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joined Jan 11, 2015

Thanks much! I have passed on the info.

Also, the script (and comic) is BDSM-themed, if you're interested.


joined Jan 11, 2015

@Marion Diabolito
Yeah, everyday Japanese is based heavily on understanding/knowing the context, because it generally leaves out basic/"obvious" bits of information. While it is easy for a person to know these things, Google T, which can only go by the words you give it, has a much harder time.

Edit: For example, Japanese doesn't have a definite grammatical article (the) or equivalent, nor is there singular/plural.

While I don't speak any other Asian language besides Japanese, I've heard from others that Japanese <> Chinese and Japanese <> Korean is significanly more accurate than Japanese <> European languages, which makes sense.

last edited at Feb 3, 2017 1:03PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

The main font we (Kouyuri), and I believe most other scanlation groups use, is CC Wild Words. I'm not 100% certain about the licence, but I believe it shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't intend to make money off the product.

last edited at Feb 3, 2017 12:03PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

@adyatma16, Nez
It is the same in this version. Chapter 3 is a flashback to before she met Master, and she is the only one who wears a collar like that (although some of the other girls wear different kinds of chokers). There is also a shower scene in chapter 5, where she takes it off and puts it back on. So, as Nez said, it is in all likelihood just a piece of fashion.

joined Jan 11, 2015

It did, and it is amazing, so far. =]

last edited at Feb 2, 2017 5:20PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

@Ishi Tsuki

It's especially jarring when it's something with high production value/quality, or in anime, when a character is supposed to be a native speaker/fluent, and as a real native speaker, you can barely make out the words...

A recent case of subverting that, however, was episode 4 of Little Witch Academia. I was honestly impressed by both the proper English and "proper" internet lingo.

Edit: On the plus side, Engrish is hilarious.

last edited at Feb 2, 2017 5:16PM

joined Jan 11, 2015



English title sounds a bit awkward.

It looks like it's from Colette's point of view, since she's the one to both say "my" master and call Mel by name. "My" seems out of place.

It is the author's own translation, so the scanlator probably kept it for consistency, despite it being a little awkward.

I'm really glad this was picked up my someone, because it is probably my favourite series by Itou so far.

joined Jan 11, 2015

A miserable pile of lies.

Tosses glass of wine.

joined Jan 11, 2015

There's also the question of whether the characters are intended to be realistic or relatable. While I think the quote a few posts above is interesting, I feel that it's more like the author's intent vs. the audience's perception.

Since we're on this particular thread, let's consider the case of a violent/abusive erotic story. There are many reasons for writing such a story. Perhaps it is simply the author's fetish. Perhaps it is a way to deal with something in their past, or an emotion or desire they have. Perhaps they want to make a statement or start a debate about abusive relationships. Or perhaps they simply want to make the reader feel uncomfortable.

I think that unless there is a clear misunderstanding of something on the part of the reader, neither side are wrong, and even if a reader does misunderstand a message or something that the author/story is trying to convey, that still doesn't invalidate their experience. The thing about fiction as opposed to factual litterature, is that the reader's experience is pretty much the whole point, and whether that experience is what the author had in mind or not is, in the end, largely irrelevant.

Well, those are my thoughts.

last edited at Jan 30, 2017 6:52PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

God dammit, I laughed...

joined Jan 11, 2015


Looks like Yukiko got fed up with the "can't make A Room For Two actual yuri" thing and snapped harder than Iori's finger.

Incidentally, there is a non-canon A Room For Two chapter in the same anthology. There is a (non-romantic) kiss.

Also, I'm impressed so many others liked this story. I was expecting the thread to blow up with people being outraged and taking it too seriously. :p

What I've learned from this is that people are outraged by cute, fluffy stories, but enjoy messed up stories like this.

You sick fucks....

joined Jan 11, 2015

joined Jan 11, 2015

Not first... Crap!

Don't worry. It's not my first time either~♥

joined Jan 11, 2015

I swear I didn't scanlate this because it's my fetish or anything. Honest.

Touhou Newbie 27 Jan 23:59
joined Jan 11, 2015

You're just a little confused. You will eventually understand the charm of an older woman.

Touhou Newbie 27 Jan 23:43
joined Jan 11, 2015

No, no, you're thinking of Yukari.

joined Jan 11, 2015

Tomiko no Kimochi, one of our upcoming series. =]

Favorite Manga 27 Jan 09:20
joined Jan 11, 2015

One of my absolute favourites is Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san, as it manages to be funny, cute, lewd, and touching all at the same time (though it should be noted that there is also a considerable amount of drama, as the story goes on).

Although many people seem to think poorly of it, another long time favourite of mine is Hayate x Blade, which, while light on the yuri, is very funny and has an amazing character roster.

Touhou Newbie 27 Jan 09:08
joined Jan 11, 2015

Yes, yeeeees~ come over to the dark side~♥

For a good place to start, I would highly recommend the official Touhou manga. While they aren't yuri, they offer a lot of information about the world, and introduces you to the characters in a nice way. I'd suggest Wild and Horned Hermit, Forbidden Scrollery, and the Sangetsusei mangas, starting with Eastern and Little Nature Deity.

The mangas above helps you get to know the characters and their abilities, and also explains concepts about the Touhou world and Japanese folklore, which plays a large part in Touhou's setting.

In addition to the authors you mentioned, I'd recommend Yonurime (my personal favourite, and also not very heavy on having to know the lore), Aki Eda (has also done official works), Millet Soup (a bunch of cutesy stories), Neko no Sakegoto (pretty art and ecchi - note that some stories are sequels to others), and Chihagura (Kaguya x Mokou overload).

Additionally, a very useful resource is the Touhou Wiki, which has official profiles, biographies, and everything you could ask.

Hope this helps! And welcome to the world of Touhou!
Yukkuri shite itte ne!

joined Jan 11, 2015

Unfortunately, all it says is "collected short stories by Chisako".

It's on page 145.

Well there you go. =]

joined Jan 11, 2015

Unfortunately, all it says is "collected short stories by Chisako".


This can't be a Ropponmatsu scanlation.

There's not enough salt or anger here. (つД`)ノ

joined Jan 11, 2015

Well, a few of them are just plain uninteresting as well, lol. Good art alone isn't enough to motivate me to take on a project. x)

joined Jan 11, 2015

It's from Yukiko's (A Room For Two) new anthology.


The art is gorgeous throughout, but unfortunately, all other stories are rather mediocre. Most of them start off well, but then suffer a non-ending-ending.

joined Jan 11, 2015

The story is literally called There's nobody who wants to cry, your argument is invalid.

@drpepperfan or other member handling uploads
While Kouyuri does not intend to scanlate any further stories in this anthology (Dark Cherry to Shoujo A), I could upload the cover, and provide an "untranslated chapters" list, if you'd like to bundle up the stories currently on DS.

Stories from the anthology that are currently on DS are:
From Tomorrow on, No More Drinking - Yuri Project
Upside Down Swing - Kouyuri
Girls Bitter Ambitious - Kouyuri

last edited at Jan 25, 2017 8:32PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

I have a project on the horizon that has some fucked up stuff, and one of the characters is (gasp) somewhat dissatisfied.