Forum › Posts by KasexYamada

joined Jun 28, 2019

Los de Rainy Devils son heroes!!!y valla estuvo cute el cap, un problema menos para la maestra hahaha y supongo que gano una aliada también? porque parece que el love pseudoincest ya esta bien establecido o.o) y no habrá triangulo

¡Honor, loor y gloria a Rainy Devil!
Sakura es tan adorable... quería irse con Ashima a Kobe y vivir como pareja para siempre, aww mi kokoro... y es tan inocente que imaginaba que con U$S400 les alcanzaría para toda la vida, lol. Espero que Ashima tenga las ideas claras ahora. Aunque vaya uno a a saber, porque Ashima tiene un algo de la pelinegra de Netsuzou Trap (a quien se parece mucho) ya que los disgustos del pasado le han dejado el carácter algo retorcido. Espero que en el futuro no haga tonterías que lastimen a Sakura.

Y en la versión ingles todavía están esperando que arranque la historia, lo/

It's good to be bilingual, no? :))

joined Jun 28, 2019

Everyone thinks this chapter was so great and the characters acted so realistic, and of course they are right... and there's a reason for it: everything that happens is solid, time-tested tv romcom/dorama fare!

If this keeps going like this, I mean going the Japanese dorama way, then in next chapter Mio will forgive Shizuka after Shizuka weeps and wails and apologizes on her knees long enough. :)

Woohoo, I was right all along! Yay, me! :))

That was some superb telenovela stuph. Shizuka played the changing moods of the cheating hubbie down pat, and Mio was a perfect little waifu to the end. Lines like "I don't want to hear about that woman!" (when her partner tries to explain what's going on with the other one) are classics. And of course in the end they found a way to stay together, because it's not good romantic comedy if it doesn't end with a kiss. Thumbs up!

joined Jun 28, 2019

So what's the deal with the first page? You know, Shizuka on her knees in front of Mio, crying and (we can guess) begging for forgiveness? Is it supposed to be a flashforward of things to come?

Because, really, if that's what it is, it kinda spoils the suspense... >_<

Lmao it's the logical conclusion of the current development! XD

Everyone thinks this chapter was so great and the characters acted so realistic, and of course they are right... and there's a reason for it: everything that happens is solid, time-tested tv romcom/dorama fare!

The whole situation is something that's been done like 1000 times in telenovela-like Japanese tv series. Mio plays the loving wife of the MC couple, Shizuka plays the husband who loves his wife but succumbed to temptation and cheated on her once or twice, and Mio's role in this chapter is a perfect display of the angst and suffering and doubts of the wife who discovered her hubbie's cheating!

Especially when she wonders if she should endure the pain, pretend she knows nothing, and in that way protect the pleasant facade of the marriage! That's a classic. But of course in the end she always chooses to confront him (oops in this case that's "her") because otherwise the viewers (in this case readers) wouldn't get the conflict they/we crave.

If this keeps going like this, I mean going the Japanese dorama way, then in next chapter Mio will forgive Shizuka after Shizuka weeps and wails and apologizes on her knees long enough. :)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Los mangas hentai, que se retiren avergonzados, porque no son nada comparados con la potencia de la carga sexual de este capi.

Es gracioso que lo menciones, ya que est@ mangaka tiene trabajos hentai este me gusto mucho (también es age gap).

Eso explica mucho, sí señor.

También está Anettai, hay yuri y del riko... pero la historia es de locos, no hay quien se crea a esos personajes porque están todos medio chiflados. :P

joined Jun 28, 2019

This series seems to be getting progressively gayer

Are you sure they haven't unlocked the Gayness Achievement yet?

Unfaithful discussion 11 Sep 19:29
joined Jun 28, 2019

Btw, about that blonde... ugh, bitch has serious issues. What kind of woman wants to live her life mimicking the traditional behavior of a frustrated, violent, male-chauvinist sarariman? That girl needs a shrink.

I wondered about that, too.

Well, I see nothing wrong with only 1 person working in lesbian relationship as well if that works for them or there's some reason for it.

I think the key words are frustrated, violent, male-chauvinist, not sarariman. :)

Working to support your spouse is fine. Then, after you return home, you can enjoy conjugal bliss with your loved one. Like Kasumi with Sakurako in A Room for Two. That, 100% ok.

Working a job you hate and then return home and use your spouse as a punching ball (metaphorically or not) to vent your stress? That, not so ok.

P.S. Also, I love your new avatar! :)) Who's the character?

last edited at Sep 11, 2019 7:30PM

joined Jun 28, 2019

well, this is kind of taking an interesting turn.

but I still don't like the little brother...

But why? Best little yuri wingman ever...

joined Jun 28, 2019


Yukino Plan discussion 10 Sep 01:13
joined Jun 28, 2019

Careful, you're looking at a troll who doesn't understand or simply want to ignore the comedy factor to this 4-koma where so many post-ers on this discussion supports. By experience, continue the argument anymore and "grammar-nazi" accusations will start flying...

Thanks for the advice. You're probably right. Wrangling with a guy like that, it's as Rose said, not worth it. If he keeps this up, going vs. the rules and the moderators, he'll dig his own grave anyway.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Also fujo sempais are too mystic pls nerf

There were hints before, but it's obvious now: Onibi-sempai and Mask-sempai are true soulmates. They share a deep bond unique to them. They are ideally suited to one another, and Kaoru should go find someone else.

Perhaps Nao-of-the-Interesting-Hobbies? (I mean, because of the grand reason that she is the only other unpaired girl in the cast, lol.)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Great job Shizuka you broke Mio's heart.

That sure was a dick move... and she's a woman. :/

1 x ½ discussion 03 Sep 21:52
joined Jun 28, 2019

When you accidentally call your fuck buddy mom.

And your fuck buddy is super turned on. :))

joined Jun 28, 2019

There’s one truly “realistic” ending: “Eventually, they died.” But one reason to read these stories is to temporarily convince ourselves that “they lived happily ever after,” knowing full well that’s really saying, “they lived happily ever after insofar as we know, or care to know.”

So choose:
Yuu and Touko loved each other and:

A) eventually they died.
B) they lived happily ever after.

Yuu and Touko loved each other and (B) for about 70 years and then (A).

I mean, unless a character is some eternally young immortal, (A) is a given for any setting and any story... right? The "ever after" in the idiom means "for as long as they lived, hopefully very long."

joined Jun 28, 2019

Bueno, para eso tenemos los mangas japoneses. xD

Los coreanos prefieren el drama desaforado. Hay para todos los gustos.

Yukino Plan discussion 03 Sep 01:59
joined Jun 28, 2019

Who's the jerk? What's his problem?

He just came back from a long ban. If he annoys you, ignore him.

Ok but we're all yuri fans here, we all like the same stuff. I'm honestly surprised there are people who would talk to me with such condescension and arrogance, as if I was an inferior idiot. I've seen this happen in places where you discuss, oh, touchy political and social themes. Say you want to explain your take on something while being modest and polite, and you start your message like this:

"I'm not an expert on the subject, but I think that..."

Then you follow with your ideas, trying to make them reasonable and well-argued. Well, there is always some person who will reply like this:

"Oh so you're not an expert? Then your opinions are worthless and we won't bother with them. Ha ha, that was fast! Next!"

Not only this is a jerkass answer, rude and snooty, it's also a giant logical fallacy. It's the sort of thing you would expect to only happen in a politics forum, where people are all the time getting angry and fighting. I really didn't expect somebody to pull this shit on me in a yuri fan forum.

Yukino Plan discussion 03 Sep 01:28
joined Jun 28, 2019

So you are only half informed on the topic, yet make claims on it. I wonder if you paid as much attention to Hino-san as you did to this...

In short: Something else is worse and people ignore the bad things about it, so this is somehow not creepy?
I would call that a non-sequitur.

Who's the jerk? What's his problem?

Yukino Plan discussion 02 Sep 16:00
joined Jun 28, 2019

Also, Hino cares a LOT about what Koguma thinks of her. and bows to her wishes at any point. When she teases Koguma, it goes on because Koguma enjoys being teased.

I'm all for dominance, submission and S&M, as long as all the involved enjoy it. Yuu/Mari in VE or those two in Honto no Kanojo? They show their enjoyment very well. Koguma? Not so much. (Mind you, I admit I'm not up to date with latest Hino-san chapters. I stopped reading it halfway through, the reason being Koguma's responses which creeped me out.)

In this she literally says she'll force herself on the other girl if she tries to get away. This is waay creepier.

Are you familiar with the (many) Girls und Panzer manga? This series has been called the epitome of cute girls manga, the genre where cute girls manage to cutify anything just by being there and being cute. The way Nonna acts around Katyusha is ten times more extreme than any stuff that happens here. And yet, everyone agrees they're sho kewt...

Oh and I mean 'cutify' as in make cute, not as in form skin, 'k? Just to be clear. :))

Yukino Plan discussion 02 Sep 14:28
joined Jun 28, 2019

The "creepy" tag is a bit too much. It's misleading. This is standard 4-koma fare: tall beautiful capable girl loves chibi puppy-cute good-for-nothing girl and feels possessive about her. There are hundreds like that. Only novelty is that normally we can't read the inner thoughts of the possessive girl while here we can. It doesn't change much, at least for me.
Hino-san no Baka is way creepier than this.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Jajaja síí ahora me has hecho recordar bien los detalles de la historia. xD Pero Asou-sempai se parece más en carácter al galán pelo negro de la izquierda: es una chica seria y dedicada a su trabajo pero con poca vida social, exactamente como él. El otro, el rubio, me acuerdo que era un playboy irresponsable!

joined Jun 28, 2019

Yuri Kagi
¿No os parece el estilo de esta autora muy similar a Yoshihara Yuki?
Ya sabéis, Yoshihara Yuki, que solía ser conocida como la reina del manga josei, famosa por sus comedias eróticas como Aisuru Hito y Haa Haa.

Estoy de acuerdo, yo tmb leía a Yoshihara Yuki hace años cuando ella era la más popular josei mangaka y la reina del smut. Me acuerdo bien de Darling wa Namamono ni Tsuki, por ejemplo. Mucho en común.

Este manga me recuerda enormemente, tanto por argumento como por dibujo, a una historia de Yoshihara... pero que es yuri en lugar de ser hetero: la prota, en vez de enloquecer por algún galanazo macho alfa, se vuelve loquita por una chica de élite super bella y sexy.

Jaja sííííí es verdad, esa jefa es un equivalente hembra del galán romántico serio y exitoso típico del manga josei. Y la protagonista tiene el aspecto físico de las heroínas de Yoshihara y hasta se vuelve SD por momentos, que es tmb un recurso típico de ella.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Hmm.. This makes me think that TG might only write the story to what majority want, especially on korean readers (where the money lies) and she might change the original plot, just to satisfy them.

Wouldn't be the first one, you know?

joined Jun 28, 2019

Hard to tell people apart now T_T

Sakurako has short straight hair, Kasumi has long wavy hair, Ruriko has long straight hair and each and every one of them has their bangs cut/styled very differently from the others. Inability to tell them apart would be quite the

Except in page 7 panel 3. :/

joined Jun 28, 2019

Capi 7 de Whispering you a Love Song:
También hay enlace de descarga en el FB de Rainy Devil.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Abrir este tema fue un gran acierto.
Quiero agradecer a todos los que escribieron para recomendar mangas, especialmente a Serenata (qué bonito nombre xD). Me he leído Warikitta Kankei Desu Kara y me ha encantado. Espero que haya más capítulos lo antes posible, pues que han aparecido rivales y la cosa está por prenderse!