Forum › the good-natured devil is not-so-good discussion

joined Jan 27, 2019

Yes, please, we need even more of Shizuku's yuri fanfic about her clubmates.

(Really, the anime has been so good for her characterization. There were some good bits before, like her Audrey Hepburn fixation, but it was mostly unmixed "theater kid" stuff.)

But to the story itself — mmm. Something about the mutual neediness, and Emma's self-loathing for being selfish in her altruism.

joined Feb 7, 2018

not a bad deal really

joined Jul 29, 2017

gay shipper Shizuku is still the best thing to happen ever

joined Sep 1, 2021

Awww ... that was really starting to seem sweetly tragic. The comic relief at the end was perfect, though.

joined May 18, 2019

Wish starts playing in the background:

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