Forum › I need urgent help...
lately I'm really frustrated with yuri in general, a lot of yuri one shots that feel like an incomplete story, or are not really that good, and when it's manga a lot of them most of the story is always the same drama, and they only get together in the last chapter, if they get together, and that when the translation is not dropped........ so can anyone suggest something like Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 or Poor Poor Lips? that show they relationship and all and don't just end when the best part coul start.... unfortunately I was not able to read yet, but Sasameki Koto, Aoi Hana and Girlfriends, do they show the relationship or they get together only in the end? also, no suggestions like Candy Boy, I know it's good and I have read it i the past and I don't really remember much, but does it even go out of subtext? is it really worth reading? because I'm really tired of subtext ending, but if someone can say for sure the ending is make it worth... I can´t help but feel that when some of these story end only in subtext in reality it's having one of those stupid ends where they don't really love each other romantically, or don't have courage to stay in they "forbbiden" relationship and are just playing around and after the manga some random faceless male will marry them.... Ocatave is other that is good but it's kind of frustrating because of all the drama and I don't remember the ending been very good.... anyway, the point is that my frustration is in a dangerous level lately and part of me is already wanting to give up on yuri in general and focus only on those giants series that have hundreds of chapters, most of them shounen unfortunately.... so I need suggestions of series, don't mather if is a serie of doujins as long it's not series like GP-KIDS, I have read GP-KIDS doujin before and some of them are more or less connected stories of Reimu x Sanae that have a sequence, but it always let me feeling that it's not over... that any moment will be more... I want doujins like Sweet Box from Isya tha really is a serie, if only all doujin where the same.... so I need help, I need to read things that make it feeling worth reading yuri.... a lot of the best series are old and I don't remember a most of them and don't have time to search, so anything that is really a serie, not those that only two or there chapters and also generally feel kind of incomplete... so please suggestions, the more the better, because after seen how many good yuri are dropped or don't have release for almost a year or more I'm amolst given up on yuri, i'm really frustrated and I don't know if I will have the will to continue reading because the serie I'm reading can be dropped at any moment, like Kanamemo... so someone help please.... T-T
sorry for the wall of text, but really, I falling in despair...
also, anyone recognizes my avatar? I know I have seen it before, but where...
Paragraphs are your friend, it's really hard to follow all of that ramble.
I think what you're looking for are yuri manga that is about an ongoing relationship that will continue, right? At least that's what the early parts are getting at. If that's true than Hanjuku Joshi is a good example, and I'd say Gokujo Drops is too since they are clearly in a committed relationship from the end of volume one onwards.
A lot of Morishima Akiko's stuff assumes an ongoing relationship, since she's into girls herself. A lot of them, like We're Aiming For Love Now takes place well after the relationship has begun and is just about affirming their love.
As to connected short stories, the whole Kisses, Sighs and Cherry-Blossom Pink series is great, and the two are committed to each other right from the start. So hopefully that fits your requirements although again, it's hard to tell.
Sorry for all that ramble, I'm not used to write in english, but the problem is that I never really had to write anything, even in school, so I end up not putting paragraphs and I also have the bad habit of write much more than necessary so it tend to turn in a confusing mess, so I'm really sorry for that wall of text.... But thanks for taking time to read it, I kno there will be a lot of people who will not readn and I can't complain because that is a relly ugly mess...
And so that you know, I'm so frustrated with yuri that even I don't know any more what I really want... =/
Thanks for reading it, I know it should had been really annoying...
Well, hopefully the ones I mentioned (assuming you haven't read them already) are a start for you.
As to being frustrated with yuri, I wonder if anyone else shares my own frustration at the "gender is important, it's this individual I'm in love with" idea that pops up so often? I've seen it in Nanoha and Lucky Star doujins, as well as a lot of one-shots. it's like these characters really aren't lesbian at all, or at the very least the author for some reason doesn't understand what lesbians are about and doesn't want the characters to actually be into girls as a preference.
I'd much rather see stuff like Morishima's work, where the girls actually do find girls attractive in the first place, and aren't just overlooking the physical.
Thanks flips, I Think except for some especific series like Sasameki Koto, Aoi Hana, Girlfriends and Poor Poor Lips ( that I didn't know had ended because never had more updates here on Dynasty ), I think that I read almost everything here, I don't remember exactly when, but I think I started reading yuri more or less in 2010, except for some really old releases, some that are really not good and are more just hentai, I think I basically read everything that is worth here... I asked for help because some of the best are old and I don't remember anymore their names and don't really have time to search to them....
About "gender is important, it's this individual I'm in love with", I feel the same, it's just japanese bullshit, because that's just stupid, I mean, almost all doujins and one-shots like that the character don't even question their own sexuality, they are like " I'm not really gay it's just happen the person I love is the same gender than me so the rest don't matter", it's as if they are not real lesbian and are just playing love, of course a relationship can really start like that but most doujins and one-shots jumps all psychological aspects and feels extremely forced, a lot of them give me the vibes that maybe after the story one of the girls will end the relationship saying to the other girl that she found "true love" in one random faceless male that she founjd somewhere and that they just thought they were love and were playing because girls can't fall in love with each other...
Other thing that is frustrating and also japanese bullshit that I really hate, the arranged marriage, I mean, a lot of than have the stupid drama "I love that girl but my family want me to marry random faceless male", I feel that the love is one sided sometimes, if the girl really loved the other she would just not accept the marriage, but like I said it's typical japanese bullshit. one example that left me really disappointed and really scared how the serie will end is Yuyushiki, Yuzuko and Yukari supposedly are in love with Yui, but according with Tv Tropes the series implies that Yukari have an arranged marriage and she's fine with that, they even put her dialogue in this trope, Yukari: The eldest son works to make the house rich and prosperous, while I strengthen our familial bonds.
It's a shame most people that read yuri don't know how to draw, because I bet a lot of people that read yuri here on Dynasty could make some really good mangas....
Yuyushiki is not yuri... Not romantic love...
Don't get your hopes up for mangas not Yuri
tagged to go that way.
You might be dissapointed, just like those who expected yuri from Love Lab, which also was not Yuri
EDIT: You asked about your avatar,
last edited at Jun 30, 2014 3:49PM
Thanks for the link, I knew I have seen that image here somewhere but didn't remember it ws Love Lab...
I bet Yuyushiki will have typical shit ending that is ambiguous with lots of subtext but in realty none of them really get together.... especially frustrating because aparently the anime have even more subtext, in one of the eye catch Yuzuko and Yukari almost kiss, but it's obivious fan service to get poor yuri fans to watch and have they hopes crushed with the end of the manga.... the same with Love Lab, I bet that if there will be any romance in there, will be one of the girls with the producer, just like Idol Master, especially infuriating because there is subtext Maki x Nico...
And talking about hope, dos it really have yuri in Yuru Yuri or it's just subtext to screw with us? I know there is the siscon... but the rest? I really wonder if the serie will have a yuri ending... and I also wonder with one day someone will translate the rest of Yuri Yuri..
Wait, your are kinda confusing me...
Yuyushiki is NOT yuri, it's jokes and teasing to get a retort from Yui. Also its a 4-koma manga, it's not going to have any kind of development whatsoever.
Love Lab was an example of non-yuri that yuri fans made themselves believe was gonna be yuri.
What I linked was a Love Live doujin, I don't know the series, never watched it.
Yuru Yuri... If the comedy appeals to you, go ahead. If you want yuri... No, not worth it. (Yuri is sort of a gimmick in there.)
last edited at Jun 30, 2014 4:16PM
Sorry about that, I'm suck at writing, it always ends a little confusing and messy.... and I wrote the wrong name, I was talking about Love Live, but I put Lab...........
And what you people think, Symphogear season 3 will finally have real yuri or will they screw with us again and only have subtext?
last edited at Jun 30, 2014 4:36PM