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joined Jun 4, 2015

She went into the room to confront Uta about the fact that Uta is in love with her, then acts shocked (in the previous chapter) when Uta says, once again, that she’s in love with her.

I think she's still shocked because she was secretly hoping Utah would deny it and it was just a misunderstanding. Kaoru asks why she said anything if she knew kaoru couldn't return the feelings; where she responded that it needed to be said for closure. Kaoru somewhat dismisses it saying if it's needed then that's fine and they can work on how to make things like they used to be, not understanding that uta's trying to tell her it can't go back to how it was.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Little sister looks a bit scary

joined Jun 4, 2015

Does Yuki use a voice changer? I don't remember if this has been established.

I have been reading it as her typing the text not saying it

That would be FAR too slow for both the length/pace of the convos and their contexts (ie. in the middle of online shooter matches)...

True, but the last chapter with her gaming I didn't see a mic now I that I'm actually looking for it. Not sure of the earlier chapters

joined Jun 4, 2015

Plot twist in every chapter, sounds like a commercial. A reversal for even just one chapter would be wonderful, though the tag could spoil it.

joined Jun 4, 2015

The Catulus stuff doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that we are 38 chapters in and Ayano and Yuki still haven’t figured out they’re into each other.

At least in the latest chapters they're closer than ever before in realizing it.

joined Jun 4, 2015

If your manner of speech is the same there then it's not that you're "picking apart" peoples arguments. I will always favor a good discussion on many topics. You're condescending with your words instead of having an actual conversation about the matter, hence why i said smug. Though if many have brought up this same question, would it never come to mind, maby it's not people crying that you're picking apart their arguments/being mean but rather the tone you set when you reply.

I gave my speculation, not fact on why the two couldn't become "true friends". When it's revealed I could be completely wrong. It won't bother me, just like if you agree with me or not won't bother me. I'll keep reading this since I love the story.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Why are you trying to compare the world the author is trying to make compared to real world? It's a comedy first and foremost so I don't expect everything to fall into place to the minute detail for how things work. There will be plot holes for sure, but for the most part I think they've put the groundwork for how catulus are to be pretty well.

On a side note, passive aggressive much? you seem pretty smug with your nitpicking of my opinion though I'm not sure where it came from.

joined Jun 4, 2015

-- Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Well it's established in-universe most first express the condition around their early teens... but how the heck would you not be a "true" catulus? Don cat-ears headband or something? (Which might actually have connotations akin to blackface IRL, mind you...)

If the sketchy professor can make a medicine to hide the features, it wouldn't be to far fetched to say there's one to give those same attributes as well.

While as-such true (the entire catulus thing is, for all practical intents and purposes, straight up magic after all) that seems like a rather far-fetched theory when Occam's Razor says that Anna's simply a regular enough ketgurl - perhaps simply a "late bloomer".

I'm more curious about how she was able to identify Yuki as a "congenital" apparently at first glance tbh...

You say magic, but to them it they say it is an illness. They're pretty vague on it but how does one catch it? genetically I'd assume. The way Anna describes yukki it would seem most if not all catulus catch the illness after birth afterall

She identified her easily from her Silver/White Hair and Heterochromia. I'd assume they are very rare traits only to those born catulus. Then adding in her Turkish Angora heritage makes her even rarer.

joined Jun 4, 2015

-- Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.

Well it's established in-universe most first express the condition around their early teens... but how the heck would you not be a "true" catulus? Don cat-ears headband or something? (Which might actually have connotations akin to blackface IRL, mind you...)

If the sketchy professor can make a medicine to hide the features, it wouldn't be to far fetched to say there's one to give those same attributes as well.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Do love hotels command a premium or discount compared to other hotels?

I mean, I haven’t been in them, but are love hotels cheaper than, for example, say: a motel six? Motel 8?

As for the manga: it was funny... mutual erotic curiousity mixed with booze and dreaming makes a good tale through Wonderland.

They're usually cheaper than a hotel since its a short time frame not the conventional overnight stay, though you can do either. They will most likely be furnished with much nicer stuff than a regular cheap motel as well since the purpose isn't really the same.

Even if the sexytime was a dream, they still went to a love hotel! Progress!

I don't think that was a dream. The usual trope is they totally did it and she put her cloths back on after she fainted from the excitement and alcohol. Which causes tomoko to assume it was a dream.

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 5:00AM

joined Jun 4, 2015

So Ayano seems like she’s starting to realize that her feelings for Yuki run deeper than friendship but Oguri’s probably going to fall for Yuki too.

Enter Anna who clearly has a thing for Oguri. I think Oguri was her maid when they were younger. Oguri seems like she too is a congenital Catulus so maybe Anna’s one of the reasons why she believes Catulus and humans can’t be friends. Or she’s the reason why Oguri hates the idea of being friends just because your Catulus.

Either way, Anna’s there to cause Yuki trouble.

Just wish the intro of the new character came later, after we had more Ayano x Yuki bonding moments.

Also wish that this will leave the island of subtext. Doesn’t have to be soon but just that it will.

In the flashback picture of Anna and Oguri, you can't see whether or not she has cat ears or not. I don't think she was a catulus at the time. Something happened and they came to the conclusion that the gap is to large for normal people and catulus to become close. Oguri hides her symptoms and Anna either contracted catulus later or isn't a true one either.
Just my speculation.

joined Jun 4, 2015

I had thought the gag might have been she was faking it the whole time plot twist kinda thing

joined Jun 4, 2015

I admittedly had that benefit where I started late and got to read three quarters straight through to be fair, which probably gave me an edge from having to wait for each chapter. I liked the pace since it was over such a large time frame. We did see them go through most of their high school days after all.

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 5:34AM

joined Jun 4, 2015

This picture sums up this manga perfectly. The main characters are in the middle which makes it seem that they might be the main focus of the story but if you look at the picture as a whole you notice that the side characters make up about 80-90 % of the drawing.

I don't despise this manga but keeping myself from dropping it after the story got sidetracked so hard that I midway through the manga forgot who the main characters of this story were was hard. I wouldn't mind if the story was about the school rather than shiramine and kurosawas relationship or if the sidestories were actual side chapters.

This manga really started of strong with two good leads and a not very unique but interesting enough setup for their relationship but it diluted into an utter mess of sideplots and sidestories that have little or nothing to do with the main story except the fact that they go to the same school.

To me the story wasn’t just about the main and their slice of life yuri goodness. It was the overall growth of their characters where yurine found she could have fun and be more open with others.
Ayaka needed to learn she didn’t always need to be the best at everything. (only two examples, of course there’s more)

What helps best with character development? Interaction with others. The fact that everyone has a love interest was a bit of a stretch to be fair, but I still liked it overall.

If this is to many characters I wonder what some would think of the clamp universe with multiple works that coincide with each other all with their own mc’s

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 10:48PM

joined Jun 4, 2015

Loved every bit of this, dang there were a crap ton of people and couples to remember though

joined Jun 4, 2015

I can see why people would want to see others opinions/reviews of something before reading or watching it, but I've never been able to get behind it. I figure I'll give almost everything a shot just because you never know. I'd rather see it and possibly love or hate it rather than avoid it altogether.

Image Comments 20 Mar 07:47
joined Jun 4, 2015

Looks like she's doing work stuffs

Image Comments 20 Mar 07:40
joined Jun 4, 2015

Hard to keep secrets from those who can read minds

Image Comments 17 Mar 00:28
joined Jun 4, 2015

Future partner is definitely going to meet an unfortunate end

joined Jun 4, 2015

What Kasumi harshly turns down is this "worship" of herself. She seems to find it profoundly creepy and unecessary.
This is just my own interpretation, but I believe that Kasumi wants an equal give and take relationship. Sakurako always puts Kasumi on a pedastal and that gets in the way of them being on eye-level. Kasumi shows the most affection and attachment when Sakurako isn't being all crazy over her.

A good way to look at it I think, she doesn't mind a mutual type of love, but when her devotion gets a bit out of hand is when she tries to reel her back in to more of a couple like feeling.

joined Jun 4, 2015

I just want to point out that Koruri and Moka have made more progress in their relationship in one chapter than Sakurako and Kasumi has made in almost 50... -_-'

I'd say sakurako and Kasumi are doing fine, Kasumi just doesn't show her love as openly as sakurako does, and dang does that girl need to let the world know of her love.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Nice placement of the whistling kettle as sakurako mentions warming each other while naked. Also very cute with the earrings but koruri's reason to go out with her so she doesn't lose interest is kinda sad.

joined Jun 4, 2015

So pages 1-17 is chapter one? is this a combination of two chapters or was the first not the entire chapter? It was weird that it felt like a repost until I realized ti was longer than the first

joined Jun 4, 2015

This is great, was saddened this is all we have atm from this artist

joined Jun 4, 2015

If I tried to eat ice cream in that way i'd probably die