Forum › Curryuku discussion

joined Oct 28, 2015

This artist is amazing especially her Bubbline art. So beautiful.

joined Dec 27, 2015

Is Curryuku a male or a female... cuz on her(idk im calling Curry a female for now) deviantart it says "Male" but then I kinda stalked curry's twitter she's a female ._. I'm lost halp. idek why i care.

joined May 23, 2016

Make More Marceline x Princess Bubble gum PPPPPPLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZ

joined Oct 28, 2015

Is Curryuku a male or a female... cuz on her(idk im calling Curry a female for now) deviantart it says "Male" but then I kinda stalked curry's twitter she's a female ._. I'm lost halp. idek why i care.

Now you got me stalking her twitter haha. I think she's a female but it doesn't matter coz her art is so amazing that gender doesn't matter.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

in case someone is interested

they restarted the series on webtoons if anyone is wondering

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