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OrangePekoe Admin
Carmilla season 2 06 Jun 19:45
joined Mar 20, 2013

That reminds me that I still have to watch the first season. Any idea how long it runs so I can just marothon the two seasons together?

Season two just started, it's only two episodes (about 11 minutes) so far, updates tuesdays and thursdays.

All of season one took me about 3 hours to get through, with room for a few quick breaks. Actual runtime is probably just under 2 and a half hours. You should do it. And then enjoy suffering through tiny updates for s2. Do it. Because holy [redacted], I can say with certainty I've never paid so much attention to longing glances and casual touching in pretty much anything ever.

Pretty interested in the novel, but I'm a really lazy reader these days...

last edited at Jun 6, 2015 7:50PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

God dammit KyoAni, how the hell am I supposed to defend this.

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 01 Jun 00:22
joined Mar 20, 2013

Does anyone know what Pekoe meant by Gao Gao?

What kickap00 said. I was just being a jerk though, the meaning doesn't matter so much.

I dunno if I'd be irked at people who dropped it after episode 3, considering that's 1/4 of the way through the story. If the story isn't grabbing people by then I'd question the writing at least a bit.

Nez, have you ever seen Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai? I wouldn't fault someone for giving up on it through the first 30 minutes. Or possibly even the first hour. Yet it's an absolute masterpiece, and one I come back to often (well, as often as one can for a 3 hour movie...).
I think often times, a show being dropped after a few episodes says more about the person watching the show - and their individual taste - than it does the show itself.

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 12:23AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Togi discussion 31 May 11:26
joined Mar 20, 2013

The name used was taken from danbooru (who knows why they used that). I've flipped it around so the correct romanization is the displayed name. Thanks!

OrangePekoe Admin
Forum Rules 31 May 03:19
joined Mar 20, 2013

So not sure where else to post this, and I want to slap myself because I believe this question to be oblivious but...
Is it possible for a random user (i.e. me) to post pics onto the site? If so how and what are the rules I need to follow with respect to that, like proper tagging, only posting if the work was made to be yuri etc. If said random user can't, well they understand. (<_>)

What aletto mentioned is correct.

Expanding on that a bit, the plan is/was to eventually open the images section so that users can upload directly into a queue that would be approved by uploaders. I'm not sure if that's still going to happen, but it may be worth holding off on any mass image requests to see if I can give some more official word on that in the coming days (hopefully I don't forget). Otherwise, best of luck requesting and hopefully we can add some of your suggestions to the site!

last edited at May 31, 2015 3:21AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 30 May 11:28
joined Mar 20, 2013

I stayed away from it when it was airing (only saw the OP and saw a lot that repulsed me). I gave it a shot a few days ago, hated it.

It sounds an awful lot like you went into it knowing you'd hate it, gao gao.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I just wanna say in advance to people because I feel like some might have the wrong impression from a NSFW doujin... If you go into this expecting hot sex you will be sorely disappointed!

There is a sex scene. But it's not about the sex. It's about their love. This doujin isn't really about titillation, it's about the intimacy that they share (and that happens to involve sex). And it's fucking amazing in that regard.

Which part of this description doesn't scream "hot sex"????????

OrangePekoe Admin
Philosophia discussion 28 May 00:08
joined Mar 20, 2013

To me it seems clear that she was desperate to somehow keep her with her. She was grabbing at anything she thought might have a chance of making that happen. Feel free to pick this apart; it's just the way I saw it.

I'm with you on this one. Desperation is desperation, after all.

last edited at May 28, 2015 12:08AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 27 May 23:59
joined Mar 20, 2013

I thought the canon tag was only used for official art. Is this official then?

Yes, it ran in Nyantype, which is something we might start tagging from now on (if there's a magazine source, what it is, etc.). (Moderately related, a few image tags are going to be revised a bit in the coming weeks, Canon included)

On another note, from my understanding the show meant a great deal to a great deal of people on my side of the globe (western hemisphere), and I think that means an awful lot.

last edited at May 27, 2015 11:59PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013


Your art is wonderful, your style is striking! :)

If you don't mind my asking, do you have a blog or deviantart or something along those lines...?

last edited at May 27, 2015 9:04PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

You might want a source for that latter part.

As others have said, it's pretty doubtful the show gets there (this season, anyway).

Essay below

Haha, no worries, I think that's just normal subtext though.

I will say, what would be considered "normal subtext" nowadays wasn't quite so back in '09. Certainly this is at least part of the reason the K-On! yuri fanbase was/is so huge.

But, yeah, I hope you get the gist of it. Might or might not be bait to you. Wow, I just realized I totally went off-track form the original forum topic. Sorry for that as well.

Everyone has their own opinion about what is and isn't bait, and that's okay. Thank you very much for giving me examples and explanations! You're cool. I do think it's a bit unfair to hold K-On! and Free! against the studio given that they're adapting someone's work with a fair amount of accuracy, but that and their choice(s) of source material do play into your feelings (for lack of a better word).

Personally, I look at what the studio has done since K-On! and that gives me hope for the future. A gay character was treated with respect in Tamako Market - even if she "lost," her love for another girl was treated about as well as any such character in anime. They created an original character in Chuunibyo that is the epitome of homosexuality (yes, that's a joke), and expanded upon this in season 2. And now this??

Maybe they won't get together. Maybe there are dudes at the end. Maybe someone at KyoAni is sitting there writing up as many ways to troll that fanbase as possible for next season and all the seasons beyond because this is how they get off. I don't really believe that though. My optimistic viewpoint leads me to believe people at the studio care about and enjoy same-sex romance. Whether it's this season or the one after or even a year or two down the line, I don't think a canon same-sex pair is very far off.

You can just feel the huge set-up to disappointment I'm giving myself with this post, can't you? Even with the above post in mind, even with the supposed novel baiting in mind, I will hold the line.

last edited at May 27, 2015 11:14AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Anime Recommendation 27 May 10:40
joined Mar 20, 2013

These are the shows I've seen from your list:

•FMA: brotherhood, Natsume's book of friends, Darker than Black, Spice and Wolf. Good selection I must say.

Just curious, is the anime for Natsume's Book of Friends anywhere near as gay as the manga? Because in the manga, Natsume and Tanuma have serious subtext going on.

This is need-to-know information. For personal research.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Sorry, I fail. Like, so hard.

I finished exams today and I was on such a high, feeling totally invincible and all this stuff so...yeah...I fixed it...thank you...sorry...

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I've got my fingers crossed for this one. I really want this ship to come true very badly, but KyoAni's history is making me incredibly nervous.

Examples? I've seen a bit of their work and I don't really get this one at all. Do Hyouka, KnK and/or all their pre-'09 series have a good deal of "bait?"

I won't let myself be fooled...

Too perfect.

last edited at May 26, 2015 9:13PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Anime season 26 May 18:47
joined Mar 20, 2013

I recall Yuri Reviews did a cool write-up of Sekirei, though I don't know if it's spoils or not.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Everyone hates KyoAni irrationally. This show is amazing and this couple is adorable and there's definitely not going to be het for either of them. I guarantee it!

Please consider that this message is sponsored by an individual who doesn't actually the show.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I don't actually follow FF right now - though I'm going to check out this overlay stuff because I find it really interesting - and only skim the topic for moderation purposes. But I do just want to say thanks to everyone for their continued hard work, and for trying to help out the artist in this way! You've certainly motivated me to take an interest I wouldn't have otherwise.

However, I also know nothing of the discussions that have been had on 4chan/Imgur/Facebook/wherever, and I understand that fan communities at large can be...difficult to work with. That said, I do agree with the kind person above. All this stuff, I think:

But I do find issue with the way it was approached. Y'all literally baited people to find fault with it, and I find that [just a little] rude. There's no need to be so condescending just to account for the vast minority that would throw a hissy fit if it were [like it was later] phrased in a less 'hell hath no fury' manner.

If y'all would just pin a post to Facebook, for example (like OddSquad has done but via their website), detailing the instructions to read FF with the overlays, in a clear and logical manner [in addition to a brief justification on the reason], I have faith that most fans would willingly comply.

OddSquad has done this for Cheese in the Trap, and backlash couldn't have been that bad if they've been continuing to do so for many years, so I'm sure the method would work for FF as well, if the issue was approached better, and the instructions were easily accessible to those that didn't frequently read the forum [also pinned on new 4chan FF posts and FF facebook, etc].

Edit: And if I spoke out of ignorance, and missed the original announcement that people reacted poorly to or something similar, please ignore everything besides my thank you.

Double edit: After checking it out (the bookmark version), that is actually one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Thanks everyone whose worked on it, you're awesome!

last edited at May 26, 2015 1:09PM

OrangePekoe Admin
World Canvas Manga 26 May 10:39
joined Mar 20, 2013

Inoue_Fujiko is still around and would be willing to help (their specialty is language).

I would also be willing to help - I don't know the language but I am an experienced proofreader and could help with any other scanlation job as well.

Edit: And thanks for your work so far!: )

last edited at May 26, 2015 10:40AM

OrangePekoe Admin
Image Comments 25 May 16:08
joined Mar 20, 2013

anonymous, you are legit the best.

Seconding this motion.

last edited at May 25, 2015 4:08PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Anime season 25 May 16:04
joined Mar 20, 2013

The unrequited crush wasn't played for laughs which at least for me is when it gets annoying. Numachi's death didn't feel like just thrown in there to deny Kanbaru's happy ending.
I don't have an aversion against tragic/bittersweet endings if they are believeably and well written, don't know how it is for others here.

Don't feel you have to justify yourself. I understand the reasons and logic behind it. It was just an observation, and one I felt compelled to describe given some possible misunderstanding.

She was dead from the beginning, from suicide

Like I said, my observation was painfully incomplete, given that I didn't know that. Still, that makes one love interest unavailable via straight, and another unavailable via death, with no real romantic resolution in sight. Reads pretty brutally in text.

last edited at May 25, 2015 4:05PM

OrangePekoe Admin
Anime season 25 May 15:42
joined Mar 20, 2013

This is just my long winded way of saying I watch anime because I enjoy it, not because I'm specifically looking for yuri.

Oh, that's not quite what I meant. I watch things based on much more than yuri, though any type of gayness usually gives my interest a slight boost. I would love to write a lot on this topic but it's not fair to do so given that I haven't read or watched Monogatari and don't intend to. I'll try to put it a bit differently without overstepping, though.

I'm surprised and slightly confused when I see many folks recommend the series and mention its yuri content as a bonus, when the tropes employed in said content unrequited crushes, playfully teasing dudes(?), getting physical with dudes(?), and tragic end are near-universally despised by yuri communities at large (run-on sentence end). I am doubly surprised when a great deal of yuri fans have expressed enjoyment of the show, said content included.

Of course my observation is painfully incomplete, and probably will continue to be for time eternity - I just found it odd/amusing.

OrangePekoe Admin
Anime season 25 May 13:14
joined Mar 20, 2013

I find it really odd that a yuri fan would readily recommend a series with both an unrequited yuri crush and (major spoiler) a lesbian death arc end. Yet I've seen many do it, so I suppose that speaks volumes about just how beloved the series is.

Also, from my understanding there are multiple girls interested in the MC? If it's more than two, that's harem.

last edited at May 25, 2015 1:15PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Ahhhh, this is so precious. It's not often we see disabled people get a place in manga, either. So great to see that. <3

Totally. I remember there was this one bi-shoujo game where all the girls have some sort of disability, which I thought was nice, but in the end it was just for fetish reasons: action packed with the notorious no-face-kun, and plenty of ahegao. Which is why we need fluff like this.

action packed

Lol, one of the best comments of the year, bravo.

OrangePekoe Admin
Philosophia discussion 25 May 09:51
joined Mar 20, 2013

** Nya-chan**

Philisophia is a doujin. So, there's no editor to whip the author into a mainstream ending I guess... :P

Thought it started as one and then got upgraded.

As far as I know it was picked up for publication after it was finished. Not 100% sure on that though.

Correct. But as that is the case, you still skip the need for an editor to smooth things out for serialization, and as Amano said, very little was changed from the original to the official.

OrangePekoe Admin
Philosophia discussion 24 May 22:56
joined Mar 20, 2013

I liked it. Admittedly, ya'll spoiled it - though I didn't take the warnings seriously - but I did genuinely like it. Much like Feelings, I enjoyed the twists and turns. Where one person sees "a lack of literary context," I see a first-person story. Much like real life (please don't laugh), what we see doesn't always reflect what really is, and what happens is neither fair nor predictable.

And if you consider that bad writing, well then...maybe consider giving up on Amano Shuninta's work. Between this and Feelings, her "recent" style very clearly does not conform to those expectations.

I would not say, for the record, that it was amazing or well-paced or any of those things. Now allow me to abruptly end this post, Shuninta-style.

Where did chapter 5 and 6 go?

Also, the numbering was changed here to reflect the "original" numbering ("0" doesn't really work as "0" in our context), and might be changed again soon.