Forum › My Captivating Treasure discussion

joined Feb 28, 2015


joined Sep 1, 2021

Excellent cover art. I'm getting more into Lanzhu. And nice to not have to rely completely on Kitaku for Nijigasaki NSFW.

But am I the only one tiring of this silly trope of the teenage female who "doesn't know about these things"?

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ It's a really tired trope tbh. And unsurprisingly, it's from an author that mostly does het shit.

joined Sep 1, 2021

^ It's a really tired trope tbh. And unsurprisingly, it's from an author that mostly does het shit.

I guess that would figure. It is hard to find decent het manga.

joined Jan 27, 2019

It makes a certain amount of sense for Lanzhu, actually — you could spin her as having a pretty sheltered upbringing (compare to Maki, who still believes in Santa), and she's definitely had exactly one real friend growing up, from whom she's often been separated. You can fairly easily construct a view of Lanzhu where her isolation has left her very innocent and ignorant.

That said, it is a bit exploitative to launch into sex with someone who didn't know about it previously. Informed consent, 'kay?

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