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Image Comments 13 Dec 23:27
joined Jun 13, 2015

Didn't expect something so sexual from this artist. Nice.

Dear discussion 09 Dec 14:53
joined Jun 13, 2015

That was pretty good! Hope to see many more works from this person.

Wet Sisters discussion 09 Dec 11:35
joined Jun 13, 2015

It's funny because this sort of thing is exactly what witches were accused of doing.

joined Jun 13, 2015

I'll admit I never thought this would be the direction Kuttsukiboshi was heading in.
Also, I have to say, Naoya Ishikawa seems like a pretty cool guy.

Opapagoto discussion 07 Dec 22:09
joined Jun 13, 2015

Didn't expect the critique of capitalism, but it's not unwelcome.

Rendezvous discussion 06 Dec 19:16
joined Jun 13, 2015

Most of the million dollars painting are nothing but paints stupidly thorwn over each in disgusting way.

One of those "avatar makes it that much more ironic" kinda posts.

Excuse you, Rohan is a hardworking mangaka that creates wonderful manga for good boys and girls, not some drug-addicted, avant-garde New Yorker with depression.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Not to deny this beautiful work, but
That mouth, though.

joined Jun 13, 2015

I usually find this series to be just decent and a little forgettable, but this chapter was excellent. Everything from the writing to artwork was superb. Great use of big scaled shots, love that they avoided the dreaded miscommunication cliche. 10/10.

joined Jun 13, 2015
Why does it say Square Enix in the top right? Do they publish manga? Since when?

Image Comments 28 Nov 15:05
joined Jun 13, 2015

No chronal accelerator = automatic 0/10. I don't make the rules, I just follow 'em.

Dog's Life discussion 25 Nov 19:28
joined Jun 13, 2015
Wow, when her eyes shrink and mouth opens, she actually looks kind of normal.

Que Rico! discussion 18 Nov 12:29
joined Jun 13, 2015

The cover art made me think of Kill La Kill which seemed like the most un-Nishi Uko thing I could possibly imagine.

joined Jun 13, 2015

(Of course right now, world hunger isn't even caused by there not being enough food, it's caused by the world being arranged to benefit the rich rather than the hungry, but limits are being reached. For the moment, though--Oxfam calculated that the top forty-some richest people in the world, few enough to put them all in a bus, own half the world's wealth. So right now, you could probably end world hunger by blowing up that bus.)

How reading yuri radicalized me to commit communist terror: A biography

joined Jun 13, 2015
It can, by the way.

last edited at Nov 15, 2016 9:55PM

joined Jun 13, 2015

Apparently this is from a dude who mainly does horror works, even to this day. Huh, never would have guessed.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Love reading afterwords. The thoughts of artists are always fascinating. Thanks for translating this Yuri Project!

joined Jun 13, 2015

Already lost interest in this series. Not because of the boy. It's the writing.

The writing is really good tho? Characters have actual personalities outside of the generic stereotypes, they say interesting things in interesting ways, etc... combined with the art style, this is a really good series. Hope it doesn't screw up...

last edited at Nov 6, 2016 8:04PM

joined Jun 13, 2015

This writing is so good it blows my mind.
Too bad I gotta' make a lame joke:

Oddman 11 discussion 31 Oct 13:36
joined Jun 13, 2015

Aw yeah, Oddman 11 discussion page 11. Feels so good.
That being said, I feel like this series is in competition with JoJolion to see who can take longest to get anywhere with their story.

joined Jun 13, 2015

I actually really liked this art style. Not so much this author's other works, but this one was nice, especially the cover image.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Just like that one story about the two girls with motorcycles, stories like this make it very clear that the real point of vehicles is just to go from point A to point B, stop, look at some sights, eat some great food and go back. Ironically makes the emphasis no longer about the mode of transportation. But perhaps that's to be expected when you can't really get the feeling of speed or comfort from looking at a picture of a car.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Worth mentioning that this doujin originally came out in 2003, which makes it pretty damn old for a Touhou fan work. For frame of reference, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil came out in late 2002. Probably one of the first Touhou yuri works ever?

I thought it looked super-rough for this mangaka, never knew he was active for so long. Would sure like to see what their porn would look like nowadays...

joined Jun 13, 2015


joined Jun 13, 2015

This mangaka is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. And I really appreciate their commitment to doing sequels; nothing is worse than wasted potential for a good series.

joined Jun 13, 2015

And let's not even get started on Manyuu Hikenchou

Isn't that, this, Seikon No Qwaser, Queen's Blade and some others all made in part by this one dude whose title is actually "breast expert" or something like that? Pretty sure there's legit a guy whose job it is to make breasts look, move, sound and feel a certain way that a lot of pornagraphic anime/manga/video games hire. Hence why they're all huge. Talk about a dream job...

I think it's more an issue that anime (and manga) tend to copy from other anime (and manga) rather than from life. Miyazaki's been known to complain about that tendency.

No, I'm pretty sure there's a dude who's involved with almost all of these. I'd look for it if I wasn't lazy.
And please tell me you're not referring to the "anime was a mistake"/"otaku disgust me" quotes, which are obviously fake.