Forum › Kaguya the Princess discussion

joined Sep 24, 2013

Wonder how many times I've re-read this... It's a wonderful doujin, one of my favourites even though I'm not even that into EiTeru. The sense of Eirin's devotion to Kaguya is depicted really well, and the art's great too.

Actually, I watched the Ghibli film based on Kaguya's legend recently, and I couldn't stop thinking about this doujin - I liked it way better than the film... (-_-;;)

joined Nov 18, 2017

This was a good read, but minor comment. The Hourai Elixir is fearsome because it can evoke immortality, which eventually results in eternal suffering, but Kaguya can manipulate eternity, so if she wants, can't she just reverse the effects of the Hourai Elixir?

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