To let horror movies ruin good yuri... How depressing.
A completely relatable reaction.
Riko gets ravaged by beasts...
y'shtola is best ff14 girl
Well thanks for the meal( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Oi, Mizusaki, you sure you need this reference material? It's not like we're making a romance anime" "Huh? Ah yes, material. This is veeery important for future reference..."
Shit, they're both hot
^They don't even have protection
"Just like Jello!"
Is the girl in the back okay?
How can you not have that kind of reaction to something as wholesome as this
Maybe because it's white I'm thinking that's a wedding gown and a suit
"It was an accident~"
How many tent puns can we make
Lion!Chika where's that hand going? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lol, that's a birthday cake. It's her B-Day.
Kyoko really just doesn't care that she was defiled
^ Or leather
I actually thought it was Pokemon for a second
Are they the same age? The girl on the right looks a little younger to me
Why are they both hot
Because of these comments I'm getting interested in this. Is it good?
If any of them runs towards the other they're gonna slip
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