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joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh, shit, it's Dagon. Quick, we need to call Cthulhu, a blue mage groupie, a swordsword, a perky necromancer, an alien cat, a senile white mage (or Santa), and a demon dragon. A skeleton hero is optional.

...I hate myself for recognising that reference.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm starting to really hate Shizuka. Everything she said in chapter 154 is starting to feel more and more of a lie. Of course she fibbed about 'messing around', but I believed she really loved Mio.

Oh she does. This is an entirely different poison from the witches' brew that for a long time was her relationship with Kaoru - validation. That bizarre, obsessive game of cat and mouse had become the cornerstone of Shizuka's self-image and now that it's gone she feels... insecure. Anxious. Adrift. Cue painfully obvious and petty bouts of jealousy regarding The Artist Formerly Known As Bou-chan.

Kaoru is clearly well aware of this continuing emotional dependence - while the conclusions she draws can be... suspect... she's good at reading people in general and Shizuka in particular - and willing to be fairly harsh to put an end to it. If memory serves that line about "cute underclassman" she keeps giving Shizuka is directly and doubtless deliberately paraphrasing something the latter told her way back whenever in regards to Hibiki and it visibly hits a nerve.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm ultimately into Tokino x Kaoru more, but Shizuka x Tokino could be a pretty fun disaster!

Ahhahaha, Tokino x Shizuka and Mio x Kaoru just for the lols

For some reason I feel like Mio x Kaoru would have some powerful top vs top energy to it. Two spurned lovers taking out their frustrations on each other lol

I feel the same but everybody knows Mio can eventually top anyone in the end

Yeah but it'd be the raging lesbian equivalent of pirates fighting ninjas Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla - fight of the century! :d

joined Jul 26, 2016

Near as I am aware the -ko ("child") suffix is used exclusively for first/given names (and just about solely female ones at that but that's beside the point).

but does sakurako have "child" kanji? it easily could be "rako" or some alternative reading.

I'm tolerably sure I've never ever seen that combination used as anything else than a feminine given name, anywhere.

last edited at Feb 18, 2020 10:18AM

Image Comments 18 Feb 09:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yuri has always been pretty... territorial... about her friends in canon tho. And even normally very amiable sorts like Nemo and Asuka tend to get testy around Shizuku.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm now convinced that Sakurako is the lesbianest of Japanese surnames.

You know too much. Be careful out there with that knowledge.

They apparently don't know the difference between given and last/family names tho.

as in "they don't have specific indicators which is which" or as in "they use one name for person"?

Near as I am aware the -ko ("child") suffix is used exclusively for first/given names (and just about solely female ones at that but that's beside the point).

joined Jul 26, 2016

I googled 'crypto-het' but all the results were in Dutch.

The universal language of love.

last edited at Feb 17, 2020 4:07PM

Image Comments 17 Feb 15:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

Tomoki would rather not appear in the series at all, anyway. That not being an option he's doing his level best to ignore the two lunatics trying to get a look at his dick.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm now convinced that Sakurako is the lesbianest of Japanese surnames.

You know too much. Be careful out there with that knowledge.

They apparently don't know the difference between given and last/family names tho.

Image Comments 16 Feb 11:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

Yuri being rather stronger than she looks is just one of those running gags; but she's rather more possessive than "protective" of her friends and at best takes a while to warm up to new people in her relationship matrix as eg. Nemo could attest - and Shizuku has the superpower of pissing off other girls pretty much just by existing, so...

Image Comments 15 Feb 23:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

is this NTR

joined Jul 26, 2016
joined Jul 26, 2016


VAMPEERZ discussion 15 Feb 19:56
joined Jul 26, 2016

This whole thread started with a reference to Stretch and now we've come full circle. There must be some sort of deep meaning to that. Right?

Thats a bit of a stretch.

Okay. I'm going to have to ask you not to do that.

Image Comments 15 Feb 19:25
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ "After getting up to date on the manga, go back and have a drink when you encounter a character or plot element that would become more important later on."
- TVTropes drinking game

The authors earn a hat tip for their foresight in making random background characters just distinctive enough they can be readily spun up into more prominent colourful cast members as needed/desired. Nemo is one of the earliest and most notable examples, having spent the first in-universe year as one of Okada's unnamed friends who had like two lines total over that entire period...

This series turns Ascended Extra into an art form.

joined Jul 26, 2016

So is anyone else getting crypto-het/male pov surrogate vibes off this? The sex has a strong emphasis on penetration (of Kohashi), Hayami (as pov char) is always on top, and attention is never drawn to her gender - eg no touching of her breasts or genitals, in the first sex scene she keeps her underwear on. We don't see much of her sexual experience at all, almost as if "she" blew her load when penetrating Kohashi.

So is anyone else getting Professionally Offended vibes off this?

Honkai Impact 3rd 15 Feb 15:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

Bianca pls =.=;

In other news "Criminally Fabulous" Durandal is finally going to be playable which explains why she's been so front and center in the mangas lately.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Handholding jokes are old and not really funny.

I find your lack of culture... disturbing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It was noted and duly ignored. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

where is the insane amounts of sex tag when you need it

ikr, I'm scarred for life D:

joined Jul 26, 2016

I do believe every story of the light sci-fi genre that combines space trade with FTL travel has the same problem. You leave your planet for an interstellar trading trip, and when you return, after what seemed like five weeks for you, twenty years have passed in your original planet -- thus making whatever you brought back probably unneeded and most certainly obsolete.

That depends entirely on the character of the FTL travel involved though. Many are functionally instantaneous or otherwise fast enough to involve no time-dilation effects of any relevance - depending on the particular assumptions of the setting it may indeed take longer to travel far enough from the local star's gravity to engage the FTL drive with conventional engines than cross the interstellar distance itself. (This kind of gravitational sensitivity is a relatively common trope and serves useful narrative purposes by eg. preventing invasion fleets from suddenly warping into the orbit of an in-system target or cheapo planet killers made by sending any old junker loaded with rocks hurtling towards a planet at Ludicrous Speed.)

Even then interstellar commercial shipping of high-bulk low-value cargo such as unrefined raw materials is still extremely economically suspect barring "magical" very cheap and convenient interstellar travel; more thought-out scenarios tend to revolve highly processed goods, whatever Unobtaniums the setting might have and information (which physically takes up no more space than the memory banks needed to store it) instead.

There are still plausible scenarios where it might be found necessary to transport certain forms of bulk cargo - supplies to remote outposts, parts and machinery to newly established colonies that can't yet fabricate all of their necessities on the scene, the logistical tails of military operations and so on - but the crucial point is that such shipping would not be inherently commercial and profit-seeking in nature but rather analogous to establishing and maintaining those Antarctic research stations or supporting overseas military expeditions IRL. Ie. something you deem important and/or necessary (or just cool and prestigious enough, depending, cough moon shots cough) enough to merit doing with surplus resources and the acceptance that you'll be way in the red; the purview of decently major and wealthy state governements not profit-seeking private sector actors (though the latter will be only too happy to get involved in any number of aspect for profit natch, the money spent has to go somewhere after all).

None of which conditions apply here, obviously. And even more egregiously the apparent business plan of the scavenger outfit Ayame signed up on is straight up Underpants Gnome levels of lolwut.

last edited at Feb 14, 2020 3:42PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, and we would've solved world hunger already if it weren't for money and capitalism. Maybe the rights to the asteroids are already in the hands of the highest bidder, and common folk have the choice between working for peanuts or searching for new mining grounds?

"Common folk" do not engage in economically significant mining operations in the first place, even dirtside where the transportation and necessary technological infrastructure are altogether smaller headaches, so I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

Or what this has to do with what I was talking about to begin with since I was discussing the fundamentally questional viability of the whole idea of interstellar mining operations in light of what we're told about the available transportation technology of the setting. Who is supposed to be carrying it out isn't an overly important detail there, though it would seem obvious deep pockets plus the ability and willingness to sink truly awful amounts of money even getting the operation running and then wait for God knows how long for it to even start breaking even - if that even is possible - are necessary pre-requisites.

last edited at Feb 14, 2020 10:04AM

joined Jul 26, 2016
Can anyone tell me what haru's fetish is here?

Pretty sure that's just a case of Too Gay To Function

joined Jul 26, 2016

To quote a comment on a similarly descriptively titled Mira work,

I wonder what happens ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Set engines to... LUDICROUS FEELS."
"She cannae take it, cap'n!"