Forum › You Are My Angela discussion

joined Apr 10, 2023

This comment thread was pretty entertaining to read, although I'm confused as to why nobody commented on the key element of the story that actually makes the actual symbolism obvious: the human character getting sick after the angel grows her wings, thinking "I want to remain a normal person, for what that's worth," cutting off the angel's wings, and instantly getting better.
The true fact of this story, the obviously author intended one single possible correct interpretation (:P), is that this is a story about being in a relationship with a drug user. Contrary to all the incorrect talk in this thread calling their relationship codependent (people don't know what codependent means and love to throw around that word, I swear. It's not when you're in an abusive relationship, it's when you enable a loved one's drug use or other harmful behavior out of love.), this is actually a story of someone REFUSING to be codependent: As the angel gets deeper into her addiction, to the point where she just sits there zoned out in the corner of the room all day, she has a terrifying moment (explicitly described as such by the human) where she appears to be about to leave this world. The human tries to accept and accommodate this for a short while, but it effects her terribly as well and she recognizes how harmful this is. Thus, she cuts off the source of "getting high" (the wings) cold turkey, causing them both immense suffering in the short term but results in them being far more healthy in the longterm (as shown by the former angel starting to put on weight).
There's definitely no other way to interpret this other than this way, I think :P Seriously though if you reread the whole doujinshi interpreting the angel as someone who's stoned, everything 100% fits. This is basically an episode of My Strange Addiction in doujinshi form.

last edited at Aug 30, 2024 8:53PM

joined Apr 8, 2024

No pls I have been rereading this every month since 2020 I I will don't believe it's the end.

joined Apr 8, 2024

No pls I have been rereading this every month since 2020 I I will don't believe it's the end.

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