Forum › Sisterly Love Quarrel discussion

joined May 28, 2012

I used to read this series at the same time when I was still interest in het harem manga.

I feel so old now.

joined Sep 10, 2014

Oshima Tomo, of NicoMaki fame (or infamy), used to use the name (or is actually named?) Mitsuki Nikaidou. She also used the pen name Narusawa Meguru.

Nikaidou Mitsuki's credited with being Oshima Towa's "partner" (相方... read into that what you will) and helping her a lot with her manga - not exactly an "assistant" in the regular sense because she seemed to do a lot more than an assistant would. You can definitely see the art style similarity, particularly if you look at Tomo's earlier solo releases, probably because she's had to draw like Towa for a long time!

Sweet Pea is Tomo's circle, and Cocoa Break is Towa's circle. They used to do some releases together, to the extent that they share an artist category on Tora no Ana, but nowadays they make a distinction between the two. Possibly because Tomo apparently likes to draw a tonne of lesbian porn and Towa doesn't seem to. XD

They live together! You can see the photos of their cats on their Twitter. Tomo's kitty, Potechi, is the cutest. And I've read some blog articles in Japanese where people HAVE confirmed that they are two different people, having seen them both in person together.

... I swear to god I didn't go and stalk them for a few hours one day... I mean... Why... Would ... I have done that...

Marvellous, thank you for the answer.
Don't worry, I wouldn't judge if you were a stalker because, I...sometimes...I's just so... tempting to know...

joined Mar 7, 2014

By the way, does anyone have the anime series? I wanna watch..

It is on crunchyroll

joined Jun 27, 2013

Can someone please exchange Yuri in Wonderland with the actual scanlator, YuriReviews.
Thanks :P

joined Apr 14, 2013

Sisterly love is so sweet
joined Aug 20, 2013

This was hilarious xDD !

joined Oct 20, 2014

Can someone please exchange Yuri in Wonderland with the actual scanlator, YuriReviews.
Thanks :P

y? o

joined Apr 12, 2014


joined Jul 21, 2013

This should be tagged with Official because the creator of the manga wrote it.

last edited at May 12, 2020 8:04PM

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