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joined Oct 26, 2016

Homura is honestly just really bad at being evil and I love it.

I'd argue she was never evil to begin with but I digress :).

I agree. Homura isn't evil. Just really selfish XD

I don't actually think she's evil either. But a common occurrence is her calling herself "a demon" or "an evil devil who went against god" or whatever else which I take to mean she is trying to appear evil and she's just. Really. Really bad at it. Like the most villainous things she did after taking over in canon were knocking over a teacup to upset Mami and having her Familiars waste food to upset Kyouko. But then she made sure that Mami and Nagisa met and at the very least she had Kyouko and Sayaka living together during the majority of it so I doubt she'd change that. Her big 'evil' plan is making sure all her friends have happy lives to make up for what she presumably sees as a necessary evil.

and I got really off track.

Yes I 100% agree with this. Homura is still the same meek, kind, twin-braid glasses girl on the inside, just putting up a facade of being cold (and after Rebellion, evil). That's why I love Maitake's doujins because they expand on that Homura so well with all of her clumsy attempts at doing so.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Really liked the timeline mix-up and Mami - Nagisa dynamics are always nice to read.

I'm still trying to forgive Mami for going ax-crazy in that one timeline.

Man that's some grudge to last this long. It wasn't even that bad lol.

joined Oct 26, 2016

This doujin has made me realize that I just like seeing Mami be loved.

Happy Mami is best Mami :)

last edited at Jul 31, 2018 12:35AM

joined Oct 26, 2016

Man, that princess x queen x mirror threesome is really something.

My favorite out of this anthology. Loved the fox(?) twins too.

joined Oct 26, 2016

First misunderstanding part was pretty good, but that second part was absolutely hilarious.

Image Comments 19 Jul 01:21
joined Oct 26, 2016

Compared to the two other Madoka Magica crack ships (imo), Sayaka x Homura, Kyouko x Homura, this one is probably the most far fetched one. Maybe it's because of Maitake but I can see the Homura ones maybe working out, I haven't seen anything for this ship lol.

Image Comments 19 Jul 00:56
joined Oct 26, 2016

In general I love seeing Touhou characters in alt modern clothes but this one Reimu's design is cool and refreshing while Yukari's design is so amazingly good.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 12:56AM

joined Oct 26, 2016

Man as soon as I saw the color change I knew there would be an uproar in the comments.

I was confused too but I guess this is just the artist's interpretation of their human forms so it really doesn't matter in the end as long as the personalities are accurate. Not seeing anyone complain they aren't squid people anymore.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 3:46AM

joined Oct 26, 2016

A crime is a crime no matter how cutely drawn it is. And no matter how beautiful the woman is, a predator is a predator. Period.

Uhh, I'm pretty sure nobody here is saying that predators are ok, it's just that fictional characters are, you know, fictional? The story is not trying to make a point or trying to convince anyone of anything so you don't have to treat it so seriously. If it offends you don't read it. You don't go to every story with rape, murder, theft, etc... and complain that the character is the worst criminal ever.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Definitely the most interesting poly(?) I've read. At this point it's less het and more gender-bend yuri and the dynamics make me want to see more.

last edited at Jul 15, 2018 1:33AM

joined Oct 26, 2016

I can already see the entire afterlife starting a civil war when Kanna dies.

It’s that or this is the origin story of Kanna, Godless Queen of the Underworld.

This please I need this. Excellent debut and I want more! There needs to be more demon yuri in my life.

last edited at Jul 7, 2018 3:18AM

joined Oct 26, 2016

Grade A mind screw Touhou doujin.

joined Oct 26, 2016

"Oh my God, there is a naked woman in front of me, what do I do?"
* starts couting PI *

A good idea but I personally prefer the value of e.

Okay that is way above my pay grade. I can't remember pi beyond 3.14, and I can't remember the value for e at all. Hell I felt smart just remembering e was a mathematical constant.

There's a neat trick I use to remember 10 digits of pi by using a numpad.


After 3.14, you go up-right diagonal (159), then you do the up-right diagonal below that one (26), and finally you go left from there (54). 3.141592654 (rounded). Then again, 10 digits is not enough to last an entire shower session.

Even though Junna didn't look I wonder if Mayumi did, surprised that there wasn't any increased self-consciousness with the whole windowed shower setup.

Image Comments 18 Jun 02:00
joined Oct 26, 2016

Poison is honestly a plus for ecchi writers since now you can do all sorts of aphrodisiac/paralysis stuff too depending on how the author spins it.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Never thought I'd see a bottom Raphiel reverse into a bottom Satania.

Tricolore discussion 01 Jun 03:01
joined Oct 26, 2016

It'd be a tragedy if this was only a one shot. We need more yuri magical comedy hijinks.

joined Oct 26, 2016

I'm conflicted. On one hand it was so satisfying seeing her get the bullies back for all the things they did to MC.

On the other, while I liked the hair cutting, that went way overkill on the retribution. The bullies deserved something but tacks in the mouth and a baseball bat was way too much.

Then again, yanderes have a special charm to them I guess. Not every ending is perfect and this one certainly wasn't but shock yandere reveal never gets old.

Image Comments 25 May 01:30
joined Oct 26, 2016

I'm digging the different setting, looks Chinese with the restaurant and clothing styles and you don't get that much with Touhou.

Plus Junko x Remilia in this manner sounds really interesting.

last edited at May 25, 2018 1:31AM

joined Oct 26, 2016

Holy shit

A doujin with all of my OTPs simultaneously? YES

Extremely surprised by Ayano x Chitose and then I realized that all the pairs are as they should be. Finally the first Ayano x Chitose thing on Dynasty, we need more of it.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Even with the somewhat awkward pairing, their personalities are still pretty believable and close to canon. An interesting alternate view for the relationship between Kirigiri and Sayaka. Definitely isn't perfect but a decent read regardless.

Dark Widow discussion 18 May 00:48
joined Oct 26, 2016

Ratri's little sister, surely?

My thought too, though she's currently triggering my retarded human sensor. Hopefully this arc ends soon so I can start fan-boying over her.

I'd guess the Teacher's imouto-chan actually, if the sheer attitude is to go by...

I'm also leaning towards some relative of the teacher's with that attitude and hair.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Well, time to go back and count the number of kisses in each volume.

joined Oct 26, 2016

It took two years and an anime but boy, it is finally here.

Man I was really hoping this was wholesome instead of lolicon. I wonder what the clerk was thinking back in Japan when I bought the first volume lol.

Oh well, the muscle maid doesn't seem too bad atm.

last edited at Apr 29, 2018 11:11PM

joined Oct 26, 2016

It's also when I see things like male suicide rates compared to female suicide rates (80% of suicides are men)

I just want to say that before you use any sort of statistic to do a bit more research into what those numbers actually mean. Women have more suicide thoughts and attempt suicide 2 to 4 times more than men.

It's just that men are more successful in killing themselves due to the use of more leathal means hence more death by suicides in men compared to women.

This is by no means proof to justify either side of this discussion. I really want to point this out as too many people nowadays misunderstand or misuse stats when using them to support their points.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Wait why is this one suddenly NSFW when the first chapter (which also showed bare boobs) wasn't?

Shouldn't that one get tagged as well?