Forum › Hey I want a translator for Qualia the purple vol. 3

joined Jun 2, 2014

hi i have the all vol. of qualia the purple. I have a fansub in spanish too but i dont have someone who speak's japanese, this manga i so perfect and only have 18 ch. but no one made the ch. 14. i have the ch. 15, 16, 17 and 18 in raw if anyone wants it. i'll be so happy if someone made the ch. 14 and the others ch. pls u.u

joined May 8, 2013

You could start by contacting the group that was translating the earlier volumes and see if they are still working on it (politely of course!).

If they are not, you can post on Yuri Project and see if anyone wants to pick it up there.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

You could start by contacting the group that was translating the earlier volumes and see if they are still working on it (politely of course!).

They are also looking for a translator. Taken from their blog:

"As for Qualia, here things do get a bit more complicated. I can’t translate, and unlike Adachi stuff, Qualia’s text is on a whole different level. It’s not just anyone that can grab a series like that and deliver a quality translation, and seeing as both of our translators for the series are pretty much not doing anywork for an indefinite amount of time, I just can’t tell what’s going to happen to it. It’s not “dropped”, but I’m not going to lie — think of it as being stalled, at the very least. Seeing as releasing a low quality translation isn’t an option for us, unless someone qualified shows up and is willing to finish the series, I can’t comment on when/whether more Qualia will happen."

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