This is the fifth KyouSaya doujin today. Thank /u so much!
Glad to see more stuff from this mangaka nowadays, Celtrance is pure win.
Is the prequel translated?
Also thanks for the uploads and the based anon.
last edited at Mar 16, 2015 6:59PM
This one is very HOT AND BOTHERING! MA INNOCENT EYES!!! >////<
I think this is the sequel to
Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work!
last edited at Mar 16, 2015 9:14PM
I think this is the sequel to Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work!
I have a feeling there's a book between those two. I don't know, more than a year between them is a little much. Whatever, if there's one I hope that it eventually pops up.
last edited at Mar 16, 2015 9:29PM
Oh, this doujinshi really beats me. So hot, so, somehow, credible and realistic, and so fuckin hilarious in the end. Direct to favs! :D
Two Celtrance releases within a month's time is a christmas miracle.
Celtrance is too top tier
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