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Image Comments 02 Jul 23:39
joined Feb 1, 2013

I can't believe there isn't more Nana x Nana (from "Nana") fanart!

Image Comments 02 Jul 23:37
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love the punk-rock girl's design. I love her hair, and how dashing she looks in a suit!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Yes! No matter how bad you might be fealing, just know that "Bright and Cheery Amnesia" is out there for you and that the ongoing saga of Mari and Arisa still as adorable as ever!

joined Feb 1, 2013

I agree with a lot of the comments... It's not necessarily bad, just kind of mean-spirited and nonsensical.

joined Feb 1, 2013

It was silly and I loved all the internal decisions being made. Great stuff!

I actually really enjoyed this. Art-wise, I really loved the look of the two women and the great facial expressions. Also, I got a kick out of the choices made by the translator. And the comments section is also pretty entertaining as well...

That said, I don't understand why some yuri fans are so strongly anti het. Really, should the most important aspect of a relationship be that there's genuine chemistry to the romance- regardless of the genders?

I mean, arguably, my top two favorite pairs of all time are the girl/girl pairing of Maggie and Nenene from "ROD the TV" and the straight pairing of Ulquiorra/Orihime from "Bleach".

Image Comments 27 Jun 23:58
joined Feb 1, 2013

^The only thing I can say to Ooichi "is don't let your dreams be dreams!"

Image Comments 27 Jun 17:48
joined Feb 1, 2013

@Mimiyaah: Please don't be too hard on us Gen-Xers. Calling them "cousins" was the only way it was possible for us to see two girl who were super close with each other. A lot of younger people don't understand the tyranny of censorship that stuck stuck around the American localizations of anime until the early 2000s.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Abnormally huge breasts Are starting to freak me out. Can’t we like have characters with like normal breasts sizes more ? Anyways I guess I shouldn’t be asking this of Valkyrie since the majority of characters do have rather unacassary large breasts. Please don’t pay attention to my saltiness lol

My big thing is that if a person want to feature women with large breasts, they should also depict them with big butts and wide hips. A long time pet peeve of mine is that anime in the 90s and early 2000s that they pretty much always featured skinny girls with huge busts. It's like: "I'm an adult, I know a woman couldn't have such large breasts without them being on the curvier/plump side. That's one of the things that seems to be going away!

joined Feb 1, 2013

I wonder how someone walks with those big breasts....

The thing I didn't like is that drew the bodies so generically, but still kept the giant boobs, so there's a big disconnect when it comes to how the characters look. They look like school girls with giant breasts.

joined Feb 1, 2013

^I'm not sure when Istarted, but as I watched classic films on TCM, I began to look at the dynamic between various female characters in older movies, I thought "man these two girls have such great chemistry." Still, I'm glad I'm not the only the person thinking that way. After all, there's something wonderful about the idea of lesbian love between two girls/women in the golden and silver ages of American films.

Image Comments 25 Jun 14:47
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Yeah, damn them for wanting to make money XD But seriously, as bad as the Albino girl was, she was somewhat open what kind of person she was, the bully was just a horrible person who never learned anything. That said, the epilogue was so horribly satisfying- showing that even though she "won", the emotional damage is forever.

joined Feb 1, 2013

God, that last imagine... I love absolutely calm she is while pleasuring Tomoko. I mean, she's not even blushing!

Image Comments 25 Jun 07:57
joined Feb 1, 2013

Why is Renko so... gray?

Image Comments 25 Jun 07:54
joined Feb 1, 2013


Image Comments 24 Jun 22:13
joined Feb 1, 2013

As always, 3rd Wheel Nico is the best!

Image Comments 24 Jun 22:12
joined Feb 1, 2013

We need more cute Tomoko x Emoji art!

joined Feb 1, 2013

A while back, I watched a 1964 (fairly star-studded) film "The World of Henry Orient", which stars a duo of teenage girls as the main characters. Despite a cast including Peter Sellers (the "Pink Panther" films), Angela Lansbury ("Murder She Wrote"), and Tom Bosley ("Happy Days" & "David the Gnome"), the movie is mostly about the relationship between the two girls- Valerie and Marian- as they make sense of their adolescence in the 1960s.

And yet, until the very end of the film, there's no hint of any kind of het interest by either of the girls, until they just flat out start talking about boys right as the film ends and the credits suddenly start to roll. I was sitting there were my Mom as I watched it, and thinking "this film is about the close relationship between these two girls." I mean, the film is really good, so even if it isn't conducive to my 'Yuri Goggles', I still recommend it.

Honestly, for me, an even older (and arguably more famous example) of "Yuri Goggles" in classic American films is in the 1939 movie "Gone with the Wind". Within the massive 3 and a half (plus) hr historical epic, we're shown the relationship between Scarlet O'Hara and her sister-in-law/best friend Melanie Hamilton across the run of the film.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I gotta say, I love the fact that Mikki is a legitimately plump/chubby girl, which makes her more realistic and sexy in a real-life kinda way. It's nice to see a series that shows a realistic body type that's conducive to big breasts.

Image Comments 21 Jun 22:38
joined Feb 1, 2013

As much as tomboy Ritsu thinks she's top, I love the fact that girly Mio easily puts her in her place- as in the bottom! XD

Image Comments 19 Jun 21:01
joined Feb 1, 2013

^I recently watched the OVA, and I was like "Oh, so that's where the Kase-san with tan lines look comes from!"

Pigeonblood discussion 18 Jun 14:53
joined Feb 1, 2013

yet again, more Futanari

artist's style is kinda... changing into a more... moe art... Kinda not happy bout that =/

I went and took a look at it, and it's a bummer that the art is becoming more mainstream... Also, he seems to have completely dropped any trace of the fact that Sakuya was likely pregnant (Grandma Remelia lol).

Image Comments 17 Jun 01:29
joined Feb 1, 2013

I'm not sure, but at the end of the day, NagaMutsu might just be my KC OTP!

joined Feb 1, 2013

TBH, it looks like Fennec is sexually frustrated and kissed Kaban while she was asleep.

Image Comments 13 Jun 06:28
joined Feb 1, 2013

^What do you guys mean "ruined by Sanae"?

Image Comments 11 Jun 20:57
joined Feb 1, 2013

It really feels sometimes like Hanayo is utterly underappreciated in the fandom, so I love it when everyone makes a fuss over her! She's one of those thankless characters who is a total workhorse! #NeverforgetHanayo #HanayoMatters