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joined Mar 22, 2013

Wow, this was so positiv and optimistic. I love it. leaves you with hope for the future.

joined Mar 22, 2013

And averague native person of whatever language knows more than 10k of words. Spanish has more than 80k. What's different about 力 = power and 人 = person? In the end they are words, just because the way they are writting is hard for adults doesn't mean that it's that hard to see that all languagues has words and it's a way to have them. Know 3k of words I think that it's pretty normal.

learning vocabulary and learning kanji are two very different things. i don't know a single language (not saying there aren't) other than chinese ofc and maybe egyptian and any spin off from that, that has a different character for practicaly every word in existence. so yes, harder. MOST langauges have a normal alphabet or some version of it that they use.

My point was that learning languagues at that level is pretty hard and a little bit more those, like japanesse, which doesn't have an alphabet (talking about kanjis, I know they have hiragana and katakana), but knowing 3k of words to normal talking it's pretty normal. In fact, they are so much kanjis which are formed by others kanjis, so if you know those first kanjis you'll get what that kanji is. Forst is 森林, tree is 木, in fact they have some things that holly shit... Woman is 女 and rape is 強姦... The second kanji is formed with 3 times the woman kanji and the first it's like strenght or something like that.

Melon: But the Kanji have different meaning regarding context and also a lot of different ways to pronounce them. You need not only to learn the kanji and the meaning but also the Onyomi and Kunyomi (those are "pronounciations" and there are usually several for both, don't even ask me what the difference is between KUN an ON and when to use what, I haven't grasped that yet). I wonder if that gets easier by time, but as a beginner I find it pretty damn hard.

I don't study japanesse but I have friends who do it and they say than yes, so keep going! ^^
But I have to say that having multiple meanings it's also pretty normal, isn't it? In spanish we have words that the context can made them opposites. I'm seriously asking.

Thanks^^ I'm really not sure. It's probably normal i some way. In German we have words where the meaning changes depending on the article used (die kiefer = pine / der kiefer = jaw). Maybe it is just that hard because it is an entirely different language system. sentence structure, grammar is all pretty unfamiliar.

joined Mar 22, 2013

good stuff...

joined Mar 22, 2013

man I can relate so much to both Saeko and Miwa. It is always shit when you feel obliged to do something, but then you grow dissatisfied. It's kind of the mother of all relationship-killers.

joined Mar 22, 2013

"- So that made me realise I have no interest in men and I only wanted to bang with girls
+ Maybe was that him sucked?
Oh, shit, this hits near home... Why always if you have experience with men trying to be normal people say "maybe he wasn't the correct" like if someone of them could actually work instead of that heteronormativity suck...

Also I like the translation, in Spain mangas they also don't use honorifics and I like the accent.

As if it's easy to learn how to read Japanese; the average Japanese person needs to learn about TWO-TO-THREE THOUSAND kanji just for everyday use, with an additional few thousand more for occasional use.

And averague native person of whatever language knows more than 10k of words. Spanish has more than 80k. What's different about 力 = power and 人 = person? In the end they are words, just because the way they are writting is hard for adults doesn't mean that it's that hard to see that all languagues has words and it's a way to have them. Know 3k of words I think that it's pretty normal.

But the Kanji have different meaning regarding context and also a lot of different ways to pronounce them. You need not only to learn the kanji and the meaning but also the Onyomi and Kunyomi (those are "pronounciations" and there are usually several for both, don't even ask me what the difference is between KUN an ON and when to use what, I haven't grasped that yet). I wonder if that gets easier by time, but as a beginner I find it pretty damn hard.

last edited at Jun 8, 2019 5:14AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I thought this one was a bit too constructed. All the lines you've read a thousand times in the first pages. But the ending of chapter one was pretty nice. Hope the characters are developed a bit more. Could become interesting

joined Mar 22, 2013

People here is like, I like Amane because she’s so pity, she deserves somebody else. She’s the best character.... lol.

It might not be the end couple but I like Kou x Nene.

And that senpai, crazy obsessive bitch.

I don't think people still want nene to go back to amane, at this point, all us amane fag just want her to cut ties with these girls and be happy, it would be hilarious when nene confessed why she broke up with her, then she will be like "no fuck you, i'm done with you" like the statement of one peepo in early comments.

I don't get why you all blame Nene. She isn't forced to give a reason for breaking up it might as well be true that she doesn't like her anymore which is a fine reason. Staying friends was Amane's choice.

Well, personally I think Nene is rather cruel in the way she stays friends. I just dislike her, I guess. But yeah, you can't blame someone for falling out of love with someone. If that was the reason they broke up, I'd actually give Nene kudos. Because it requires a lot of strenght to actually break up and not let an unhappy relationship just continue.

And Amane is pitied because she has like no control over shit. She is unlucky in love and handles it not well. And then she is manipulated by some psycho who wants her to be unhappy so she'll be dependent on her... It's not what I want to happen to anyone, lol.

How is Nene "rather cruel in the way she stays friends"? She has her reason for wanting to break up, whether that's simple falling out of love, jealousy, or manipulation, and it is valid. Amane refuses to consider her feelings and keeps trying to make moves on someone who obviously doesn't want it. It's rude, clingy, and obsessive.

Amane needs to grow up and realize that if she wants Nene to treat her better she needs to cut that shit out. It's obvious the break up hurt Nene too, and all she's doing is pouring salt in the wound.

well, telling someone they can kiss her, but then she will hate them, when she knows that said people have feelings for her is rather rude, as well. Talking about rubbing salt in the wound. There is simply not THE ONE to blame
(well except psycho-senpai, I'm gonna start blaming her for everything)

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 12:51PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Wow, this was here? Great! Time to finish this series on my favorite manga reader

joined Mar 22, 2013

People here is like, I like Amane because she’s so pity, she deserves somebody else. She’s the best character.... lol.

It might not be the end couple but I like Kou x Nene.

And that senpai, crazy obsessive bitch.

I don't think people still want nene to go back to amane, at this point, all us amane fag just want her to cut ties with these girls and be happy, it would be hilarious when nene confessed why she broke up with her, then she will be like "no fuck you, i'm done with you" like the statement of one peepo in early comments.

I don't get why you all blame Nene. She isn't forced to give a reason for breaking up it might as well be true that she doesn't like her anymore which is a fine reason. Staying friends was Amane's choice.

Well, personally I think Nene is rather cruel in the way she stays friends. I just dislike her, I guess. But yeah, you can't blame someone for falling out of love with someone. If that was the reason they broke up, I'd actually give Nene kudos. Because it requires a lot of strenght to actually break up and not let an unhappy relationship just continue.

And Amane is pitied because she has like no control over shit. She is unlucky in love and handles it not well. And then she is manipulated by some psycho who wants her to be unhappy so she'll be dependent on her... It's not what I want to happen to anyone, lol.

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 5:19AM

Lily Marble discussion 06 Jun 05:03
joined Mar 22, 2013

Is this on hiatus, now? The updates used to be pretty regular.

joined Mar 22, 2013

ugh, backstabbing bitch. Amane is best girl and yet... :(((

joined Mar 22, 2013

The uselessness strikes again!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Nooooooo, when this was so intriguing.... I halfway forgot that there was an Aaaangst tag :( Still I enjoyed the shock a bit. Am I a masochist? xD

but it could become a great story. It could be an arranged marriage. Still, things are about to get messy.

About the spoilery discussion, don't some people even read the comments to know if they should avoid a certain series or chapter? Yeah, the tags are more convenient, but sometimes spoil the story. Aaaangst was a good choice here.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 3:05AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

These bonus chapters were almost better than the series

joined Mar 22, 2013

this was more than i hoped for... in so many ways!!!

Medusa discussion 01 Jun 17:38
joined Mar 22, 2013

I do not regret reading this, but it is really sad. There is scumbags out there, who use people and their weaknesses.
Thanks to everybody explaining about the illness, I read this very sloppily and didn't want to reread.

Also previous poster is probably right about backstabber girl not being even bisexual. bisexuals enjoy having sex with women and wouldn't call another woman a pervert for doing so.

last edited at Jun 2, 2019 4:43AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Sooooo, I want more of this :]

Purple discussion 01 Jun 01:14
joined Mar 22, 2013

very smooth indeed! and gorgeous, wow that art!

Rainbow discussion 31 May 09:44
joined Mar 22, 2013

aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3

I think the message is, don't care about labels and what other people think about you. Just live your life with the one you love. We don't know and don't need to know if they found each other attractive or had sex. That's not the point of this story.

last edited at May 31, 2019 9:48AM

Still Sick discussion 30 May 02:31
joined Mar 22, 2013

Maekawa making some serious character development. There's hope for our girls!

VAMPEERZ discussion 29 May 14:37
joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm loving this. Pretty interesting... and well, it's a trope buuuut vampire's sure are sexy (okay, except... pls don't mention the book and movie series with T, lol)

joined Mar 22, 2013

I cant for the life of me find the live action show anywhere with subs

I think there were a lot of copyright fights. That one youtuber (ha leggo) even got her channel disbanded. It really sucks. :(

joined Mar 22, 2013

I have a feeling that this series will make me feel bad. I hate unrequitted love. It's like the saddest thing in the world and nobody really is at fault.
This chapter was pretty sad....

last edited at May 29, 2019 9:13AM

Sunny Rose discussion 28 May 19:00
joined Mar 22, 2013

Very beautiful! A simple but wholesome shoujo ai story.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Midori "currently palying in a heavy metal band" - this got me! I love her xD Hope we see more of the cafe ^^