Don’t get me wrong, I am fully aware YagaKimi is higher quality plot-wise, though in my opinion not in character development (Citrus characters feel more like real people IMO, as though they are real people thrown into a badly written soap opera scenario).
But to me personally it’s like when you have a greasy burger or Chinese fried rice vs some sophisticated meal, you know the latter is better and healthier but the first is still more fun.
You don't meet a whole lot of real people, do ya? I am joking
If you wanted to say character archetypes... then maaaybe? But character development? Come on. Citrus has about as much character development as Flash Gordon Volume 223 (a static character who doesn't change). Yuu's or Touko's character development are leagues above all of Citrus cast combined.
Wow, just dunking on fried rice there! There are some highly rated Chinese restaurants that serve fried rice better than you could ever imagine.
Also the only reason to eat a greasy burger rather than some well prepared dish is expense and effort. If you could eat 5 star meals for free and without waiting time, you'd do it, don't lie. There is nothing exciting about fast food, aside from clogged arteries I guess lol
By crazy I mean: difficult girl who shows love-hate behaviour towards her love interest, which you can tolerate only due to the fact she is hot af lol
That's why you tolerated her. What did we say about generalizing your point of view as the standard?
Not to say I don't enjoy Citrus or it's spin-off. The quality is just not comparable.
Agreed. Except the character art, where Citrus truly excels.
Art is subjective so whatever. Citrus' art was way more expressive in the early chapters, now it looks pretty plastic to me. YagaKimi thrives on subtlety and cuteness.
PS: Don't ignore poor @skulll. Nezchan is bored of our match-ups here, so mix it up, will ya?
You two wanna spar, do it in the ring. On pay per view. With the proceeds going into my account.
Only if you sponsor me.
last edited at Apr 18, 2019 3:54AM