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Anime season 12 Jul 08:07
joined Dec 12, 2016

And one certain very brocon sister (you know who) (3)

Are you talking about Kyoko? That was just a joke to embarrass her brother in front of his friends.

Image Comments 11 Jul 09:50
joined Dec 12, 2016

@elevown and yet the dub versions of Dragonball, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon are the superior versions.

Yuru Yuri discussion 10 Jul 09:54
joined Dec 12, 2016

That's why I really like Yui with Ayano or Himiwari, because it seems more believable. The whole opposites getting together thing is kind of overdone, dull, and impractical to me.

And I mean, did we not just read a really funny chapter with the both of them together? Way more fun than Yui and Kyouko IMO. All Yui does is get mad at her over and over. There's no chemistry. I mean Yui and Ayano were just literally on the same wavelength.

How is it impractical? When two people in a couple are almost the same then they are not able to support each other when it comes to things the other is weak about.

with the Yui x Kyouko and Himiwary x Sakurako one person in the pairing is the serious one that keeps the other grounded while the other provides fun and excitement to the other's lives. When couples are different it allows them to experience more of what life has to offer together than apart, you don't really get that when the two are practically a clone of each other.

Yuru Yuri discussion 10 Jul 09:13
joined Dec 12, 2016

Holy crap, I wonder if Kyouko will think Ayano likes Yui and will try to push them together if they were caught.
Nice save.

She would just ask to join in.

Beloved L discussion 10 Jul 09:09
joined Dec 12, 2016

With the new ban on homosexuality in online content that China has introduced, is it gonna be a case of RIP Beloved now?

If this should go in another forum please tell me and I'll delete and move.

Depends where Jaeliu lives. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan shouldn't be affected by this bullshit.

Image Comments 10 Jul 09:01
joined Dec 12, 2016

@Nezchan it's just due to how the series was adapted, it's out of order. The first season skipped a lot of chapters, those skipped chapters got adapted in the second season. Season 2 has the moment Hotaru fell in love while season 1 has her gushing over her crush. There is actually a watch order to see all the events in chronological order and it makes the whole thing make a lot more sense.

joined Dec 12, 2016

This is like your usual yaoi story.

What does this even mean?

joined Dec 12, 2016

I'm confused. Are Fumi and Ah-chan together in the end?


joined Dec 12, 2016

Welp, finally Destructoid decided to step up and make the usual smearing piece against the game.

Terrible as this might be, I have to admit to be kind a heartwarming to see people who identify themselves as lesbians defending the game.

I don't read Destructoid but do they tend to make a smear piece about every ecchi/pornographic game that ends up on steam?

Image Comments 05 Jul 09:58
joined Dec 12, 2016

Kagami literally says "I want to *** with Konata!" in the OVA, but, yes, let's all just sit here pretending it's not canon despite the word of god even though you won't use the same standards for couples like NanoFate. In the meantime I guess YumiKuri, PapiCoco, and FinexIzetta are not canon either by the same standard.

@Vankomycin The author is Yoshimizu Kagami, the guy that drew this very picture. Which makes it much more significant than the other official wedding art of the two.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Edit: I'm not entirely sure why are people insulting A-chan at this point, with so little data. For all we know, she could easily be the one triggering the time travel/dimensional crossing for Rinko's sake.

What little data? In both timelines she is portrayed as a cheating bitch, her own "children" even hate her. If you want to hold out for a reveal showing that it was some grand plan and she had a justifiable reason then that's fine but don't act like there is no reason why we shouldn't hate her as an audience.

Image Comments 04 Jul 13:52
joined Dec 12, 2016

Doesn't matter what you want to define it as. It's not wishful thinking, it's cold hard facts. NanoFate was confirmed by Tsuzuki. And I guess you guys got confused about the picture being literal "they got married" instead of what we are talking about, "they are a couple".

Image Comments 04 Jul 10:03
joined Dec 12, 2016

Again, how is it wishful thinking if I'm staring at the picture itself? Again, no wishful thinking required, all the evidence in the show coupled with the author verbally confirming it at least being one sided and now this picture cements it. Don't know why you want to act like it doesn't when we rely on less for other well accepted couples.

Image Comments 04 Jul 09:54
joined Dec 12, 2016

Word of God is still a thing, and unless contradicted there is literally no reason not to think of it as canon. It's exactly how we know that NanoFate is real, no wishful thinking required.

Image Comments 04 Jul 08:22
joined Dec 12, 2016

@gork5 Creator officially confirmed it? This very picture was drawn by the creator.

@A5PECT Unless contradicted in the anime/manga the creator retains power of "word of god."

Image Comments 03 Jul 09:09
joined Dec 12, 2016

There are several official artworks for their wedding and this one comes directly from the creator of the series them self. Why shouldn't we take it as canon at this point?

joined Dec 12, 2016

Why? Why? Why? Do I Ship Shizuka and Kaoru.....

Because you're a bad person OR you instinctively know that these two are horrible people that deserve the pain that they cause each other.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Page 3 (colored page) indicates she's going to harem route, then? Well, we'll see. (And I'm waiting for thigh-biting)

The marks on thigh, neck, and fingertip are small hearts, and the mini Yuu would seem to indicate kissing, not biting, so I personally doubt you'll get thigh biting.

Saw the raws it's biting, not kissing.

Image Comments 29 Jun 09:36
joined Dec 12, 2016

Park? I doubt Tsubasa even knows where the brake lever is.

Yuri Family discussion 27 Jun 20:02
joined Dec 12, 2016

I think it was Kuki, she admits it while the others think about whether they did it or not.

On page to she's the only one who is just embarassed and turns red.

We see her thoughts saying it wasn't her.

I believe that was her wishing not to be called out for doing it.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Anyone knows whether it's still got serialization or not back in japan?

It's a ongoing web manga at

Sometimes it has special chapters in Comic Birz too.

I love how the site it is released on tags the series as yuri.

Citrus discussion 25 Jun 00:38
joined Dec 12, 2016

Not that I disagree with you, but is the demographic for this series actually "lesbian or bisexual-female teens. "? Most readers are probably not in that group, at least in japan.

Probably not specifically LGBT but it most certainly is targeted at women.

joined Dec 12, 2016

With people talking about the two Pures eventually crossing paths, I assumed that the time travel here works like The Butterfly Effect where her mind is sent back in time to her body in the past so there is only one Pure at any given moment. No paradox and no self-rivalry.

Yeah but that kind of time travel makes no sense to me - when you are in the past your future self does not exist - so if you overwrite her mind with your future one where does HERS go? You would in effect be killing your past self and replacing it - our brains aren't really only 10% used - all our neurons are doing stuff and there is no room to have her mind stored in there too somewhere.

Also your only option would be to stay back in time because you have no time travel 'device' with you - your mind couldn't be pulled back to the none existent future by any tech there - that doesn't exist yet.

I guess this method would work if you sent your mind into an alternate reality past version of you - but you will still be 'killing' them.

You need to watch the Butterfly Effect then, I'll use spoiler tags if you feel like you want to watch it before reading this. In the movie the main character basically does overwrite his younger self. The movie actually starts out showing that the kid grew up having various black outs where he did things he couldn't remember. The MC has an ability, that he inherited from his father, to be able to send his mind back in time to change the past. He can do it at will and has no problem sending it back to the future to see how he changed the time line. You can also read Ashita, Kimi ni Aetara since the MC seems to have the same ability but is able to send her mind forward in time to see how what she does in the present effects the future, and it basically runs on the same principle that she overwrites her future self's mind until she is sent back to the present. I don't think the idea of "killing" yourself by replacing your mind with another version from a different time is all the unethical. I mean, sending your mind back would just be you with just a lot more experience, basically Homura in a nutshell.

I also don't think Pure even wanted to go back to the future anyways. If it's through either technology or magic I think Pure knew it was a one way trip. The whole point is to spend her high school years with her future sweetheart.

About the whole brain science, multiple personalty disorder is a real thing. I don't think the mind has that much trouble dealing with more than just one person hanging out in there. I believe it's theorized that everyone actually has two minds anyways, where one is dominate and the other is subdued. I'm no where qualified enough to explain it but from what I remember people who get their left and right lobes separated from surgery to treat severe epilepsy can actually have the subdued half express itself. Such as the two lobes can disagree to do something, like one can make the right hand pull up their pants while the left hands starts to pull them down because they can't agree on whether or not they want to get dressed. I believe there was an experiment where a split-brain patient felt an object with their left hand but could not see it with their right eye, they were not able to verbally identify what they were touching but they could use their left hand to write down the correct identity. The brain is an amazing organ, I think it's futile to try to theorize how it would handle a future copy of the mind it currently has coming back to hold up residence.

Image Comments 24 Jun 02:58
joined Dec 12, 2016

Must be a regional thing because I was just able to buy it and read it on Kindle Cloud.

It's a shame that it won't be up here for every frugal person here to read. It's truly a gem of a one shot.

joined Dec 12, 2016

auikimaya posted:


Since she's not tied to a publisher's whims it makes sense. Plus I'm sure as an author she doesn't want to get stuck writing the same basic works repeatedly.

Yes, lets forget that Even If We are Not Friends is a thing. /s