Forum › Website rewrite?

joined Apr 4, 2021

Don't know if this is the right place to put it but I was thinking I could help rewrite Dynasty Scans this summer for fun. I know it's a Rails app right now, but I think transitioning to a modern SPA JavaScript framework like Next.js (with React) or SvelteKit (with Svelte) could do a good amount of speed improvements. Also, the images could be resized to fit the screen of the device dynamically, so as to load the images faster. Also, perhaps Firebase Storage with App Check could be used to shield from DDoS attacks and (again) load images faster.

I'm not asking for any money or anything; the only stipulation is that I have at least some say in what tech gets used for the rewrite (after all, I don't know them all and admittedly some are nicer to develop in than others).

Just tossing out ideas. Thoughts? :)

joined Dec 24, 2014

Do not want. If the server side / backend is slow, it's still going to be slow when handling API requests from JavaScript (of which there probably will be more per page than just a single HTML request now), all that's going to happen is that the heavy mass of React will also make the front-end slow in addition to that.

My main phone is still fairly modern and it already struggles with the giant SPA that the new Dex has become (in contrast to Dynasty or AO3 still working very well even on the ancient iphone that I still use for funz)... I'm sure things like fancier zooming could still be done in JS without overdoing it.

joined Apr 22, 2021

The new Dex website is plenty of things, but a good representation of what a JS-first website it is not.

I don't have much to complain about on the current website, outside of intermittent 5xx errors, and a rather wonky resize toggle (which can be fixed with just css, or maybe a sprinkle of JS to keep the changes more contained), so a rewrite seems a bit excessive

last edited at Jun 15, 2022 1:55AM

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