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joined Jan 11, 2015

@Ishi Tsuki
Hey, don't slander. She always gives a fuck about money! ;D

last edited at Feb 14, 2017 2:38AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Oh, I didn't mean in response to your comment. The scanlation got her name wrong (-kawa instead of -waka), lol.

Edit: And yes, Ushi (牛) is cow/ox. =]

last edited at Feb 14, 2017 2:31AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

But... But her name is Ushiwaka though...

joined Jan 11, 2015

We use zip files when we upload our releases. We use Google Drive, but there are many alternatives.

Love Ribbon 12 Feb 13:55
joined Jan 11, 2015

Are they blood sister? No copped-out adopted siblings/ sisters-through-parent marriage?

They make quite a big deal out of finding out the answer to that in the VN, so I'd suggest finding out for yourself, but if them being so or not is a deal-breaker to anyone, then caution, spoiler: they are 100% blood related sisters.

joined Jan 11, 2015

@Alice Cheshire
A real life acquaintance of mine is called Alice Helsing. I always imagine she'd get flamed like crazy for "trying to hard", if she used that name on a forum. x)

You might like Yagokoro Eirin. She likes to punish her servants when they don't act according to her wishes. Wink wink

last edited at Feb 12, 2017 12:16PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

I don't think it was bad, just really not up to snuff with what vol. 1 & 2 made me expect. :/

Nezchan face reveal 12 Feb 10:55
joined Jan 11, 2015

Google has tricked us yet again! We can't let them get away with it!

joined Jan 11, 2015

If it makes you feel better, the latter half of the story is sadly rather underwhelming.

joined Jan 11, 2015

@Alice Cheshire
Something about the Cheshire part tipped me off that that was the case... ;D

Nezchan face reveal 12 Feb 05:05
joined Jan 11, 2015

Those are spruces, not pines!

last edited at Feb 12, 2017 6:52AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Haha, yeah, his relationship to Reimu and Marisa is more like "Oh no, not these people again... They're gonna steal all my stuff...", rather than romantic interest, lol. Though he does get very happy when he gets to explain (monologue) about something... x)

joined Jan 11, 2015

It's awesome that we have so many different answers!

Even if they're not my personal favourites, I agree with what everyone said about their own favourites. Pretty much all characters in Touhou are really likeable!

joined Jan 11, 2015

Meiling certainly does have the "butt of jokes" part down, to the point that I often feel sorry for her...

joined Jan 11, 2015

We all know that! Give us the reason, dammit! Tell us your secrets!

joined Jan 11, 2015

I'd be fun to hear from both hardcore fans, and those with just a casual appreciation.

It doesn't have to be something super specific, like, "I like Toyosatomimi no Miko, because Prince Shoutoku is awesome!". Anything from "I like Reimu, because even though she's a main character, she's a greedy asshole in canon, and I find that that's hilarious" to "I like Kyouko 'cuz she's like, sooo cute!" is a valid reason!.

Personally, my favourite character is Yakumo Yukari. I like her scheeming personality and her almost constant smile, but most of all, I just love her design to death. Specifically, I like the Chinese-styled western dress. Unfortunately, many artists seem to prefer to purple dress, perhaps because it is easier to draw...

Nezchan face reveal 11 Feb 13:07
joined Jan 11, 2015

I'd post a selfie to join the fun, but I already have one as my avatar...

joined Jan 11, 2015

The first volume contains 7 chapters. I'm not sure how much more has been published since its release. Baka Manga Updates lists it as having two volumes published, but also uses the cover of Isn't the Moon Beautiful vol.2 in the same article, so I don't think it's correct.

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 15:17
joined Jan 11, 2015

Personally, I think it should be more about if it is a plot twist or other significant event, or not. Relating back to your examples, knowing that Eli joins the group would generally not ruin the experience for anyone, but knowing about a plot twist like a character death can definitely ruin the experience for a lot of people. And like my own example earlier with the yuri tag, does it really matter if it becomes a common tag? YouChika's First Kiss has both character names and "kiss" in the title, but still has the Chika x You and yuri tags.

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 14:54
joined Jan 11, 2015

Isn't the point of tags to let people know what the work contains, though? "Fuck it, it's your problem" doesn't quite seem like the right way to go...

The usual argument with tags is that certain tags can be spoilers in themselves, e.g. reversal, supernatural, or foiled rape attempt, so I find it the argument that spoiler tag itself is superflous to be rather ironic.

It seems to me that the argument here is that "it's bothersome to tag things", rather than whether there is a reason to or not.

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 14:28
joined Jan 11, 2015

My point was that just because I have known about something for months, it doesn't mean everyone else have as well. Whether that is because of a language barrier, or because they simply haven't seen/read/played it should be irrelevant. A spoiler is a spoiler, whether the source material is easily available in English or not.

last edited at Feb 4, 2017 2:30PM

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 13:40
joined Jan 11, 2015

Can watch and have watched are not the same, though.

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 13:20
joined Jan 11, 2015

So the fact that I haven't seen Madoka is irrelevant, because I was probably spoiled elsewhere already? I don't think that's a very compelling argument.

If spoilers are only relevant for a few months after release, I and others who read raws could flood the forum with spoilers for series with heavily delayed releases, such as Virgins' Empire.

Simply put, I don't think time takes away from the fact that something is a spoiler. The movie Psycho was released in 1960, and to this day, people still say "I won't give away the ending, you should watch it yourself". Something being old doesn't take away the fact that new people are still experiencing it for the first time.

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 12:47
joined Jan 11, 2015

Isn't that up to people themselves to decide what they want to read, though? I'm sure many read doujins for work they aren't familiar with, simply because it seems cute, or has good art.

There is no need to retroactively go back and tag everything, but there is no need to refrain from tagging new additions either, whether the source material is old or not. The spoiler tag is there as a warning, just like the violence and rape tags. I personally don't think "people should know by now" is enough reason to refrain from tagging something. After all, this is a yuri site, and there is still the yuri tag.

Spoilers discussion 04 Feb 11:18
joined Jan 11, 2015

I think it will always be a useful tag, since there will always be people who haven't seen the source material. When you see the tag, you can make the decision to read it anyway, or hold off in case you intend to read/watch/play the source material at some point.

I don't see anything negative about the tag, and I think it serves its purpose well.

last edited at Feb 4, 2017 11:18AM