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Ayame 14 discussion 04 Apr 01:47
joined Jun 23, 2015

This is one of my all time favorites. I was just thinking about this a couple days ago, and lo and behold, here's an update! It's the gayest one yet. Never disappoints!

joined Jun 23, 2015

Kinda thankful I missed out on the april fool's "joke." Yuri's just sacred. Our hearts can't take a hit like that.

joined Jun 23, 2015

This situation feels a little volatile.

Image Comments 07 Mar 03:39
joined Jun 23, 2015

This pairing is the only reason I might play Sun and Moon. I thought I was done with pokemon, but the gay might pull me back.

Image Comments 03 Mar 02:40
joined Jun 23, 2015

Favorited. I mean, I prefer JurixCammy, but I love me some Poison, so I'll accept it.

Image Comments 18 Jan 04:40
joined Jun 23, 2015

Am I the only one that doesn't like WidowTracer? I am? Ok.
I seriously adore Emily and hope they do more with her in the future. I'm honestly shocked by how much of a response the WidowTracer fandom has made to this. I thought the fuck bois complaining about there being a gay character were bad, but the WidowTracer fandom acts like Emily's reveal was a personal affront to them. The whole pairing was based on wishful thinking. Widow has shown no affection for anyone in the canon with the exception of her dead husband, and Tracer has as much chemistry with Widow as she does with anyone else. Maybe even less so since she is shown to not understand why Widow is the way she is. I don't want to start a shade fest on Dynasty Reader, but I just thought this picture could use some Emily love.

joined Jun 23, 2015

As someone with a perpetually runny nose, I relate to this on a deep and spiritual level.

Dear discussion 09 Dec 15:17
joined Jun 23, 2015

A+ for the Imagine Me & You reference in the credits.

joined Jun 23, 2015

I don't know if this is a happy ending or a sad one. Like the others, I can't tell which B-ko ended up surviving. There's probably some message in here about how your desires become you or something, but I can't tell.

Image Comments 31 Oct 14:20
joined Jun 23, 2015

Still married and still adorable. Happy Halloween.

joined Jun 23, 2015

I liked it, and Hiro was really cute, but it felt a little... creepy? My sister's ace and there are multiple times in the yuri manga around here where I think I see ace/aro characters, and then they meet "the one" and it erases all of that. "Bloom into You" is pretty dang close, but I think it's coming to that point, too. Like, it's a little different here since the MC is sorta floating through life, never caring for anyone that gets close to her, so it makes sense that "the one" suddenly makes her smile and want to turn a new leaf. Just, I don't know, I've seen this plot so many times in yuri and it never ceases to make me wonder if it's being a little inconsiderate.

Club discussion 26 Jul 11:04
joined Jun 23, 2015

Hah, you've read too many stories with happy endings xD When a girl like Malena is already in a relationship, and stuff happens like it did, the outcome is exactly as it is. Sadly, this is pretty realistic.

Yeah, sounds about right. Malena is shown at the end with a thoughtful look on her face, but in most situations, that's all it ever amounts to. The ending pisses me off severely, not because it's bad, but because it's so fucking true. I had friends who were like that and it pissed me off so much. Sometimes, you just get so used to one thing, to one person, you just can't see life without them, even if you know you'd be better off without them. I read the comments before reading and thought that it would have a bullshit ending, but instead got an ending that was a little too close to home.

joined Jun 23, 2015

What an original title.

Anyways, this was a nice little one-shot, a bit odd for a kid to be so aware of and accepting of the older one's sexuality, but then again in this world nowadays I guess it wouldn't be TOO out of place.

Actually, children are the most accepting of different sexualities and everything else pretty much. They're usually too young to have developed the prejudices of their families and communities so they really only care about themselves and what they think is fun or interesting. So when someone tells a kid that their gay, the kid really doesn't care. This story made a lot of sense, because the kid hears that Aki-nee is straight, but sees that she isn't, and it confuses her. And the time that it's based wouldn't affect that. Children really don't give a fuck. Like that video "Run Like a Girl" where boys, who are not girls, and teenagers/adults run 'like a girl' that you would see in tv. Then the girls, aged 5-12 about, just book it like some track runner because they don't have that societal expectation ingrained in them yet. Prejudice works the same way. It's society. We aren't born thinking gays are weird, we're taught that. Of course a kid wouldn't care.

And the girl in the story is not 'aware' of it, as in the fact that it's a problem in society, she just sees that this older girl who looks cute is a liar. She doesn't see why Aki-nee should hide it, where an older person would obviously understand why it's taboo.

Image Comments 13 May 00:31
joined Jun 23, 2015

Even better.

Image Comments 13 May 00:31
joined Jun 23, 2015

I don't know who these people are, but I'm digging it.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Okm I definitely had no hate for this story, like many in the earlier comments, but I certainly felt some of the same concerns. Seeing Reo's shit-eating smile at the end made me feel 1000% better. Even after the night with Meiko, she chooses to take control of her own life instead of letting it turn into another thingfor Meiko to control her with.

Speaking of which, Meiko got super terrible this chapter. When she said "Don't make me laugh!" I wanted to fucking stab her. I get it, she was hurt a long time ago, but the amount of blame she puts on Reo is ridiculous. And being this mean to Reo, someone who never intended any harm to Meiko ever, is excessively cruel. But I guess that's what everyone here's been talking about since chapter one. I didn't like her from the start, but this chapter really sank it it for me.

But seriously, that smile at the end made me feel so much better.

joined Jun 23, 2015

This chapter was amazing! What is there to say? It was so cute and tense. Watching the scientists flip shit and get all technical are some of the best parts in this story and this instance topped all the others. Seeing Praha try so hard and caring and trusting so much just crushes my heart. I just finished a bag of candy and I'm pretty sure this chapter did worse things to my teeth than the candy did.

Love Magnet discussion 25 Apr 07:42
joined Jun 23, 2015

That's the best line in here! I'd be in her bed instantly if she said that to me. She's a smooth operator. And I've been watching a ton of Steven Universe so the noses just remind me of Pearl which makes me love it more. The ending wasn't totally satisfactory, but it wouldn't have fit in this collection if it was.

Mama Yuu discussion 11 Apr 09:36
joined Jun 23, 2015

I love me some muscles, but that ending! UGH! It felt so loose. Like someone said earlier, not really any closure. It felt kinda like stopping mid-sentence. It wasn't even really cliff hanger or an open ending, it just kinda stopped. Like "So I fell in love..." "Then?" "Then nothing. My husband's lazy and my job sucks. I hate my life..."

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:37AM

joined Jun 23, 2015

I'm immediately taken with this. I'm with everyone else in wishing for more disability yuri (deaf, please, someone) and my heart literally fluttered when I realized the LI was blind. That one-shot with the girl getting her sight back was super cute and made me cry but I don't think that plot or tone really fit this story.

The protag's focus on how people's eyes look at her might be foreshadowing the blind girl's eventual "recovery" and then look at the protag with kind eyes but I feel like that would be out of place. I'd like to go one yrui story without both characters going "look at how hot that girl is /thirst/"

The art is amazing and I think is big evidence to a more realistic plot and mood. Instant subscribe, for sure.

Image Comments 03 Apr 19:13
joined Jun 23, 2015

This is my favorite K-ON! ship and I love seeing it get at least a little attention. It's a very cute image set. Thank you, Nez, for defending our right to have a ship against the grain. I've seen crack pairings and this definitely is not one. My sister reads fanfiction for Malik's and Ezio's deceased brothers from Assassin's Creed. Both those characters are dead, had five minutes of screen time, and lived centuries apart, but there is fanart and fanfiction for it. These two here are in a group of best friends and have canon interactions of varying degrees. I think it's a pretty valid pairing.

Image Comments 22 Mar 17:05
joined Jun 23, 2015

I seriously love this community.

Image Comments 22 Mar 03:22
joined Jun 23, 2015

After my second playthrough of episode one, the writing and dialogue really grew on me. I loved all the characters, except thou shalt not be named and wamren, and I also totes ship Vicxine. I wrote Social Anxiety. The reason I played the game at all, though, was because I played and loved DontNod's last game, Remember Me. Why can't we get some yuri from that? It deserves way more attention than it got. LiS came about from the idea that the developers wanted to the the Remember Me remix gameplay and turn it into an entire game, kinda like Black Flag after ACIII. But LiS was such a great game. Of course there are flaws, but it's easily my favorite game. It hurts me when I see people saying bad things about it, like with the dialogue that I absolutely loved (you're gonna get in hella more trouble for this than drugs!), but I get that it just didn't get to peoople the same way it got to others. The last time I cried that hard was when Dawngate was cancelled.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Seriously digging this one. I had to reread it 'cause I totally forgot the first two chapters. The first chapter kinda... eh. The second one was better but sorta up and down. The third one's great. Great great great. Subscribed to the series and Ican't wait for the next one. I really hate the way everyone's treated her her entire life. She's accustomed to doing everything people tell her to, like she's living her life for everyone but herself. Then Maya comes in to show her that she can have family and friends and work while also satisfying her own needs. I don't think she's a straight girl who did a total 180, I think she was just never introduced to the possibility. Her mom really bothers me. Watching scenes between the two, I can really see why Minato is the way she is, being raised by someone like that. She lives her whole life doing her best not to bother people, or be a burden, without realizing that it was making her miserable. Maya has her problems too, she's no manic pixie dream girl, but I do feel like she's what Minato needed at the time she needed it. Any later, and Minato may have been in an uncomfortable marriage with Haruto. That text at the end was just wonderful ^ ^

Image Comments 17 Mar 04:10
joined Jun 23, 2015

It's the baes! LiS is my favorite game ever, and ep 5 is actually my favorite. The game does get kinda dark, especially near the end, and there are fairly adult themes throughout. No buts. It's actually a pretty dark game. Not like Corpse Party or anything, but y'know, dark for western audiences. Thing is, if you don't care about the characters, the game will be really shitty. But if you love the characters, then it's the best game ever made.