec 29, 2016 5:56PM

Anime season 29 Dec 14:30
joined Sep 9, 2016

^^^ edit lol

I always have trouble with these forums. xD

Anime season 29 Dec 14:25
joined Sep 9, 2016

I low key feel bad for Yayaka tbh, she made a heartfelt confession too and it was never replied to/heard, but it's nice to see that (ofc) her friendship remains faithful and true

I loved the whole show, and I loved the ending, but a kiss would have crowned it. And I also feel bad for Yayaka.

last edited at Dec 29, 2016 2:29PM

Image Comments 29 Dec 07:47
joined Sep 9, 2016

I love this ship!

Image Comments 29 Dec 02:49
joined Sep 9, 2016

Super adorable!