ForumNews Status Update!

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Oh boy, we seem never do this (or used to, anyway >_>).
Got several things in the chute for our surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly) slow process that is quality checking (thank an aussie and a dictator for that).
We'll try to not let this month slip by with just the petty crumbs that is Sasameki Koto.

As for the banner contest, we have not (completely) forgotten about it.
Still trying to decide a clear-cut winner, as ties keep happening after the votes are tallied up, which is always hard to solve without trying to gather more votes (which give us more ties, hooray).
If the voting process continues to be at a standstill, you may see a change in the poll (which is currently really old) asking YOU to help.
This may not happen (and hopefully doesn't have to), but it's an option we're considering.

And lastly, we need editors.
Unless you're fine with the pace that we're currently chugging at, more editors who are very willing to learn (and not run away after a short time period) will help increase our release speeds.
...Although, that applies to most groups out there, too.

In other news, I'm completely dominating the front page~

joined Oct 11, 2010

But you say dominating like it's a bad thing? O.o

Wish I could help, but I'm kinda useless =/ Um, I'll just cheer you guys on from the sidelines, yayayay! ^_^


joined Oct 9, 2010

When you say you need editors, what specifically would this group's editors need to do? In different groups, editors' job and skills vary so I just want to be clear if I ever were to apply.

joined Feb 19, 2011

Im not sure how editing works but im willing to learn. If it will help out i mean.

Dynasty Scans
joined Feb 14, 2011

I sent out my editor application to Casusby a few days ago, so hopefully i'm good enough to help :P

joined Feb 20, 2011

Well... i think i can help a little bit with 1 cap to week~
(because i have a scanlator here in brazil... i can't swer that i'll make more, because i have my projects here~~~)

if you want to see how my edition is... just go to and download any chapter~

to contact me, just send a mail to

Sore ja ;D

last edited at Feb 20, 2011 12:31AM

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

crono1036 wrote

When you say you need editors, what specifically would this group's editors need to do? In different groups, editors' job and skills vary so I just want to be clear if I ever were to apply.

For us, editors typically both clean and typeset the pages, it is very uncommon for one to only clean and another to only typeset (although this has happened before).
The editor can optionally proofread the text he/she typesets if his/her English is fluent enough, but they do not Quality Check their own work.

We're an IRC heavy group, but we can communicate through other means if needed.
Feel free to ask questions or for tips on the forums or the IRC.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 10, 2010


joined Feb 21, 2011

i would love to learn how to edit....i have way too much free time on my hands

joined Dec 30, 2010

i want to learn editing too.... i'm depressed thinking about the 5-month break i'll be having soon... =(

i thought of taking up a job, but i want something else to do too... =)

joined Oct 9, 2010

I'm willing to learn, I got to do something with the free time I've got when I'm waiting.

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