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joined Nov 19, 2017

Komaki is my spirit animal.

"You're so shameless it's actually refreshing. No way."


Dark Widow discussion 05 Feb 22:26
joined Nov 19, 2017

Nice ear warmers.

I'd like to see the Gorgon sisters in the future, but considering the curse broke... Maybe the author can swing this in a good way.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Aw. I was excited to have a potential new regular character. Feels bad...

Pay for gay discussion 26 Jan 00:03
joined Nov 19, 2017

Mad libs style. ___ for pay

joined Nov 19, 2017

My my. After a Rider Kick previously we get a Rider Hug instead? Yuzumori san is such a quick learner. I demand at least 1 Rider move in all subsequent chapters.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Certainly not every day where you see tags like Action, Assassin, Drama, and Slice of Life all in one place. Going to be keeping a close eye on this one for sure. This toned down not Murcielago is pretty amazing.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Good End.

I decided to go back and to reread this with the ending in mind again, keeping in my mind that this kuudere sempai is actually a complete mush + maybe ditz. I had wanted to call on the sempai for not remembering the protag's name, but it doesn't seem like our heroine even introduced herself properly during the confession given the few limited panels that were shown. (Sempai's amazing poker face was not helping either) These 2 dorks are perfect for each other.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Not sure what kind of emotional depth you want to see in your yuri title. Do you want Michael Bay level drama explosions, stomach-churning roller coaster of emotional manipulations, interesting philosophical views injected at random intervals, a peculiar backdrop featuring something completely out of the norm, or something else? In terms of story completion, imho this is already fairly completed from start to finish. The beginning had a decent hook, there was only one snag in the relationship that was repaired responsibly, and a cute finish that's very yuri.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Goddammit system stop flagging my post as spam. I know I write a lot.

While it's true the teacher admitted it was love at first sight when she first laid eyes on Emi, Keiko was the one who was SUPER surprised that Emi confessed to her. Keiko had to ease into her new role as Emi's love interest/date to respond accordingly. She explained/exposition to the readers it's just the way she handles romances. If she was asked out, she would say yes unless it feels off. The relationship would gradually develop over time. It never occurred to her that another woman would confess to her romantically. Love never entered into her brain. Whatever she saw as sparkling may just be a passing fancy, admiration for beauty, whatever it is. I can be making random assumptions and can't back any of them up.

The age insecurity I feel is very much justified. I think this may just be a very much cultural thing of the view/stigma of older women in their 30s. (Which I don't want to go into since I already write in paragraphs and I don't have the strongest understanding of Japanese society interpretation etc) Keiko is dating someone 10 years younger, so she may feel a bit insecure about her own body/image of how she may appear to her lover. She's dated people in her age group or older if we're going by assumptions, therefore not used to handle whatever younger partner's worries may have. So her insecurities and her mini fight with Emi feels pretty real. One's a working adult, the other's still a student trying to get her homework done in a timely manner. On your argument about the teacher's fluctuating emotional age of 17 to 40, love makes people do stupid/irrational things. Keiko was floundering around like a lovestruck idiot on new year's day when she was itching to bone Emi. She approached Emi to make up for the fight and offered very mature responses to Emi's concern about her male friends. She's not just going to drop all her male friends like that, that's just not how it should go. Cute girlfriend or no. Not sure what I can say about Emi being like a Mary Sue, so... shrug? The lead up to the conflict and the solution is believable, although it was resolved a bit too quickly and cleanly. But an adult should be capable of acting like Keiko so whatevs. If you really want to talk about flat characterization, you might as well look at Keiko's 2 housemates: "Love should make your heart race" or "love should make you wet." Although these 2 are more just exposition device rather than story mover.

joined Nov 19, 2017

It was an interesting read. Their perceptions of how they should act in the first chapter were definitely very alarming and almost made me drop the title immediately. Good call on the TL group to lump the continuation together in the same release, I personally would've started throwing around some molotov if it ended without continuing into The Girls' Party. Good for them that they finally worked that shit out in the end. I honestly expected the situation to end up a lot worse than I imagined. Their early couple interactions felt incredibly fake and plastic. Doesn't help the protagonist isn't likable at all.

joined Nov 19, 2017

I've been swindled!
Cute enough end I guess

joined Nov 19, 2017

I'd like to get a sex bot too. For educational and drawing purposes obviously. Lucky girl...

P.267 has one too many "to get" to the coloring page

joined Nov 19, 2017

Edit I should note that an ending where they're not together is still entirely possible, even if it would break my heart, it would make it an even bitter sweet story with them still being affectionate to each other but Uta having to move on. I don't really know what truck-kun is supposed to represent, but the cheating husband was hardly unexpected since the beginning of the story as Susurrus and Blastaar pointed out once again.

Truck as in arbitrary drama that looks to be coming out of the nowhere, except it technically didn't if I actually paid attention. I was busy using a magnifying class to analyze Uta and her friends that I missed the breadcrumbs regarding Reiichi. I'm used to over the top anime tropes, so the stuff with brother forgetting about anniversary and stuff I just chalked it up to another case of dense as brick male moment. Uta in the first chapter clued the readers in that the brother was already terrible with dates and birthdays. That one moment when Kaoru mentioned that the ditz even just left his phone at home; establishing that the husband's not by any means very clever or careful. (even though the very next page is the introduction of the home wrecker, a bit of stretch to jump immediately to that conclusion) Then of course the recent chapters proves I'm a terrible sleuth and I got ran over. My dying scream was SAYONARA followed by a photoshopped explosion.

Going through the earlier chapters again, I think I still would've been run over by that truck.

Regarding the brother giving off the "decent human being" illusion... In ch 6 he tried to have a talk with Uta using ice cream as a ruse. I don't see moments like these very often so that left quite a positive impression on me. Although that dangling question at the very end given the recent events seems incredibly suspicious. Was he about to ask something about Kaoru, or was he on the edge of confessing something else? Reading that chapter a few months ago the questions seems to be something that may have to do with Uta and/or Kaoru, since that had been the main focus/buildup for quite a while. Reading that chapter now I can also interpret the unfinished question as he was trying to confess something. Damn you hindsight.

last edited at Dec 30, 2017 5:48PM

Blue Method discussion 30 Dec 16:51
joined Nov 19, 2017

Part 2 of the post since system think I'm spamming with an essay.

Tomoka seems like a bright and nice kid, doing well on her subjects and trying to help out Chizuru with her personal appearance. However she had this problem at school that's very difficult for her to open up to anyone. She kept repeating that "you wouldn't understand." Tomoka feels she's responsible for whatever happened at school. There could be 2 scenarios:

  1. She really was responsible because she said some terrible things
  2. It was all in her head. It was some benign comments that got twisted out of context and she felt like shit for causing all this trouble to the people around her.

Either one seems equally likely since we don't have a lot of information to go. Personally, based on what happened in the cafe with the classmate I'm going with scenario 2. Whatever was said it may not be as big a deal as Tomoka had imagined to anybody who isn't Momoka. But Tomoka hadn't dealt with a situation like this before. She was (assuming) a normal, bright, cheerful highschool girl who one day may have said something that made her stand out in an atypical way. People around her freak out, she feels shunned and isolated. She had no one to reach out to in her mind, so she retreated home where she felt safe and doesn't have to deal with the nasty atmosphere in the school. Sometimes, the best way to deal really is to run away. Psychology is a tricky business. I see a lot of myself in Tomoka so I'm painfully aware some of the things she is going through. Luckily she has a very understanding teacher like Chizuru to help her move forward.

For those who saw this short story as FRIENDSHIP only, my goggles say otherwise. That doki doki on the last 2 pages suggests something else :3c

Blue Method discussion 30 Dec 16:50
joined Nov 19, 2017

LOL, if you're so weak that you kill yourself over that, then really should kill yourself. "If a person doesn't fit the norm" most people don't give a shit about that, lololol, and reputation? Lololol, as long as you're not a complete asshole or dumbass then reputation doesn't mean shit most of the time

Oooooh, someone's weak willed so they should just commit suicide. Must be nice to a live a sheltered life you redacted. Please, people have gotten bullied over far less. Not everyone has the strength to crawl out of their own little hell. It takes a lot of guts and will power to move forward once you are stuck in that bottomless pit. Everyone has their moments of weakness. People aren't infallible no matter how tough some might seem. Story takes place in Japan, where social pressure is stupidly high. You can act like some hot shit rebel, but what you do and say can have an effect on your family and friends. Japan is a culture that places very heavy emphasis about not causing trouble for others. How do you not cause trouble? You conform the fuck to what is perceived as "normal." If you have great peers who can accept you for what you are, totally awesome. If you are "different" and this is found out by your friends/coworkers/parents? They either try to "fix" you, shun you, to bully you. Because you are "different." For fucks' sake, I live in a family that tries to "fix" me for being me.

Oddman 11 discussion 30 Dec 13:41
joined Nov 19, 2017

Yes! Another Oddman chapter. Poor Chouko's not even considered a threat.

There's a spelling mistake on page 6 where "with" was spelled "witht." I think the typesetter got a bit too caught up in the moment as well.

Blue Method discussion 30 Dec 00:38
joined Nov 19, 2017

I was expecting some hot and spicy stuff. But this is good too. Tiny bit disappointed the teacher wasn't dragged to a love hotel since I was expecting some fast paced development.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Sees Tamamusi

This should be good.

seconds later

I was not prepared for this. It's ok, ab sempai, one day you'll find The One. At least that's what I tell myself... Let me just head desk this pain away.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Talk about disappointing and leaving a bad after taste.


The first few chapters were interesting. The protagonist Uta has a crush that is doomed (at the time at least.) Her bro seemed like a decent sibling + husband given what we had seen so far. The guy seemed a bit dense and slow, but that's hardly a crime. After what Uta has experienced with her friend's bizarre but still functioning relationship, she had come to terms with her unrequited love. The story could've ended there and I'd be fine, coming of age story and all. But then we get this curve ball with the (highly) potential cheating brother with this girl who also happened to be among Kaoru's circle of friends. This is the proverbial truck-kun coming out of nowhere and committing first degree murder on my hopes that we could've had a story that didn't have a dodgy guy. Hence I'm disappointed. And right now it's very hard for me not to read the situation as the brother cheating on Kaoru with the glasses lady. The brother's behaviors in this and the previous chapters aren't exactly helping either. I have a few issues with Kaoru as well, but right now it's hard for me get a good grasp of the full story until the author reveal more of what happened in the past.

last edited at Dec 28, 2017 3:17AM

joined Nov 19, 2017

Talk about disappointing and leaving a bad after taste. I've already been burnt by that other series with the 3 friends and love polygon, so I've been a bit skeptical whenever a new series starts out "promising" and "refreshing." Can't have nice things at all. I want to abandon this train, but I would still like to see this salvaged somehow. If that's even possible at this point.

joined Nov 19, 2017

I Want To Go To The Toilet With You

Well that can't be very romantic.

Few pages later

I'm sorry Mochi I was wrong.I didn't know inviting someone to the bathroom with you is a great seduction technique. I have much to learn.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Aw yeah. Another author to keep an eye out for. Thanks for unearthing this gem TL team

joined Nov 19, 2017

What a smooth criminal

joined Nov 19, 2017

On first glance it looks like Kaban isn't wearing pants

Practice discussion 14 Dec 04:36
joined Nov 19, 2017

At first I got my hopes up. At the end I just want to scream.