Forum › Fantasy Melt discussion

joined Apr 10, 2013

Quite confusing but still worth it..

joined Jul 10, 2012


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The continuity of this story is really interesting. Renko, who essentially has no power but perception and sheer willpower, facing off against a being she knows is far superior to her. She can't win, but she does anyway, and is determined to keep challenging her and what she represents. And Mary, who could easily be absorbed back into Yukari's being, still has an existence, tenuous as it may be, outside of her influence. There's a really cool dynamic here, even aside from the flirty, subtexty relationship between Mary and Renko.

joined Sep 7, 2017

Renko is fill with DETERMINATION!

joined May 25, 2021

The connections are astounding

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