This is what we all love
I never thought that the first to appear here would be these two
(g)old but I REALLY LOVE IT
Thanks guys
Hail the queen
gay.exe is not responding
Wait wait wait
This is what I have been waiting for years
This is too sweet. My poor teeth
That look. Yandere at the horizon
I love this
Everyone gangsta until Nozomi walks in
The boss
Bloom into Yuu V2.0
This is me with seafood
Guess I'm not ready yet for a relationship as I won't eat seafood that easily
We really need a doujin about this OT3
Holly cow! This art is really beautiful~
Let all the ship sail
You reap what you sow
Well well welll... We need more
Must always be polite. Just swearing in your head
RIP Rika
They seem like having lot of fun
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