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School Zone discussion 02 Jul 16:33
joined Oct 22, 2018

I just laughed so hard at this chapter that my dad had no idea what was happening and my brother mistakenly thought I was mocking him for something.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I posted this already in the Kyouko x Sayaka thread, but decided to delete it from there and post it here because, while And I'm Home is a song about them, the post simply feels a bit too off-topic-y to be there, so, if you'll indulge me:

Hey, remember that meme I posted on the discord server like last week or something? Y'know, the one where I said that in November I used to listen to And I'm Home so much that I developed a tolerance/imunity to it and haven't been able to cry to it since, like, 1st December? Yeah, you can scratch that meme away now. Though there has been a good several times these last several months where I've listened to the song again, yet didn't cry, after several weeks (IDK, maybe even a few months) of not having heard it, today I listened to it again, and, finally, I got to cry to it again! Huzzah! Best not overdo it like I did in November though, or else I may find myself waiting another 7 months to cry to it again after just a month of listening and unintentionally gruadually building up a tolerance.

Image Comments 02 Jul 09:26
joined Oct 22, 2018

Hey, just wanna inform you that I posted this on r/KyouSaya some days ago.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Basically, the same shit you'd expect from 21st century Balkans - politicians and corruption screwing everyone over - but this time even more.

School Zone discussion 01 Jul 17:06
joined Oct 22, 2018

confused laughter and aplause intensifies

joined Oct 22, 2018

This author's works are even more sweet than the combined sweetness of all candy, chocolate and cakes I'd consume in an entire year. Which, even in the years before my diet, would almost certainly be less than the average person from the global north.

last edited at Jul 1, 2020 7:08AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Montenegro really got a crisis this year, huh? I don't remember if it started in late 2019 or early 2020, but ever since the DPS decided to make a new law about religion and stuff (despite the head of that party being an atheist), the Mitropoly of Montenegro and the Litoral, itself a part of the Serbian Orthodox Church, supported by, not just many devout believers, but also the conservative, right-wing, serbist coalition DF, the largest oppositionary political grouping, went to protest on Thursdays and Sundays in litanies. That is, until COVID reached Montenegro. The whole earlier mentioned law is kinda controversial, and, from what little I understand, it infringes a bit on the religious freedom stipulations from the constitution? Anyways, DPS has dominated Montenegrin politics for 3 decades, and more recently they (or, rather, Milo, their leader, together with his inner circle) had started going more authoritarian. The only way I can describe what I see here is like what Putin and his ER party have done in Russia, but, like, politically centrist. Anyways, the first wave of COVID passed here with a pretty low number of fatalities, even if you take into account the fact that Montenegro's population is just over two thirds of a million. The hardest hit area by percentage of population was, I think, the Tuzi municipality (unrelated, but its demographics are largely made up of Catholic Albanians). But barely has the first wave ended when all hell broke loose in the Budva municipality (if you ever heard of any tourist spots in Montenegro, it (much to my chagrin, since I'm more of a Korita, Čanj, Buljarica, Petrovac and Njivice type'a person) would probably be Budva). Y'see, in the most recent municipal parliamentary and presidential elections, a large chunk of the opposition banded together, narrowly defeating DPS and its coalition partners to take the government there. It was DF and a centre-right party, the Democrats (also supportive of the litanies), calling the shots, but this oppositional coalition also included the SNP (another supporter of the litanies), DEMOS, SDP, URA, as well as (weirdly, considering they sided with the DPS on the whole litany crisis) the LP and the Montenegrin. However, the DPS and their SD coalition partners managed to get a majority more recently by making new coalition partners. The oppositional coalition saw this as an unlawful power-grab, them and their supporters protesting, and the president of the municipality rejecting to abandon his post when the DPS tried to put their own candidate into position. Police was sent in, and, in a story that surely must look familiar to anyone following recent events in the USA, deployed tear-gas, beating the protesters and arresting the municipal president. The thing is, though, the regular police may be in the hands of the national government, but the communal police was in the hands of the municipal government, which, weirdly, caused an inter-police conflict. In the following days, the crowd responded to police violence with violence of their own. The police in Budva are outnumbered. In a horrific act, the police even deployed a few canisters of teargas at a local elementary school, which ended up breaking a window of the school gym, forcing the kids and their teachers to evacuate the gym immediatelly. Some Budvan protesters were holding signs saying "We'll get 50% less tourists, but we got a 100% more presidents.", referring to the earlier-mentioned dispute over the municipal presidency. A bit before that, but also kinda more simultaneously, and also affecting me personally more (due to me being forced to make circuitous routes during my walks in attempts to avert the crowds) the litanies re-started during the dying days of COVID's first wave. Given the whole authoritarianism and police brutality things, I was considering temporarily taking the side of the wider opposition against the DPS and its allies, especially after watching some facebook vid by a guy from Cetinje denouncing the DPS' authoritarianism and corruption, but also criticing the opposition for not unifying on a national scale and being more talk than act with the whole "caring about the people" BS they always mention - a vid that kinda speaks volumes, given that the Cetinje municipality is a DPS stronghold. The second wave of COVID is beginning, this time with the Rožaje municipality (unrelated, but it is largely Muslim Bosniaks in demographics) being hit the hardest, which will probably put yet another pause to the political crisis we've been having. Also, remember how I mentioned that I was considering temporarily aligning with the opposition against DPS, despite my hate for the DF and similar right-wing parties/coalitions? Yeah, today a reason emerged for me to back-pedal on that. About a year ago, a bill was introduced to parliament to allow the issuance of same-sex "union" certificates (similar to what they do in several municipalities in Japan, as you may well know), but it got dropped for whatever reason. Now the bill was re-introduced, and the situation, at least from the information I gathered from the news earlier today, the DPS, SD, several minor coalition partners of theirs and various minority parties are largely supporting the bill, while the DF, Democrats, SNP, DEMOS, URA, and FORCA (the largest Albanian party here in Montenegro), amongst others being against the bill, some because they just want to show the middle-finger to DPS, some because they consider it an insult to the traditional family, but most because of both. Only the SDP remains silent on the issue, and their support may tip the scales one way or another. (Then again, no wonder SDP hasn't stated their opinion, given their leader found it necessary to instead participate on some non-governmental panel about the warcrimes of Montenegrin soldiers and state committed during the Yugoslav Wars (I only really remember the Siege of Dubrovnik by name, but they did mention others, which I just happened to forget since the time they mentioned it)). Another item added to my list of grievances against the DF.

last edited at Jun 30, 2020 6:21PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

This is why we separate art from the artist.

fast forward a century, when someone separates "The Story of Zadura and Odlega" from me and makes a Puella Magi spin-off manga off of it

joined Oct 22, 2018

Subaru, you amazing wingwoman, you!

Image Comments 30 Jun 08:36
joined Oct 22, 2018

^^ I believe we all owe you several massive 'Thank you.'s, in that case

Image Comments 30 Jun 03:55
joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh look, it's Lilliwyt's Discord profile pic

joined Oct 22, 2018

We got as far as finally having Homura's story revealed, so pretty far in, only a couple episodes left. She was just as bothered by Kyouko's "prayer" as I was, heh. (Yes that's right, I'm a 41 year old KyoSaya fangirl, come @ me lol)

The only way I'd come @ you for being a KyouSaya fangirl is in a sign of comradery to you!

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Oh, that's great. I know r/AgainstHateSubreddits was founded recently, and I'm proud to say that r/CivBattleRoyale, the one subreddit I visit most often, was put on the list of subreddits that are part of that momevent.

joined Oct 22, 2018


When someone says a person is a bottom and all they do is just look up, smile and say "oh, am I?"



Reread this after a while, and I have to say - you're completely right.


nods in agreement

joined Oct 22, 2018

Hopefully the same fate awaits JKR eventually, sooner or later.

While I don't agree with censorship. I hate her guts so much I wouldn't mind, honestly, fuck her. Dumbass thinks she is all so inclusive by saying bullshit after the story is finished, says more dumb shit, says transphobic shit.

That's the way I view all bigotry really - I generally don't agree with censorship, but if certain bigots have enough of a media clout around them... It may prove necessary to close the pipe of hateful lies.

joined Oct 22, 2018

JK Rowling is being a transphobic shit again, why can't she just delete her twitter

It sucks that someone so powerful is a bigot. On the bright side, Graham Linehan finally got banned from Twitter and basically all he did was be an obsessive transphobic shit. Something good happens once in a while.

Hopefully the same fate awaits JKR eventually, sooner or later.

Where you from?~ 28 Jun 14:15
joined Oct 22, 2018

Also I live near the state capital, which is Sacramento by the way, no ones ever heard of it

How dare you question the depth of my interest in geography?!

joined Oct 22, 2018

thonk emote intensifies

Non-binary discussion 28 Jun 06:53
joined Oct 22, 2018

Huh. I guess Clueless1 truly lived up to their username a year and a half ago.

Image Comments 27 Jun 19:22
joined Oct 22, 2018


Image Comments 27 Jun 05:16
joined Oct 22, 2018

OK, I managed to recover. So...

Sayaka: "Grrrr, if only Kyubey weren't here"

Yeah, Sayaka probably hoped to top Kyouko as soon as they finish eating the popsicles, but Kyubey is now in the way, so Sayaka would need to either get rid of him, or wait longer than she planned.

Image Comments 27 Jun 04:39
joined Oct 22, 2018

Ahhhh... They switched hair-accessories... My heart... shouts towards balcony Mom, do we have any insulin?!

Image Comments 27 Jun 04:37
joined Oct 22, 2018

The mood of this image feels like it's filled with a lot of sexual and sensual tension.

Citrus + discussion 26 Jun 08:56
joined Oct 22, 2018

^ snickers lesbian bed death or something snickers some more

joined Oct 22, 2018

This thread balooned rather quickly, given the manga is only at its first chapter rn. From what I understood from skimming through the comments, this is based on some kinda novel, though I'm not sure if by "novel" they meant like the same type that those works here that are tagged text, or if they meant visual novel, as in, the game type? Either, that in part explains the numerous comments, but it's still astounding.

last edited at Jun 25, 2020 6:01PM